The danger is that, this time, when his term is over, Trump won't leave, and the US will actually have a second civil war.
Even if he does leave, will the Republicans continue to be ruled by him? Will any of the Republicans who were senior leaders of that party be able to rejoin the party and challenge Trump's rule? Are the Republicans the USA's new Quantrill's Raiders? The last civil war included a lot of terrorism. The next one, if it happens, could be at least as bad.
I think about the same in USA, and all this I saw it come a while ago. I said it, it was seen as rejected disobedience or bad apple or enemy.. I just wanted to warn you all.
Our best hope is that Republicans in Congress will decide that he can't be trusted with the presidency, impeach him yet again, and remove him this time. The problem with that idea is that Vance has to take the hint and reject Trump, rather than allow him to continue to run things behind the scenes. For any of this to happen, the people who voted for Trump have to realize that they made a grave mistake. That's hard for some people.
Als Antwort auf anonymiss • • •The danger is that, this time, when his term is over, Trump won't leave, and the US will actually have a second civil war.
Even if he does leave, will the Republicans continue to be ruled by him? Will any of the Republicans who were senior leaders of that party be able to rejoin the party and challenge Trump's rule? Are the Republicans the USA's new Quantrill's Raiders? The last civil war included a lot of terrorism. The next one, if it happens, could be at least as bad.
/dev /null
Als Antwort auf anonymiss • • •Shawn Andrew
Als Antwort auf anonymiss • • •/dev /null mag das.
Shawn Andrew
Als Antwort auf anonymiss • • •I wonder if there will be a breaking point before the end of his term. It's only been 4-5 weeks and there's already been extreme decisions made.
Als Antwort auf anonymiss • • •