Items tagged with: AI
🇬🇧#Stargate: ‘#AI first’ at any price and without guardrails is not compatible with our values and does more harm than good in the long run. Done wrong, AI is unreliable, discriminatory and can result in a high-tech surveillance state. We see some of the rubbish coming out of China, but also how AI is abused there to suppress critics. That's why Europe is focussing on high quality and the best, not the fastest and biggest AI solutions.
The US now unleashing the technology without regulation will likely bring unreliable and discriminatory AI to Europe, too. If, for example, personal health data is to be exploited for commercial purposes, this can make health insurance expensive for some, or we can be manipulated with targeted advertising because of our health problems.
#OpenAI's #ChatGPT #crawler can be tricked into #DDoSing sites, answering your queries
#security #ai #technology #bot #cybersecurity #firewall #internet #software #fail #news #ddos #web #www
OpenAI's ChatGPT crawler can be tricked into DDoSing sites, answering your queries
The S in LLM stands for SecurityThomas Claburn (The Register)…
5 razones por las que Gemini Advanced supera a ChatGPT Plus
Elegir entre las herramientas disponibles puede ser una tarea desafiante, especialmente cuando las opciones son tan potentes como Gemini Advanced de Google y ChatGPT Plus de OpenAI.Juan Diego Polo (WWWhat's new)
Double-posting here, since, at least for the moment, my main account at seems to have some issues federating with non-Mastodon instances.
If you’ve been on the internet in the past year and a half to two years, you’re probably very familiar with company’s like OpenAI, where Sam Altman argues that his bots must steal in order for his company to be profitable. And, you’re probably also very aware of the endless two-braincell-tech-dudes who post and write about how awesome it is to plagiarize and steal the work of artists to generate some quick, sloppy garbage for short-term gains. Well, if you’re like me, this pisses you the frick off, and in today’s post I’m going to help you completely block their grungy asses from accessing your website.…
#ai #fuckai #blockai #destroyai #fartonai #punchai #jail-sam-altman
Do you have any experiences with AI creating issues on your repo? Someone opened an issue for Lightbeam and I'm unsure whether it was generated by an AI:…. On one hand the "someone" knows details about the extension like the " 'Websites visited' value" but on the other hand nobody would use the term "Mozilla Firefox web browser" all the time. Maybe in the first sentence but then you would use only "Firefox". And there are other indications for an AI...
#Git #Codeberg #Github #Gitlab #AI
Lightbeam do not work at all when Mozilla Firefox is sandboxed with Sandboxie Classic software
**Lightbeam** unfortunately do not work at all when **Mozilla Firefox** web browser is sandboxed with **Sandboxie Classic**
Si no podéis contratar a un ilustrador, hay miles de imágenes de dominio público y libres de derechos que podéis usar, mucho más bonitas que esas imágenes impersonales vomitadas por la IA, y sin vulnerar el © de nadie:
#arte #AI #dominiopúblico #publicdomain
Home | Old Book Illustrations
Old Book Illustrations offers a wide range of public domain, royalty-free restored images scanned from old books. Searchable galleries include animals, plants, etc.Old Book Illustrations
Good bye humanity.
Social media is now AI media.
"Instagram has begun testing a feature in which Meta’s AI will automatically generate images of users in various situations and put them into that user’s feed."
I'm switching full time to @pixelfed
#Instagram #AI #Meta #SocialMedia…
Instagram Begins Randomly Showing Users AI-Generated Images of Themselves
Meta AI put a Redditor into "an endless maze of mirrors" as part of a new AI feature it is testing.Jason Koebler (404 Media)
@Friendica Support
#fediAdmin #fediVerse #AI #KI
Text for robots.txt to disallow access for known AI crawlers:
User-Agent: GPTBot
User-Agent: ClaudeBot
User-Agent: Claude-Web
User-Agent: CCBot
User-Agent: Applebot-Extended
User-Agent: Facebookbot
User-Agent: Meta-ExternalAgent
User-Agent: diffbot
User-Agent: PerplexityBot
User-Agent: Omgili
User-Agent: Omgilibot
User-Agent: ImagesiftBot
User-Agent: Bytespider
User-Agent: Amazonbot
User-Agent: Youbot
Disallow: /
AI / LLM User-Agents: Blocking Guide
Find out how to block your content from being used for AI/LLM training with robots.txt. Created by ex-Google engineer
"As predatory #AI infrastructure descends on the world, these acts of creative resistance carve paths through contested digital territory. Alongside the crucial work of building open-source alternatives and artist-led initiatives, they remind us of something simple: in the face of seemingly unstoppable technological forces, strategic disruption still holds power. Till we gain control again."…
If you use the hashtag with AI
It has posted over 1000 times in 5 days?
Has 10 followers
and follows no one
#AI should not boost no I blocked it
#18Dicembre: Giornata internazionale del #migrante. Da #Glocalism “#NewTechnologies, #Migration and the Future of #Work”, uno studio sul legame tra nuove #tecnologie e #migrazione. #AI e #ChatGPT stanno modificando il mondo del #lavoro e con esso il ruolo della migrazione ⬇️…
"Die schönsten Geschenke sind diejenigen, die du selbst schenkst - wie Liebe, Geduld und Mitgefühl."
Sogar die #klimakatastrophe wird frühestens fünf Jahre danach erst richtig böse.
#Lauterbach zu Gesundheitsdaten: Google, Meta, und OpenAI melden Interesse an
Da fragt man sich in der Tat ob das ein schlechter Witz sein soll. Braucht es noch weitere Gründe um der elektronischen Patientenakte zu widersprechen? #ePA
„Lauterbach sieht in der Patientenakte einen Datenschatz für KI-Innovationen. Tech-Giganten zeigen Interesse, um die Gesundheitsversorgung zu verbessern.“…
#Lauterbach #Gesundheit #Meta #überwachung #Google #Ki #AI #Künstlicheintelligenz #Technology #Datenschutz #Daten #Privacy