Beiträge, die mit AbolishThePolice getaggt sind
Rifles, Tasers and Jails:
How Cities and States Spent Billions of COVID-19 Relief
"President Biden’s signature American Rescue Plan Act gave local governments $350 billion to recover from COVID-19. They spent much of it on police, prisons and the courts.
After signing the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) last spring, President Joe Biden touted what the economic stimulus bill would deliver: food assistance to millions of people in need, lower #healthcare premiums for millions of Americans, and $350 billion for state and local governments to spend on COVID-19 recovery. Economists say it was the largest infusion of federal funding in local governments in almost 40 years.
A year later, ARPA became one of President Biden’s talking points to demonstrate #Democrats are not out to defund the police."…
#police #surveillance #Biden #USA #COVID19 #antireport #abolishprisons #AbolishThePolice
Police are not primarily crime fighters, according to the data
"More notably, researchers analyzed the data to show how officers spend their time, and the patterns that emerge tell a striking story about how policing actually works. Those results, too, comport with existing research showing that U.S. police spend much of their time conducting racially biased stops and searches of minority drivers, often without reasonable suspicion, rather than “fighting crime."
Green Scared #Zine
"At the end of 2005, the #FBI opened a new phase of its assault on earth and animal liberation movements—known as the Green Scare—with the arrests and indictments of a large number of activists. This offensive, which they dubbed Operation Backfire, was intended to obtain convictions for many of the unsolved #Earth Liberation Front arsons of the preceding ten years—but more so, to have a chilling effect on all ecological direct action.
In this analysis, originally published in Rolling Thunder in 2008, we review everything we can learn from the Operation Backfire cases, with the intention of passing on the lessons for the next generation of #environmental activists."…
#Repression #ClimateChange #AbolishThePolice #USA #Repression #Activism
Proteste in #Berlin
Video zeigt Schläge der #Polizei gegen Demonstrant*innen…
#8m #Germany #Polizeigewalt #Polizei #AbolishThePolice #Antireport
Proteste am Frauentag in Berlin: Video zeigt Schläge der Polizei gegen Demonstranten
Auf Demonstrationen am Frauentag kommt es in Berlin zu Ausschreitungen. Videos in den sozialen Netzwerken zeigen, wie Polizisten auf propalästinensische Demonstranten einschlagen.n-tv NACHRICHTEN