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Beiträge, die mit socialism getaggt sind

If you too love daydreaming about socialism, you'll probably love this book as much as I did! It's informative and well-researched, and also colorful and fun to read, and it made me nostalgic for public housing and a comprehensive welfare state. Some quick highlights (1/) #socialism #Germany #history

Q1: Do you think a world would work where everything necessary (basic supplies, care & services) and easily reproducible (digital goods, knowledge, information) was free for everybody - including not paying with data or through ads?

Q2: Do you think a world works, where these things are not free?

#socialism #capitalism #UniversalBasicCare #FreeKnowledge #FreeCulture #poll #monetization #PayWall #SurveillanceCapitalism #SEO

  • yes - yes (20%, 30 Stimmen)
  • yes - no (73%, 109 Stimmen)
  • no - yes (3%, 5 Stimmen)
  • no - no (6%, 9 Stimmen)
148 Stimmen, Abstimmung endet: 1 Monat her

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