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Beiträge, die mit ActivityPub getaggt sind


Beiträge, die mit ActivityPub getaggt sind

Pixelfed before v0.12.5 has a vulnerability where it could leak your private posts, regardless of whether you are a Pixelfed user or not.
Admins should update ASAP.

When following someone from a different server on the Fediverse, the remote server decides whether you are allowed to do that. This enables features like locked accounts. Due to an implementation mistake, Pixelfed ignores this and allows anyone to follow even private accounts on other servers. If a legitimate user from a Pixelfed instance follows you on your locked account, anyone on that Pixelfed instance can read your private posts.

I wrote a blog post about how I found the vulnerability, how disclosure coordination went and general ramblings about Fediverse safety:

#pixelfed #fediverse #activitypub


Thinking about presentation slide content in ActivityPub

Sigo sin poder usar las app de #mastodon para controlar e interactuar desde @curiosabiologia. El sitio alvarobayon.com está en #wordpress, tiene activado el plugin #activityPub y he instalado el “enable mastodon app” (EMA)

Esta semana he intentado cacharrear un poco más, desactivando todos los plugin salvo los dos necesarios. Y nada.

¿Alguien tiene alguna idea antes de intentar preguntar en el foro del EMA?

A week ago, I published a version of #snac (a simple, minimalistic #ActivityPub instance server written in C) that supported localisation of its web UI. Today, just seven days later, and thanks to collaborations, there are 10 languages already available.

You, people, are GREAT. Thank you very much.

@newyorktimes's veteran tech reporter @Markoff interviewed some of #TeamFediverse including @Gargron, @reckless1280 and our CEO @mike for a feature on the rise of decentralized social media. “It goes back to the original principles where the internet started out as decentralized,” Eugen Rochko told Markoff. Here's the full story [may be paywalled].

We're so excited to develop these conversations further at SXSW this weekend — check out the itinerary and sign up to join us at #FediverseHouse at the second link.



#Fediverse #ActivityPub #Federation #OpenSocialWeb #SXSW #JohnMarkoff #EugenRochko #MikeMcCue #SXSW2025

I'm finally unveiling the #ActivityPub project that has been consuming my weekends: Encyclia, an #ORCID bridge that will make ORCID records followable and interactable on the fediverse. 🙂

It's early-stage and the ORCID following function is not publicly available yet. We're seeking community feedback on functionality and safety aspects. Read more at encyclia.pub or follow @encyclia for news!

#fediverse #fedidev #scicomm #wisskomm #academicchatter

I'm glad to announce the release of version 2.73 of #snac, the simple, minimalistic #ActivityPub instance server written in C. It includes the following changes:

Added support for customizing and translating the web UI language via simple .po files. For more information on how to install language files or create new ones, please see snac(8) (the administrator manual).

New user support for blocking hashtags from the web UI.

The Content-Security-Policy HTTP header is now always sent to disable any JavaScript, instead of just being suggested in the documentation.

Image attachments in SVG format are now disabled by default; you can enable them back by setting the enable_svg value to true in server.json.

Several fixes (contributed by inz).


If you find #snac useful, please consider contributing via LiberaPay: liberapay.com/grunfink/


Are you an Austin-based developer working on the open social web? If so, you’re invited to our Developer Meetup, hosted by ActivityPub co-author @evan. You don’t need a badge to attend but we do ask that you RSVP. 🙏 Let’s see what you’re building! lu.ma/bvump3m6

#socialweb #openweb #opensocialweb #fediverse #developers #sxsw #sxsw2025 #austin #AustinTX #activitypub

In den letzten Monaten haben viele Menschen gefordert, die EU sollte doch mal bitte offene Alternativen zu amerikanischen Social-Media-Diensten fördern. Die Sache ist nur: Das tut sie schon lange. ActivityPub, Mastodon und PeerTube haben alle von einem EU-Förderprogramm profitiert. Für @netzpolitik_feed haben wir Michiel Leenaars interviewt, der das EU-Geld aus diesem Programm verteilt.

