Items tagged with: php
#NASA has a list of 10 rules for #software development…
#Python #JavaScript #TypeScript #Java #CPlusPlus #PHP #Shell #Go #Ruby #GitHub #programming
Quick and easy #PHP code generation testing.…
Quick and easy PHP code generation testing | PeakD
Recently I was working on some PHP code (for the PHP-FIG) that involved code generation. Lots of systems these days are... by crellPeakD
Apologies if you're unable to load this paper (I think it's paywalled), but it was published in 2023 in the Proceedings of the 29th Symposium on Operating Systems Principles, and it describes how Meta (Facebook) does serverless functions in their own infrastructure.
What's interesting is that the paper says, "Our PHP runtime is called HHVM." Twice, it uses the phrase "our PHP runtime."
In 2023.
The last version of HHVM to support PHP was released in 2018.
@Crell is it an oversight that get_class_vars is unable to see the property hooks 🤔 I know I should be using Reflection but get_object_vars is able to see them. For reference
#propertyhooks #detection #php
get_class_vars vs get_object_vars vs property hooks - created on
View the output of this script on the online PHP shell with 250+ PHP
Are you running an unmaintained #PHP framework or legacy code?
Read our white paper 📗 on the benefits of migrating your code to #Symfony for better scalability, security, reliability & time-saving efficiency.
Flash the QR code 🤳 or download it here 👉
PHP Framework Migration: from Legacy to Symfony
How to migrate safely from a PHP legacy application or an unmaintained PHP framework app to SymfonySensioLabs
I wonder if it would be possible or practical to use this to improve the array implementation in #PHP?…
#ComputerScience #DataStructures
Undergraduate Upends a 40-Year-Old Data Science Conjecture
A young computer scientist and two colleagues show that searches within data structures called hash tables can be much faster than previously deemed possible.Steve Nadis (Quanta Magazine)
I know there's some Star Trek fans in the #phpc #php community. I'm working my way through Star Trek: Enterprise. It's a nice peek at the "before the Federation" time period after SNW, Discovery, and Lower Decks. It's not perfect, but I really enjoy the Archer and T'Pol characters.
Trying to decide if I want to watch Voyager or DS9 next.
If you were to ignore my instructions not to use it, this #PHP script will probably rickroll Trump and Elon's weird new departments.
Purely for education you understand:…
A purely educational example of loops, text amnipulation, and mail sending
A purely educational example of loops, text amnipulation, and mail sending - example.phpGist
I've been working with #WordPress for about a year now and the thing that has surprised me the most is that I actually like #PHP. I didn't know much about it, but had seen a lot of bashing it over the years. It's been dead-easy to learn though, and has a surprising number of modern features, like typing, named function parameters, match expressions, etc.
I wish I could say the same for #WordPress, which feels like it's barely holding itself together.
One thing I've learned from being a freelance PHP developer is just how many ways people can write code. Nearly every system I've worked on has been completely different, even though there are standardised / best practice ways of doing things (and have been for some time).
I try and incrementally standardise things as I go along, but unfortunately there isn't a well-supported PHP framework that makes it easy to adopt from an existing codebase - they tend to assume you use them from day 1.
I guess on the one hand it ensures its survival and continued development: people get paid for working on it and developing it, so they’ll keep developing it. We often hear people (rightly) bemoaning the fact that open source is a thankless largely unpaid effort, so we see an alternative model here, that so far appears to be largely working.
On the other hand there is a danger of them eventually doing an Oracle move and just enshittifying the whole the thing beyond measure to further their corporate objectives, whilst still keeping a veneer of Open Source.
And yes, the lack of diversity is terrible. As is the continued focus by its ‘influencers’ on X/Twitter. These two may or may not be connected, of course…
(I say all of this as a Laravel fan. I like working with it!)
Seems interesting to me that every single Laravel conference seems to bring out the same set of predominantly white male speakers. who mostly now work for Laravel, who talk about their (often) paid products, which feed back into folks pushing more and more money towards corporate Laravel, and folks just lap it up.
I don't blame them for building their hugely succesful business. But no-one seems to question it or ask for any more. Am I missing something here?
This project looks promising:
"Goodnews is a PHP-based social media platform like Mastodon based on the ActivityPub protocol."
- PHP 8.2+, Hyperf, and Swoole
- AGPL 3.0
- ActivityPub
- Mastodon API compatibility
- Backend and frontend are separate projects
- Active development…
GitHub - goodnews-project/goodnews-backend: Goodnews is a PHP-based social media platform like Mastodon based on the ActivityPub protocol
Goodnews is a PHP-based social media platform like Mastodon based on the ActivityPub protocol - goodnews-project/goodnews-backendGitHub
The State of PHP 2024
#PhpStorm #News #Ai #Php…
The State of PHP 2024 – Expert review
Explore trends in the PHP ecosystem based on the State of Developer Ecosystem Report 2024 by JetBrains.The JetBrains Blog
We're hiring an entry-level developer for PHP/Laravel work. This is a hybrid position just north of Chicago.
Here's the job. Check it out and/or pass it along!
#GetFediHired #PHP #Laravel #jobs #Chicago
Using #PHP arrays as pseudo-objects is almost never the right answer. They're less self-documenting, slower, worse on memory, and more bug prone.…
PHP: Use associative arrays basically never | PeakD
The other day I was working on some sample code to test out an idea that involved an object with an internal nested arr... by crellPeakD
I've worked with dates and times in several programming languages, and I have to say that the best is easily PHP (since the big refactor in, what was it, 5.6?).
The worst is easily Javascript.
#PHP #Javascript #Typescript #Node