Beiträge, die mit surveillance getaggt sind
The Guide to Peer-to-Peer, Encryption, and Tor: New Communication Infrastructure for Anarchists
"An exhaustive anarchist overview and guide to various apps and tech that utilize peer-to-peer and encryption.
This is a discussion about digital tools for communicating securely and privately. To begin, it must be stressed that a face-to-face meeting, out of sight of cameras and out of earshot from other people and devices, is the most secure way to communicate. Anarchists were going for walks to chat long before encrypted texting existed, and they should still do so now, whenever possible."
Download and Print PDF Version from @igd_news
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#Surveillance #Metadata #Datasecurity #Datenschutz #activism #antireport #support
Weaponised Hate - The Hungarian State
"The fascist government in Hungary has been ruling with two thirds majority in parliament since 2010, and with emergency powers since the COVID-19 pandemic began. They have full legal power to do anything they want to without cooperating with the arguably non-existent opposition, and have taken full advantage of this for their own ends. They have been using anti-queer rhetoric for years now, and there were multiple legal steps that led to the current situation, I will try to outline the main steps here, but there were many more."…
Maja is still in solitary confinement there! #FreeMaja
#Hungary #Orban #Fascism #EU #Europe #LGBTQ #Surveillance #Antifa #Repression #TransRightsAreHumanRights #Trans
"Every Tesla is a surveillance device. This is worth knowing regardless of whether you engage in protest activity.
This chart shows the locations and ranges of the cameras, presuming they have an unobstructed view.
Fashion tips for preserving your privacy around Teslas:"
#Tesla #Musk #Sabotage #Fashion #Surveillance #Protest #Technology #Tech
Fashion Tips for the Brave
Nowadays, entirely apart from the question of whether you’re engaging in illegal activity, it can be important to protect your privacy while participating in public protests. Local and federal law ...CrimethInc.
From 2019 to at least mid-2022, Tesla employees used an internal messaging system to share "sometimes highly invasive videos and images recorded by customers' car cameras," according to a lengthy Reuters report based on interviews with nine former Tesla employees.
Although Tesla says its in-car cameras are "designed from the ground up to protect your privacy," today's Reuters report described employees as having easy access to the cameras' output and sharing that freely with other employees….…
#Tesla #Surveillance #Technology #data #Privacy
Tesla workers shared images from car cameras, including “scenes of intimacy”
Ex-staffers tell Reuters about internal image sharing: “We could see their kids.”…Jon Brodkin (Ars Technica)
If You’ve Got a New Car, It’s a Data Privacy Nightmare
Bad news: your car is a spy. Every major car brand's new internet-connected models flunked privacy and security tests conducted by Mozilla.Thomas Germain (Gizmodo)
Nach Abzug aus Afghanistan - Daten können Ortskräfte gefährden
Sie sind eine größere Gefahr als bislang bekannt: Biometrische Daten, die US-Militär und Bundeswehr in Afghanistan erhoben haben. Wie leicht auch die Taliban Zugang zu ihnen erhalten können, zeigt der Fund eines deutschen IT-Experten.Rebecca Ciesielski und Maximilian Zierer, BR (
Never bought that shit. It was suspicious right from the start.
#Amazon #Amazon #SurveillanceCapitalism #Surveillance #ActiveListening #Technology #Tech #AI #KI #KünstlicheIntelligenz #Alexa #AmazonEcho #Privacy #Datenschutz
Selbst Wohnzimmer-Aufnahmen sind nicht vor Polizei sicher
"Ein Mann aus dem US-Bundeststaat Ohio sollte der Polizei Aufnahmen aus seinem Wohnzimmer vorlegen, obwohl nur gegen seinen Nachbarn ermittelt wurde. Als er sich weigerte, legte die Behörde einen richterlichen Beschluss bei #Amazon Ring vor. Das Unternehmen gab alle verfügbaren Aufnahmen an die #Polizei heraus."…
Vernetzte Dashcam:
#Amazon bringt #Überwachungstechnik Ring auf die Straße…
via @netzpolitik_feed
#netzpolitik #Überwachung #videosurveillance #Surveillance #sozialeKontrolle #antireport #Überwachungskapitalismus
Amazon Ring: Selbst Wohnzimmer-Aufnahmen sind nicht vor Polizei sicher
Ein Mann aus dem US-Bundeststaat Ohio sollte der Polizei Aufnahmen aus seinem Wohnzimmer vorlegen, obwohl nur gegen seinen Nachbarn ermittelt wurde. Als er sich weigerte, legte die Behörde einen richterlichen Beschluss bei Amazon Ring
Everything you say to your Echo will be sent to Amazon starting on March 28
Amazon is killing a privacy feature to bolster Alexa+, the new subscription assistant.Scharon Harding (Ars Technica)
The use of surveillance against migrants at the EU's borders - FNF 2022 Keynote by Jane Kilpatrick
The Freedom not Fear event in Brussels, 2-5 September 2022, was openend with this keynote speech by Jane Kilpatrick: The use of surveillance against migrants at the EU's borders.
