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Beiträge, die mit Technology getaggt sind

#Lauterbach zu Gesundheitsdaten: Google, Meta, und OpenAI melden Interesse an

Da fragt man sich in der Tat ob das ein schlechter Witz sein soll. Braucht es noch weitere Gründe um der elektronischen Patientenakte zu widersprechen? #ePA

„Lauterbach sieht in der Patientenakte einen Datenschatz für KI-Innovationen. Tech-Giganten zeigen Interesse, um die Gesundheitsversorgung zu verbessern.“


#Lauterbach #Gesundheit #Meta #überwachung #Google #Ki #AI #Künstlicheintelligenz #Technology #Datenschutz #Daten #Privacy

Soy ema un gusto👋
He creado esta cuenta para poder expresarme tranquilamente , además no me siento listo para salir del closet aun.
Soy bi
Mis intereses son #tecnologia #anime #videojuegos y sobre #redesfederadas​

I'm ema a pleasure👋
I created this account to be able to express myself quietly , also I don't feel ready to come out of the closet yet.
I'm bi
My interests are #technology #anime #video games #video games and about #federatednetworks

Hallo .
ich bin ema ein Vergnügen👋.
Ich habe diesen Account erstellt, um mich in Ruhe ausdrücken zu können, außerdem fühle ich mich noch nicht bereit, aus dem Kleiderschrank zu kommen.
Ich bin bi
Meine Interessen sind #Technologie #Anime #Videospiele #Videospiele und über #federatenetworks

Let's Encrypt is 10 years old today!
Let's Encrypt is a free, automated, and open certificate authority brought to you by the nonprofit Internet Security Research Group (ISRG). Huge thanks to everyone involved in making HTTPS available to everyone for free


#tech #technology #security #privacy #encryption #https #letsencrypt #ISRG

📢 Big News!

Today, we’re announcing that Flipboard is beginning to federate our publisher partner accounts in Brazil and expanding federation in Canada, Germany and the U.K.

Now, people in the fediverse can follow 150 newly federated publisher accounts and 2,000 topically curated Magazines about everything from politics and world news to sports and travel.

Read more in our announcement here:


For a full list of federated accounts to follow, visit the Flipboard directory:


Follow our Mastodon accounts in Brazil and Germany to discover Flipboard accounts to follow and keep up with the day's news:



And as always, tell us in the comments what you think!

#Flipboard #Federation #Fediverse #Germany #Deutschland #Brazil #Canada #Brasil #UnitedKingom #Media #Journalism #News #Technology #Lifestyle #Sports

CSRC Bulletin #1 - Counter-surveillance resource center

International Coordination Against Targeted Surveillance

"We are anarchists. We believe in an international coordination of informal anarchist groups to pursue the fight against all forms of domination. We believe that sharing knowledge about our enemies’ capabilities and tactics should be an important part of that coordination."

PDF: csrc.link/download/csrc-bullet…


#Surveillance #Selfdefence #socialwar #socialcontroll #technology #antireport

Good news! Our universe just got bigger — now you can follow and interact with profiles from @Mastodon, @threads and other federated social services on Flipboard.

Download the Flipboard app to follow @georgetakei, @taylorlorenz, @potus and more. See posts from the fediverse alongside content from your favorite publishers.

Read more about how it all works: about.flipboard.com/fediverse/…

And as always, we welcome questions and feedback!

#Fediverse #Mastodon #Flipboard #SocialMedia #Tech #Technology #Threads

The BBC extends its Mastodon experiment for another six months: "We are also planning to start some technical work into investigating ways to publish BBC content more widely using ActivityPub." #Technology bbc.co.uk/rd/blog/2024-02-exte…

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