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Beiträge, die mit Capitalism getaggt sind

It's clear that the Left has to provide some type of clear vision as an alternative to spreading fascism, since apparently telling people that they're about to lose what's left of democracy wasn't good enough.
#StarTrek #UsPol #WorldPol #Capitalism

Why the Left needs to watch Star Trek - UnHerd

Q1: Do you think a world would work where everything necessary (basic supplies, care & services) and easily reproducible (digital goods, knowledge, information) was free for everybody - including not paying with data or through ads?

Q2: Do you think a world works, where these things are not free?

#socialism #capitalism #UniversalBasicCare #FreeKnowledge #FreeCulture #poll #monetization #PayWall #SurveillanceCapitalism #SEO

  • yes - yes (20%, 30 Stimmen)
  • yes - no (73%, 109 Stimmen)
  • no - yes (3%, 5 Stimmen)
  • no - no (6%, 9 Stimmen)
148 Stimmen, Abstimmung endet: 4 Stunden her

I discovered, while researching my article, that birth rates decline when women gain better living conditions and have more rights.

Hm. Funny, that. Lol. 🤨

The two things go hand in hand.


#Patriarchy #Misogyny #Money #Economy #Capitalism

…in its turn relies on human populations growing bigger.

If they fail to do so, or indeed decline, this economic system we currently have, based upon growth, is likely to fail.



#Depopulation #EconomicGrowth #Capitalism

When I recently looked into whether parents should be paid, I was coming at it from an “it's a lot of work” perspective.


But what's been brought to my attention since, is that the economic growth on which our system relies… 👇


#Wealth #Capitalism #Patriarchy #GlobalEconomy

I’m not sure y’all want to make climate change an issue of individual responsibility when the most effective thing you can do as an individual to combat climate change is to shoot a billionaire in the head.

#justSaying #climateChange #individualResponsibility #systemicProblems #billionaires #capitalism

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