#eu #europeanunion #opensource #activitypub #mastodon


In the last few months, many people have called on the EU to start supporting open alternatives to US-owned social media sites. The thing is: The EU has been doing that for some time already. It has financed, among others, ActivityPub, Mastodon and PeerTube. For @netzpolitik_feed, we spoke to Michiel Leenaars, who professionally gives out buckets of EU cash to open source projects.

#eu #europeanunion #opensource #activitypub #mastodon


@radlfabs Danke für dieses Gespräch.

Leider ein bisschen Wasser in den Wein. Code von TruthSocial 🤮 basiert auch auf Mastodon. Also die "richtige" Instanz wählen. Oder noch besser, eigene Domain und die Inhalte via #ActivityPub föderieren.

!Friendica Support is there a reason i can't set notifications for new post of friends on #Bluesky (via the plug-in)

like I can for friends that are using #ActivityPub?

Just connected the @SURF #PeerTube (pilot) video platform:

▶️ video.edu.nl (focused on research, science and education) with
▶️ @waag (focus on technology and society) and
▶️ @publicspaces (advocating for a better internet)

The process was incredibly smooth… no restarts or any bumps. In just seconds, we federated 3 platforms across the #Fediverse using #ActivityPub in live action and combining hundreds of videos from trusted partners!

#smooth #openStandards #stepByStep
Thank you @peertube ‼️❤️💪

Eine bessere Netzwelt ist möglich

Unter dem Hash­tag #soSoll­Web fragt Annet­te Schwindt: „Wie soll das Web, wie wir es uns wün­schen, aussehen?“


#ActivityPub #AnnetteSchwindt #BigTech #Blogparade #Fediverse #Internet #SocialMedia #soSollWeb


Wir kann och meine ActivityPub Seite hier von extern verlinken? blog@www.jansens-pott.de führt ins nichts, www.jansens-pott.de/@blog zur Startseite des Blogs. So kann mir aber niemand folgen.

Was mache ich falsch?

#wordpress #activitypub #blog

This project looks promising:

"Goodnews is a PHP-based social media platform like Mastodon based on the ActivityPub protocol."


- PHP 8.2+, Hyperf, and Swoole
- AGPL 3.0
- ActivityPub
- Mastodon API compatibility
- Backend and frontend are separate projects
- Active development


#PHP #Goodnews #ActivityPub

Flohmarkt - Eine dezentrale föderierte Inseratplattform

Eine dezentrale Inseratplattform, föderiert mit ActivityPub. Für mehr re-use, Nachbarschaftshilfe und und und.

Endlich ist es vollbracht, die Idee einer verteilten, föderierten Inseratplattform in die Tat umzusetzen. In diesem Talk lernt Ihr den Prototyp meiner ActivityPub-basierten Inseratplattform "Flohmarkt" kennen und erfahrt was im letzten halben Jahr der Entwicklung so alles passiert ist. Es warten Geschichten aus der ActivityPub-Welt, Mastodon-reverse-engineering von hinten durch die Brust ins Auge, eine Live-Demo und mehr auf Euch. Wirst vielleicht auch Du Admin einer Inseratplattform für deine Nachbarschaft werden?


Mehr zum Thema:

Dear Fediverse Administrators,

Please consider relocating your website to a web hosting provider based outside the United States of America.

Historically, fascist governments do not ignore the little guy -- That's you, and your users.

#Fediverse #Fedi #ActivityPub #Mastodon #Misskey #CherryPick #IceShrimp #Sharkey #WebHosting #Cdn #Dns #WebHost #Hosting #Vpn

Ver. 05 | install and/or move friendica to ubuntu 22.04 LTS VPS server

Meta has banned mentions of Linux on their platform—despite, you know, Facebook’s product depending on Linux.

This is a good time to encourage #Linux devs and users to set up communities on #NodeBB, #Mbin, #Lemmy, #Friendica, #Discourse, and #WordPress.

And enable #ActivityPub for greater visibility.


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