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Beiträge, die mit Control getaggt sind


Beiträge, die mit Control getaggt sind

Auch zu "digitalen Identitäten" (aber nicht nur) passt dieser allgemein ganz lesenswerte Text über digitale Kontrollgesellschaften (wie sie auch die EU gerade auf- und ausbaut)

The Enclosure of Information: Alternative Data, Bossware, and the Societies of Control

"If the enclosure of land led to peasant revolts, what forms of resistance might emerge against the enclosure of data? The answer is uncertain, but one thing is clear: the commodification of information serves only to reinforce class hierarchies. As financial elites manipulate alternative data for speculative gain and employers use bossware to extract ever more surplus-value, the question we must ask is not merely how to regulate these practices, but how to dismantle the very system that enables them. A society built on the enclosure of knowledge is not a free society. It is a society of control, and it is time to resist."


#Data #Technology #Europe #Privacy #Surveillance #Control

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