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Beiträge, die mit Gamification getaggt sind


Beiträge, die mit Gamification getaggt sind

Maybe people are trying to delete their #23andMe #data now bc they just realised what they've done in trusting this company in the first place?

#socialmedia companies like buzzfeed heavily promoted using dna testing companies

Reading contracts you're agreeing to in form of #privacy agreements or terms of use is not very common

Most of us spend loads of time in gamified environments, following cookie-trails like the happy little lab rats the companies want us to be


[en below]
Das #Video meines #Winterkongress Vortrags bei der @digiges is online :awesome:

#Danke an alle, die den #Kongress & die Aufzeichnung ermöglicht haben! :awesome:

#Vortrag "Zauberhafte #KI #Welt ?" zur #Geschichte, #Arbeitsbedingungen, Auswirkungen auf #Umwelt & #Gesellschaft von sog. #künstlicheintelligenz

My #talk about " #Magic #AI ?" is online 😀 About implications of ai on #workers #environment & #society


#Kybernetik #Gamification #GutesLeben #Muße

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