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Beiträge, die mit ActuallyAutistic getaggt sind

Ich finde wirklich schade, dass nicht alle Läden ein Artikelverzeichnis wie DM haben, in dem man online nachschauen kann, ob Waren im Sortiment und noch verfügbar sind.

Ich musste schon viel zu oft feststellen, das etwas nicht verfügbar ist und da ich selten häufiger als alle 2 Wochen einkaufe, bin ich auf Planbarkeit angewiesen.
Auch wegen Unverträglichkeiten und Preisen kann ich nicht einfach auf vermeintliche Alternativen ausweichen.

#ActuallyAutistic #DisabledAlltag #MECFS #Planbarkeit

Stop breaking social rules accidentally and instead break them on purpose.

We'll never be good enough for NT society. We never received the handbook and somehow it's our fault. What do you do when the game is rigged and you cannot win? You stop playing.

Stop playing by NT rules. Make up your own rules. As long as you don't deliberately hurt people *everything* is fair game. Stim in public, skip on social niceties, be blunt, *be yourself*.

(Obligatory disclaimer: stay safe while doing so. Radical visibility is not always safe.)

#neurodivergent #neurodiversity #actuallyautistic #autistic #autism #ADHD #radicalvisibility #oppression @actuallyautistic

Prior to my self-diagnosis, when I was still researching the criteria of autism, I repeatedly ran into the notion of rehearsing conversations in one's head. "Nope, I don't do that", I said to myself. Now I understand that I used to do that all the time. It just didn't fit my definition of 'rehearsing'. I still do it to some extent but to a lesser extent since I started meditating.

#ActuallyAutistic @actuallyautistic

I have a toaster, a pot and some food. I still have a wish list up in any money towards any of my other household needs would be so helpful. Still looking to get flatware.
tysm for sharing/donating❤️



#socialhousing #housingaid #necessities #Disability #urgent #MutualAid #disabilitymutualaid #BlackMutualAid #crowdfunding #PWD #DisabilityCrowdFund #Queercrowdfund
#BlackMastodon #actuallyautistic #autism #HelpFolksLive2024

#AskingAutistics I know this is not common but any fellow Auties here ever get promoted to a director or executive role in a company? I may have an opportunity and could use one or two folks to ask some questions on experiences, etc., would want to privately discuss. Thanks in advance!


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