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Beiträge, die mit ukpolitics getaggt sind


Beiträge, die mit ukpolitics getaggt sind

Watch our Government do NOTHING to help this British citizen disappeared by an fascist and unfriendly regime.

If you have a holiday booked for Gilead this year, cancel it now. Don't be stupid, don't be trusting.

#BeckyBurke #USPOL #UKPolitics #UKPol #Fascism #Coup #ICE

🚨 The UK Data Bill returns to Parliament next week 🚨

It'll strip back your ability to challenge life-changing decisions made by AI.

Join over 1,000 people who've signed our petition to protect the right to human review of automated decisions. #PeopleNotMachines

Sign now ➡️ you.38degrees.org.uk/petitions…

#AI #DUABill #DataBill #dataprotection #privacy #GDPR #ukpolitics #ukpol

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