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Beiträge, die mit ICE getaggt sind


Beiträge, die mit ICE getaggt sind

After placing another Greencard holder in awful conditions, ICE put him in the hospital (I guess it’s good they didn’t just kill him). Unless they’re stopped, only a matter of time until they do this to everyone.

“…stripped naked, put in a cold shower by 2 officials…placed on a mat in a bright room w/other people at the airport, w/little food or water, suffered sleep deprivation, & was denied access to his medication for anxiety & depression.”


🧵 1/2

#USpol #ice

#Mahmoud #ICE #ColumbiaUniversity #Palestine

Orlando: Protesters at Federal building housing immigration court demand unconditional release of Khalil Mamhoud.

On the 11th of March, protesters in front of Orlando's Federal building demanded that Trump release Khalil Mamhoud and cancel plans to round up and deport pro-Palestine students. Protesters warned "You are not safe if Mahmoud isn't safe."

Look, seriously, do not visit the US. They’re going full fascist.

The EU should be releasing travel warnings at this point.


#USA #US #America #travelWarning #ICE #fascism #travel

Watch our Government do NOTHING to help this British citizen disappeared by an fascist and unfriendly regime.

If you have a holiday booked for Gilead this year, cancel it now. Don't be stupid, don't be trusting.

#BeckyBurke #USPOL #UKPolitics #UKPol #Fascism #Coup #ICE

Be careful when entering the US as a #tourist 😱

1) Our daughter Becky, a 28-year-old #British tourist, has been caught up in the recent #immigration crackdown in the US. bsky.app/profile/jenniferlcrof…
2) Immigration agents arrest Palestinian activist who helped lead Columbia University protests: apnews.com/article/columbia-un…
3) ‘Like a horror movie’: German tourist detained by #ICE says she spent week in solitary confinement: 10news.com/like-a-horror-movie…

#politics #border #usa #problem #travel #migration #fail #security #news #horror #Despotism #humanrights

A year ago this week I was with a team conducting research in the Scărişoara Ice Cave, #romania. This spectacular place contains #ice dating back more than 10,000 years! This unique archive holds valuable information about past #climate variability in this region. Some of the interesting work that has been done in this cave is reported here: nature.com/articles/s41598-017… Photo by M. Blatnik. #caves #caving #geology #earthscience #environment

En las cercanías de Bocairent, Valencia, España, hay varios neveros o cavas excavados en la roca, donde se almacenaba la nieve del invierno para usarla el resto del año. 📷Enrique Íñiguez Rodríguez #hielo #ice #valencia #españa #spain

I am still fondly reflecting on the wonderful family gathering I was at last week in the Rocky #Mountains, #Colorado. One of the highlights was giving this six year old his first lesson in #snowshoeing. He was very excited to be on this adventure! Amazing how well he did, especially using adult-sized snowshoes. Next stop-- White Mountains, New Hampshire!! #FootpathFriday #snow #ice #hiking #backpacking #nature #NaturePhotography #landscape #photography #LandscapePhotography #GetOutside

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