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Beiträge, die mit HumanRights getaggt sind


Beiträge, die mit HumanRights getaggt sind

i just want to tell the world that the indonesian police are one of the institutions that violate human rights by blocking and not allowing ambulances to pass the road they are guarding because of civil society demonstrations about the revision of the indonesian national army law.

#indonesia #police #acab #darkindonesia #humanrights #humanrightsviolation

This Is the Land of Wolves Now

Masked agents snatching people off the street. Govt ofcls using caged prisoners for propaganda videos. We are the villains.

“They have clearly been posed by the jailers, forced to hold position so that they can be useful props for the American woman so that she can manufacture #propaganda for her regime.

“We have seen this kind of thing before. Just not from America.”

#Trump #law #immigration #AlienEnemiesAct #DueProcess #HumanRights

New Privacy Guides article ❤️‍🩹🔒
by me:

Privacy isn't a trivial matter,

Privacy means safety.

Even if all reasons are valid to protect someone's data, for millions of people around the world, data privacy is critical to ensure physical safety.

Be prepared however, this comes with a content warning: This article contains mention of sexual assault, violence, and death.


#PrivacyGuides #Privacy #HumanRights

US ‘deletes #evidence’ of #Russia’s kidnap of thousands of Ukrainian #children

source: independent.co.uk/news/world/e…

The #Trump #administration cut funding to #Yale #University’s Humanitarian #Research Lab, which was compiling a #database of alleged Russian #war #crimes, including the #abduction of an estimated 35,000 children from occupied areas of #Ukraine, last month.

#politics #warcrime #war #terror #fail #problem #humanrights #usa #news

Auch in Freiburg war heute was los am #TagGegenBezahlkarte !
Danke an alle, die sich am Protest vor dem Landratsamt Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald beteiligt haben, das seit dem 1. März 2025 die ausgrenzende #Schikanekarte durchsetzt.
Doch der Widerstand wächst: Am 28. März starten die Anlaufstelle für den Gutscheintausch und am 4. April die Anlaufstelle Rechtsberatung zur #Bezahlkarte in #Freiburg 🥳

#NeinZuBezahlkarte2103 #Asylrecht #SocialJustice #HumanRights #TagGegenRassismus #Solidarity

Herzlichen Glückwunsch! 🎉 Denn wenn du das hier lesen kannst, hast du sehr vieles richtig gemacht. Das unabhängige #Fediverse geht aber noch weit über Mastodon hinaus. In unserem kurz&mündig Band 16 erfährst du mehr über das dezentrale Social-Media-Universum :fediverse:

Band 16 der Reihe kurz&mündig
Autor.innen: Leena Simon 🔗 muendigkeit.digital und Christian Pietsch
A6, 28 Seiten, ISBN 978-3-934636-45-3
5 Euro, shop.digitalcourage.de

#digitalcourage #kurzundmündig #kum #wissenfürdiehosentasche #digitalmündig #datenschutz #freiheit #freedom #humanrights #privacy #security #grundrecht

The U.S. government is taking people off the street and sending them to the place in the bottom picture without charges filed, no arraignments, no due process and without notifying anyone of the people’s whereabouts.

El Salvador intends to never release anyone from CECOT.

#HumanRights #USpol

Dia do Pai 2025 Em Gaza é dia de carnificina: quantos pais massacrados à vista dos filhos? Quantas crianças órfãs? Quantas crianças chacinadas à vista dos pais? Quantas estropiados física e mentalmente? #fathersday #Gaza #humanrights #terroriststate #waronfamilies #waronchildren #ethniccleansing #westernsponsorship

wow. #Trump #musk #vance are out of Control & ignor all #laws #justice #humanity #humanrights - if employers are to expensive then the one who is not elected but work for the #doge like #elonmusk should be fired because he is getting to many dollars everyday! #makejusticegreatagain #usa

The rule-based world order is based on rules that are not defined anywhere and that the strongest can determine according to their own interests.

enter image description here

#wisdom #quote #law #democracy #oligarchy #capitalism #constitution #politics #system #ethics #power #society #humanity #humanrights

#Trump to invoke #wartime #Alien #Enemies Act of 1798 to carry out #deportations to #Guantanamo

source: cbsnews.com/news/trump-alien-e…

Those subject to the Alien Enemies Act would not be allowed to have a court hearing or an #asylum interview since they would be processed under an emergency, wartime authority — not immigration law. Instead, they would be eligible to be detained and deported, with little to no due process, under Title 50, the section of the U.S. code housing America's war and defense #laws.

#law #usa #migration #court #deportation #border #humanrights #news #politics #enemy #war

📣 Bundesweiter Aktionstag gegen die #Schikanekarte
📅 21. März 2025

:BoostOK: Verbreite den Aufruf und nimm Teil an der Aktion! Zeig allen, was du von Diskriminierung und rassistischer Symbolpolitik hältst!


