Beiträge, die mit europe getaggt sind
🔴 ESA Launches $182M Plan to Boost Commercial Rockets
🔸 New “Launcher Challenge” seeks private EU firms to orbit payloads from 2026–2030.
🔸 ESA drops rigid control—no specs on reusability or rocket size.
🔸 Funding hinges on home countries backing winners (France, Germany, Norway).
🔸 Aim: End reliance on Russia & SpaceX, build EU launch independence.
#ESA #Europe #Ariane6 #LauncherChallenge #IsarAerospace #SpaceTech #EUspace #SpaceX
Weaponised Hate - The Hungarian State
"The fascist government in Hungary has been ruling with two thirds majority in parliament since 2010, and with emergency powers since the COVID-19 pandemic began. They have full legal power to do anything they want to without cooperating with the arguably non-existent opposition, and have taken full advantage of this for their own ends. They have been using anti-queer rhetoric for years now, and there were multiple legal steps that led to the current situation, I will try to outline the main steps here, but there were many more."…
Maja is still in solitary confinement there! #FreeMaja
#Hungary #Orban #Fascism #EU #Europe #LGBTQ #Surveillance #Antifa #Repression #TransRightsAreHumanRights #Trans
Could the Americans have the costs of all these tennis , golfs, asshole kid protections , asshole kid travels ( in Greenland in Italy , ,…) , parties in mar el lago , … ?
I’m pretty sure that this is the equivalent of years of thousand of civil servants who really work for their fellow citizens …
This New Open-Source Alternative to Google Docs and Notion Is Backed by France and Germany
Real-time editing and collaboration, with a European twist.Corbin Davenport (How-To Geek)
Russian captivity..
I heard a lot about that during my formative years as a child from my grandparents.
Toned down, of course, but stories about the kind of abuse Russians inflict on their prisoners of war have been part of my upbringing.
I believe this is why Eastern Europe can see what Russia is doing very clearly, while the West does not.
We share a common multi-generational trauma that makes us resistant to their lies.
"Hallo" to the German speaking part of our community.
You are now able to browse our database of European products and companies in German. Try it out today:
#buyeuropean #europe #europa #buyfromeu #goeuropean
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„Allein der Westen kennt die Geschichtsschreibung.“ So steht es in einer Richtlinie des italienischen Bildungsministeriums mit erschreckenden Lobhudeleien....…
#Meloni #Italien #Faschismus #Italy #Fascism #EU #Europe
Meloni macht Schule: Italiens imperialistischer Geschichtsunterricht
Das italienische Bildungsministerium gibt eine Richtlinie für den Geschichtsunterricht heraus, das aus Lobhudeleien auf die westliche Kultur
#Europe should be able to deter by 2030
#news #defense #military #eu #europe #politics #war #weapon
Von der Leyen calls for collective arms purchases by 2030
Europe has to rely more on its own resources, the Commission chief said.Sarah Wheaton (POLITICO)
Heritage Foundation and Allies Discuss Dismantling the EU
The group behind the radical Project 2025 agenda is increasingly turning its attention to Europe, and held a private discussion this week about how to dismantle the EU.…
Heritage Foundation and Allies Discuss Dismantling the EU - DeSmog
The group that drafted a key blueprint for Donald Trump’s second term convened a meeting in Washington D.C. this week to consider proposals for bulldozing the European Union (EU).Sam Bright (DeSmog)
Entgrenzte #Überwachung - #Flucht und Migration
Über den Einsatz von #Drohnen und #kunstlicherintelligenz für den Grenzschutz von Morgen.…
Ein empfehlenswertes Interview von @medicointernational mit @matthimon
#EU #FortressEurope #MigrationIsAHumanRight #Refugees #Europe #KI #NoBordersNoNations #AbolishFrontex #Antireport
Entgrenzte Überwachung
An den EU Außengrenzen wird mit dem Einsatz modernster Technologie zur Kontrolle von Migration experimentiert.medico international
Auch zu "digitalen Identitäten" (aber nicht nur) passt dieser allgemein ganz lesenswerte Text über digitale Kontrollgesellschaften (wie sie auch die EU gerade auf- und ausbaut)
The Enclosure of Information: Alternative Data, Bossware, and the Societies of Control
"If the enclosure of land led to peasant revolts, what forms of resistance might emerge against the enclosure of data? The answer is uncertain, but one thing is clear: the commodification of information serves only to reinforce class hierarchies. As financial elites manipulate alternative data for speculative gain and employers use bossware to extract ever more surplus-value, the question we must ask is not merely how to regulate these practices, but how to dismantle the very system that enables them. A society built on the enclosure of knowledge is not a free society. It is a society of control, and it is time to resist."…
#Data #Technology #Europe #Privacy #Surveillance #Control
The Enclosure of Information: Alternative Data, Bossware, and the Societies of Control
Let’s start with a personal anecdote: I currently work as a BI developer for a procurement analytics company whose database comprises about 2% of the global GDP. This means that roughly 2% of all…Lastrevio (Medium)
De-google-ify Internet
Amazing campaign by the French not-for-profit association Framasoft.
The De-google-ify Internet project offers 26 ethical and alternative online tools that may be used by everyone.
They build open source alternatives to many Google services like Youtube, Agenda, Docs, Forms, Maps etc, as well other services to replace Doodle, Facebook Event, Github, Zoom, Slack and much more!
Check their beautiful website, watch the videos to know more about their work and follow them here in Mastodon:
#europe #opensource #europeanalternatives #EUtech #boycott #degoogle #google
Dégooglisons Internet - Accueil
Les géants du web centralisent nos vies numériques en échange de leurs services Les communautés du logiciel libre offrent des services alternatifs éthiques Le réseau Framasoft souhaite le démontreren les hé
An Open Letter to All #European #Politicians and Leaders to Abandon X/Twitter
The continued use of X/Twitter by political leaders across #Europe inadvertently lends credibility to a platform increasingly used to amplify divisive rhetoric and individual interests. In doing so, they leave marginalized groups—whom they represent—with little choice but to engage in a #hostile environment to have their voices heard, failing in their duty to protect and empower all #constituents and ultimately undermining #democratic integrity.
Tech billionaires demanded Donald Trump use the power of the US government to pressure other countries not to crack down on them.
Now Trump is pulling out of a global tax agreement and threatening tariffs against countries that pass digital services taxes targeting multinational tech companies.…
#tech #tax #donaldtrump #europe #canada
Silicon Valley is enlisting Trump in its war against higher taxes
Trump wants to stop digital services taxes and a global minimum corporate tax rateParis Marx (Disconnect)
I guess, that is what the #OilAndGasMafia and the #BillionaireClass want to go back to, just to avoid accountability before the law and paying their fair share.
Now like then they will not be able to control a fascist dictator and succumb to the regime sooner or later ... #NeverAgainIsNow #AllForMoney #TheUnAmericanVotersDidThis #ClassWar