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Beiträge, die mit Nature getaggt sind

I am still fondly reflecting on the wonderful family gathering I was at last week in the Rocky #Mountains, #Colorado. One of the highlights was giving this six year old his first lesson in #snowshoeing. He was very excited to be on this adventure! Amazing how well he did, especially using adult-sized snowshoes. Next stop-- White Mountains, New Hampshire!! #FootpathFriday #snow #ice #hiking #backpacking #nature #NaturePhotography #landscape #photography #LandscapePhotography #GetOutside

Happy #MountainMonday! These are "the" Flatirons-- a group of tilted flat-faced rock formations in the Rocky #Mountains, near Boulder, #Colorado (there are many other flatirons elsewhere). We passed them last week on one of our excursions. A "bit" colder than the last time I was here-- hiked around the base of the Flatirons in 90+ deg (F) heat a couple of years ago! #PhotoMonday #hiking #backpacking #nature #NaturePhotography #landscape #photography #LandscapePhotography #GetOutside

Went snowshoeing today on that fresh layer of snow that fell overnight. Taught a six-year-old family member how to snowshoe. Just before we headed out, this fine four-legged creature posed outside our window. Saw lots of small hoof prints in the snow (upper left pic)— deer or elk? Having a blast!! 😀⛰️❄️
#hiking #backpacking #snowshoeing #WildlifePhotography #wildlife #snow #winter #mountains #Colorado #nature #NaturePhotography #landscape #photography #LandscapePhotography #GetOutside

It’s a winter wonderland here in the Rockies after a night of snowfall. Hiked along a stream yesterday with picturesque views of the valley walls on each side of the trail— may return to that trail again today but with snowshoes. 😀
#hiking #backpacking #snow #winter #mountains #Colorado #nature #NaturePhotography #landscape #photography #LandscapePhotography #GetOutside

Whoa! After just one hour in the Rocky #Mountains, CO, today, I encountered a herd of elk! The herd was grazing a half mile from where I was staying and I saw them while out taking a walk. This one seemed to pose for me! #MountainMonday #PhotoMonday #WildlifePhotography #wildlife #hiking #backpacking #nature #NaturePhotography #photography

3️⃣ Und wenn wir schon bei «Open» sind: «Offen» ist nicht immer gleich «offen», ganz besonders, wenn ein «offen!»-Aufkleber auf dem Produkt die Spielregeln ändert. Um so wichtiger ist Klarheit bei #KI, schreiben @davidthewid, @Mer__edith und @swest in #Nature und kämpfen damit gegen #OpenWashing.


El bivalvo Lioconcha hieroglyphica y el caracol marino Oliva porphyria tienen diseños similares que parecen jeroglíficos o montañas nevadas. Estos diseños se forman durante el crecimiento por una secuencia de células que se activan entre sí para depositar pigmento. Puede tener un retraso en activarse, produciendo líneas discontinuas.📷Glen Whisson/uwkwaj #naturaleza #nature #diseño #design

Das natürliche Verbreitungsgebiet des Fasans reicht vom Schwarzen Meer bis nach Südchina. Hier in Norddeutschland wir er immer wieder künstlich angesiedelt. Hier seht ihr, wie sich einer am letzten Novembermorgen den A... abfriert.

#Fasan #pheasant #Vogel #birds #nature #winter

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