Beiträge, die mit society getaggt sind
Mirror, mirror on the wall - who is the worst #actress of them all? And if they haven't died, they're still rebooting today ...
On the one hand I'm always happy when the right-wingers are busy with something unimportant, on the other hand it's a children's movie (is there anything less important to get mad about in the current crisis situation).
Ultimately, this all is too woke mob will ensure that we get even more franchises and that #Hollywood risks even less with new ideas. This will give us an even more unpalatable mishmash and less entertainment. So let the kids have their movies and tone down your racism ...
#entertainment #movie #snowwhite #woke #criticism #disney #cinema #shitstorm #internet #society #news #racism #problem #reboot
[en below]
Das #Video meines #Winterkongress Vortrags bei der @digiges is online
#Danke an alle, die den #Kongress & die Aufzeichnung ermöglicht haben!
#Vortrag "Zauberhafte #KI #Welt ?" zur #Geschichte, #Arbeitsbedingungen, Auswirkungen auf #Umwelt & #Gesellschaft von sog. #künstlicheintelligenz
My #talk about " #Magic #AI ?" is online 😀 About implications of ai on #workers #environment & #society…
#Kybernetik #Gamification #GutesLeben #Muße
Zauberhafte KI-Welt? Energie & Arbeit der KI & was sie mit Gesellschaften macht
Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) ist der Modebegriffe der letzten Jahre: KI macht alles leichter, KI hat alle Lösungen, KI wird uns retten.
The rule-based world order is based on rules that are not defined anywhere and that the strongest can determine according to their own interests.
#wisdom #quote #law #democracy #oligarchy #capitalism #constitution #politics #system #ethics #power #society #humanity #humanrights
‘People Are Going Silent’: Fearing Retribution, #Trump Critics Muzzle Themselves
People say they are intimidated by online attacks from the #president, concerned about harm to their businesses or worried about the safety of their families.
#fear #society #politics #government #whitehouse #president #criticism #protest #fail #justice #problem #usa #news
Fearing Retribution, Trump Critics Muzzle Themselves
People say they are intimidated by online attacks from the president, concerned about harm to their businesses or worried about the safety of their families.Elisabeth Bumiller (The New York Times)
Exploring the #Paramilitary #Leaks
#usa #politics #military #leak #hack #chat #Telegram #communication #society #deepstate
Exploring the Paramilitary Leaks
In January, Distributed Denial of Secrets published over 200 gigabytes of chat logs and recordings from paramilitary groups and militias, including American Patriots Three Percent (APIIII) and the Oath Keepers.Micah Lee (micahflee)
Copying is not theft said #OpenAI 😐
Do we really want to criminalize a large part of the population while tech companies do the same? In the end, is the only difference that #PirateBay was not a multimillion corporation?
#sony #court #piracy #internet #economy #news #usa #copy #Problem #society #crime
Supreme Court wants US input on whether ISPs should be liable for users’ piracy
SCOTUS asks US government for its view on $1 billion Sony v. Cox case.Jon Brodkin (Ars Technica)
Die Kompetenz von puls24 liegt wohl eher bei der Politik und weniger bei Promis aus der Unterhaltungsbranche. Wer sagt es ihnen?
#Wien #Opernball #MariaSantner #MarcoAngelini #Hoppala #Promis #Österreich #Fasching #Unterhaltung #puls24 #Interview #Medien #TV #Society
#Kennedy’s Lawyer Has Asked the F.D.A. to Revoke Approval of the #Polio #Vaccine
Does anyone remember the #movie #Idiocracy?…
In the movie, a #society is on the verge of collapse because it has regressed mentally and can no longer understand #technology, not to mention use it sensibly. Parallels to current #world events are recognizable. They want to protect unborn children but apparently not the born ones.
#health #usa #science #fda #children #kids #fail #problem #humanrights #politics #law #justice #government #future #security #ethics
RFK Jr.’s Lawyer Has Asked the FDA to Revoke Polio Vaccine Approval
Aaron Siri, who specializes in vaccine lawsuits, has been at Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s side reviewing candidates for top jobs at the Department of Health and Human Services.Christina Jewett (The New York Times)
Report: Majority of US teens have lost trust in Big Tech
Common Sense says that 64% of surveyed U.S. teens don’t trust Big Tech companies to care about their mental #health and well-being and 62% don’t think the companies will protect their safety if it hurts profits.
#BigTech #Technology #USA #Teenager #survey #trust #profit #capitalism #economy #job #work #freedom #society #politics #news #future #ethics #humanrights
Report: Majority of US teens have lost trust in Big Tech | TechCrunch
American teens have lost their faith in Big Tech, according to a new report from Common Sense Media, a nonprofit offering reviews and ratings for mediaSarah Perez (TechCrunch)
Where are the socially useful application scenarios for #Bitcoins / #Crypto?
I can only think of 3 and they are rather undesirable:
1) To #pay at illegal marketplaces like #SilkRoad on the #Darknet.
2) On #terror financing.
3) To pay the #ransom for #encryption Trojans.
For everything else, the high transaction costs are not worth it at all.
#finance #question #society #money #crime #cybercrime #transaction #software #problem #economy #finance #scam #btc #bitcoin #cryptocurrency
#Healthcare: Regulators published their most detailed findings yet on how some of the nation’s largest companies profited from "excess" prescription price hikes of 1,000% or more.
#FTC #health #pharmacy #finance #profit #capitalism #humanrights #politics #society #fail #usa #news #Market #economy #humanity
Top three insurers reaped $7.3 billion through their drug middlemen's markups, FTC says
Regulators published their most detailed findings yet on how some of the nation’s largest companies profited from ‘excess’ prescription price hikes of 1,000% or more.Steve Kopack (NBC News)
‘Pick and mix of horror’ online pushes young people to violence, UK police chief says
Counter-terrorism leader says there is often no ideology behind ‘grotesque fascinations’ with extreme contentVikram Dodd (The Guardian)