Du willst darüber hinaus aktiv werden?
Schließ dich lokalen Initiativen und unserem Netzwerk an! :solidarity:

#TagGegenBezahlkarte #neinzurbezahlkarte2103 #AbolishBezahlkarte #migration #SocialJustice #Asyl #Asylrecht #humanrights #Rassismus #TagGegenRassismus

📣 Bundesweiter Aktionstag gegen die #schikanekarte
📅 21. März 2025

Mach mit!
Verbreite den Aufruf und nimm Teil an der Aktion! Zeig allen, was du von rassistischer Symbolpolitik und der Beschneidung von Selbstbestimmung und Menschwürde hältst!


Du willst darüber hinaus aktiv werden?
Vernetz dich mit lokalen Initiativen und schließ dich dem bundesweiten Netzwerk @GleicheSozialeRechtefuerAlle an! :solidarity:

#TagGegenBezahlkarte #NeinZurBezahlkarte #FluchtistkeinVerbrechen #Asylrecht #Asyl #Migration #socialJustice #Rassismus #Antira #Antirassismus #Inklusion #sozialeRechte #Menschenrechte #HumanRights #StopIsolation #AbolishLagers #AbolishBezahlkarte #RightToStay

Be careful when entering the US as a #tourist 😱

1) Our daughter Becky, a 28-year-old #British tourist, has been caught up in the recent #immigration crackdown in the US. bsky.app/profile/jenniferlcrof…
2) Immigration agents arrest Palestinian activist who helped lead Columbia University protests: apnews.com/article/columbia-un…
3) ‘Like a horror movie’: German tourist detained by #ICE says she spent week in solitary confinement: 10news.com/like-a-horror-movie…

#politics #border #usa #problem #travel #migration #fail #security #news #horror #Despotism #humanrights

As #Israel uses US-made #AI models in #war, concerns arise about tech’s role in who lives and who dies

Source: apnews.com/article/israel-pale…

The investigation also revealed new details of how AI systems select targets and ways they can go wrong, including faulty data or flawed #algorithms. It was based on internal documents, data and exclusive interviews with current and former Israeli officials and company employees.

#cyberwar #technology #death #humanity #Military #Research #Problem #news #ethics #humanrights #economy #collateraldamage #algorithm #Software

Donald #Trump Threatens to Sue People Using #Anonymous Sources

Source: newsweek.com/donald-trump-thre…

President Donald Trump on Truth Social: "As a #President who is being given credit for having the Best Opening Month of any President in #history, quite naturally, here come the Fake books and stories with the so-called 'anonymous,' or 'off the record,' quotes. At some point I am going to sue some of these dishonest authors and book publishers, or even media in general, to find out whether or not these "anonymous sources" even exist, which they largely do not."

**Write about me what I like or don't write about me! <- that's free speech Trump style... ** 😐

#news #freedom #freespeech #usa #WhiteHouse #government #media #justice #humanrights #Press #journalism

#MI5 lied to courts to protect violent neo-Nazi #spy

source: bbc.com/news/articles/cew5rwpw…

MI5 lied to three courts while defending its handling of a misogynistic neo-Nazi state agent who attacked his girlfriend with a machete ... 😱

Just a reminder that the Brits are the guys who want access to the #iCloud and break #encryption to supposedly protect us and in the end the #SecretService use their power to monitor their girlfriend.

#lie #uk #court #justice #intelligence #noNazi #fail #problem #ethics #humanrights #news #surveillance #security #Orwell #bigBrother

Stricter #abortion laws may cause increased #infant #deaths − 2 maternal and #child #health researchers explain the data

Source: theconversation.com/stricter-a…

Those findings followed another #study that reported a 12.7% rise in infant mortality in #Texas after the implementation of Senate Bill 8, which bans #abortions after a fetal heartbeat is detected. Except for medical emergencies, the law effectively makes abortions illegal in the state after about five to six weeks’ gestation.

#humanrights #law #usa #ethics #Religion #justice #Problem #kids #news

#Kennedy’s Lawyer Has Asked the F.D.A. to Revoke Approval of the #Polio #Vaccine

source: nytimes.com/2024/12/13/health/…

Does anyone remember the #movie #Idiocracy? themoviedb.org/movie/7512-idio…

In the movie, a #society is on the verge of collapse because it has regressed mentally and can no longer understand #technology, not to mention use it sensibly. Parallels to current #world events are recognizable. They want to protect unborn children but apparently not the born ones.

#health #usa #science #fda #children #kids #fail #problem #humanrights #politics #law #justice #government #future #security #ethics

Report: Majority of US teens have lost trust in Big Tech

source: techcrunch.com/2025/01/29/repo…

Common Sense says that 64% of surveyed U.S. teens don’t trust Big Tech companies to care about their mental #health and well-being and 62% don’t think the companies will protect their safety if it hurts profits.

#BigTech #Technology #USA #Teenager #survey #trust #profit #capitalism #economy #job #work #freedom #society #politics #news #future #ethics #humanrights

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