Beiträge, die mit fascism getaggt sind
Sam Altman is an insult to Life itself.
#SamAltman #Mizayaki #StudiiGhibli #Fascism #OpenAI #Antifascism #PorcoRosso
The fuck you will, asshole, the fuck you will.…
#trump #greenland #denmark #war #fascism #colonialism #USA #EU
Trump says US will 'go as far as we have to' to get control of Greenland
The president suggested that "the world needs us to have Greenland."David Brennan (ABC News)
Last Oct, before the election started unraveling everything, I wrote a podcast about how to "do your part"--it was about the climate crisis, but *hello* that's still here, now with *added fascism*.
But the piece still works really well as a guide for knocking down some of the barrier to action and *get moving*.
Today feels like a good day to bring it back:…
#ClimateChange #solarpunk #fascism
Ep. 21: Doing Your Part (in the Climate Fight)
How to Know You're Doing The Right ThingsSusan Kaye Quinn (Bright Green Futures)
Antifascist Gino released ahead of extradition judgement - Freedom News
The defence cited grim reports of “white torture” in Hungarian prisons, including permanent solitary confinement and 24-hour surveillance ~ Alisa-Ece Tohumcu ~ After five months in Fresnes Prison, Rexhino “Gino” Abazaj, a 32-year-old Albanian anti-fa…Alisa (Freedom Press)
„Digitale Bücherverbrennung“: Diese Menschen retten Daten vor der Trump-Zensur
Brachial lässt Donald Trump Inhalte von Behörden löschen, die nicht seiner rechtsradikalen Ideologie entsprechen. Im Data Rescue Project archivieren Hunderte Freiwillige, was Trump vernichten will – und mittendrin ist ein Historiker aus Kö
The news is the stuff of literal nightmares (I had one last night) but action is the antidote.
If you're having a rough time, I wrote up some thoughts that might help.
#solarpunk #climatechange #fascism…
Anger is Not the Opposite of Hope
A nightmare woke me up in the wee hours. My subconscious was once again doing the work of processing the daylight horrors of the world. But my barely-awake body was so full of fear hormones I knew …SUSAN KAYE QUINN
#Kurzhaarverbot für Frauen in #Arkansas #USA
Wie sich anti-Wokeness manifestiert
Neuer Tiefpunkt in der trans- und frauenfeindliche Politik unter Donald Trump: Republikaner im Bundesstaat Arkansas fordern ein Kurzhaarverbot für minderjährige Frauen.....…
#Fascism #Trump #Diskriminierungn #Trans #LGBTQ #TransRightsAreHumanRights
Wie sich anti-Wokeness manifestiert: Kurzhaarverbot für Frauen in Arkansas » Perspektive
Neuer Tiefpunkt in der trans- und frauenfeindliche Politik unter Donald Trump: Republikaner im Bundesstaat Arkansas fordern ein Kurzhaarverbot für minderjährige Frauen. Mit Signalwirkung – Ein Kommentar von Alexandra Mangolia.Alexandra Magnolia (Perspektive Online)
Trump signs order seeking to overhaul US elections, including requiring proof of citizenship
President Donald Trump has signed a sweeping executive action to overhaul elections in the United States. Tuesday's order demands documentary proof of citizenship be added as a requirement for federal voter registration.Ali Swenson (AP News)
"If you accept that non-citizens have no right to due process, you are accepting that citizens have no right to due process. All the government has to do is claim that you are not a citizen; without due process you have no chance to prove the contrary."
~ Timothy Snyder
#Trump #ICE #immigrants #LawandOrder #fascism #authoritarianism
Someone just shared this with me. Holy shit. 🤯
“Yale professors, #TimothySnyder, a historian of totalitarianism and the author of #OnTyranny, and Jason Stanley, a philosopher and the author of How #Fascism Works, move to #Canada” (to positions at the University of Toronto).
education is the first step of resistance 💯
this Tiktok is *so good*
it is your hope lift for today, promise
it is also reminding me I need to go to all the indie bookstores with my #Solarpunk Starter Pack
*adds to her recs to my TBR*
#bookstadon #climatechange #resist #books #fascism #resistance
Weaponised Hate - The Hungarian State
"The fascist government in Hungary has been ruling with two thirds majority in parliament since 2010, and with emergency powers since the COVID-19 pandemic began. They have full legal power to do anything they want to without cooperating with the arguably non-existent opposition, and have taken full advantage of this for their own ends. They have been using anti-queer rhetoric for years now, and there were multiple legal steps that led to the current situation, I will try to outline the main steps here, but there were many more."…
Maja is still in solitary confinement there! #FreeMaja
#Hungary #Orban #Fascism #EU #Europe #LGBTQ #Surveillance #Antifa #Repression #TransRightsAreHumanRights #Trans
Immigrant women describe 'hell on earth' in ICE detention
'Chained for hours on a prison bus without access to food, water or a toilet. Told by guards to urinate on the floor. Held "like sardines in a jar," as many as 27 women in a small holding cell. Sleeping on a concrete floor. Getting one three-minute shower over three or four days in custody.'…
#USA #Trump #Refugees #Migration #Tortour #Fascism #Racism #ICE
Immigrant women describe 'hell on earth' in ICE detention
No shower for days, cameras trained on the toilet, women crammed into cells 'like sardines,' among the allegations., USA TODAY (USA TODAY)
Pride Verbot in Ungarn: Mit Gesichtserkennung gegen die Versammlungsfreiheit
Die ungarische Regierung hat per Eilverfahren die Pride-Parade mit Bezug auf das „Kinderschutzgesetz“ verboten. Teilnehmer:innen drohen hohe Bußgelder. Oppositionelle und Organisator:innen der Pride wollen sich dem Verbot widersetzen....…
#Ungarn #Orban #Faschismus #Fascism #EU #Pride #LGBTQ #Überwachung #Gesichtserkennung
„Allein der Westen kennt die Geschichtsschreibung.“ So steht es in einer Richtlinie des italienischen Bildungsministeriums mit erschreckenden Lobhudeleien....…
#Meloni #Italien #Faschismus #Italy #Fascism #EU #Europe
Meloni macht Schule: Italiens imperialistischer Geschichtsunterricht
Das italienische Bildungsministerium gibt eine Richtlinie für den Geschichtsunterricht heraus, das aus Lobhudeleien auf die westliche Kultur
It's a mad world:…
#musk #news #racism #nonazis #problem #fascism #altright #usa #politics #fail #friendship
Musk’s Dad: Elon’s Not Racist—He Was Friends With ‘Black Servants’
The Musk patriarch also fondly recalled apartheid-era South Africa as as a “well-run, law abiding country.”Erkki Forster (The Daily Beast)
Wyoming not only voted for #Trump, but they chose a QAnon RWNJ over Liz Cheney for their Representative. Let's see how it's going!
Oh yeah, Musk wants to destroy the Postal Service, which would destroy these people's way of life.
#MAGA #Republicans #GOP #fascism…
Angst pervades Republican town halls on opposite ends of US
In two congressional districts and vastly different political environments, two Republicans were met with far different reactions at public meetings they held late last week. Second-term Reps.Hannah Schoenbaum (AP News)