This video was produced by Open Protest Network in collaboration with FNF/Digitalcourage.
Open Protest Network CC by 4.0
openprotestnetwork | Twitter, Instagram, TikTok | Linktree
A grassroots media network made for and by protestors and activistsLinktree
How secure is our data? 🤔
#privacy #security #CyberSecurity #CyberWarfare #hacker #surveillance #spy #Trojans #CyberCrime #online #Internet #encryption #communication #question #software #politics
Gestern beim Einsteigen in Atlanta musste ich keinen Ausweis und keinen Boardingpass zeigen. Der Herr am Gate bat mich lediglich kurz herzuschauen und wusste, wer ich bin. Als ich fragte, woher er das weiß, meinte er: Gesichtserkennung.
Ist das normal? Ich fliege ja nicht so oft. Und woher hatte er meine Daten? Werden die direkt vom Ausweis-Scannen bei der Einreise an die Airline übertragen? Und muss man mich da nicht wenigstens um Zustimmung bitten?
#Clearview #AI used nearly 1m times by US police
"Facial recognition firm Clearview has run nearly a million searches for US police, its founder has told the BBC.
Clearview's system allows a law enforcement customer to upload a photo of a face and find matches in a database of billions of images it has collected.
It then provides links to where matching images appear online. It is considered one of the most powerful and accurate facial recognition companies in the world."…
#Surveillance #faceID #Überwachung #police #netzpolitik #antireport #reclaimyourface
Clearview AI used nearly 1m times by US police, it tells the BBC
Clearview AI has been used by the police nearly a million times in the US, it tells the BBC.By James Clayton & Ben Derico (BBC News)
Rifles, Tasers and Jails:
How Cities and States Spent Billions of COVID-19 Relief
"President Biden’s signature American Rescue Plan Act gave local governments $350 billion to recover from COVID-19. They spent much of it on police, prisons and the courts.
After signing the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) last spring, President Joe Biden touted what the economic stimulus bill would deliver: food assistance to millions of people in need, lower #healthcare premiums for millions of Americans, and $350 billion for state and local governments to spend on COVID-19 recovery. Economists say it was the largest infusion of federal funding in local governments in almost 40 years.
A year later, ARPA became one of President Biden’s talking points to demonstrate #Democrats are not out to defund the police."…
#police #surveillance #Biden #USA #COVID19 #antireport #abolishprisons #AbolishThePolice
More than 300 cameras damaged or stolen in four months #London
Over four months, the Met received 339 reports of camera cables being damaged, or cameras being stolen or obscured.
The actual number of cameras affected is likely to be even higher as one report can represent multiple cameras.
Unofficial data mapping the location of disabled cameras suggests that almost 500 cameras could have been affected."…
#Surveillance #UK #videoSurveillance #Sabotage #DirectAction
Ulez: More than 300 cameras damaged or stolen in four months
Unofficial data mapping the damage to cameras suggests almost 500 have been vandalised or stolen.By Yasmin Rufo (BBC News)
Why Big Tech, Cops, and Spies Were Made for One Another
"The American surveillance state is a public-private partnership."…
#BigTech #Cops #Spyware #Surveillance #Capitalism #Antireport #Police #USA
Why Big Tech, Cops, and Spies Were Made for One Another
The American surveillance state is a public-private partnership, writes Cory Doctorow.Cory Doctorow (The Intercept)
Don't let Google & co. take over our lives and spaces!
Fuck off #Google!
"Google steals and exploits our #data for profit and turned this behaviour into a norm. It also colonizes our physical spaces. Google canceled its plan for a ‘Google Campus’ in Kreuzberg, Berlin under pressure by the neighborhood; yet it continues its expansion worldwide.
As a decentralized network of people, we want to keep our lives and spaces free from this law- and tax-evading company and its peers, and oppose the dystopian future they offer.
More on our wiki....."…
#Surveillance #capitalism #Antirepor #Data #Privacy
Search results without being spyed on. no 'filter bubble'.
searx - a privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch
Good Night, Tech-Right: Pull the Plug on AI Fascism
On January 20th, at a ceremony attended by both far-Right and neo-fascist leaders from around the globe and some of the richest tech billionaires in the world, including the heads of Apple, Google,...It's Going Down