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Prior to my self-diagnosis, when I was still researching the criteria of autism, I repeatedly ran into the notion of rehearsing conversations in one's head. "Nope, I don't do that", I said to myself. Now I understand that I used to do that all the time. It just didn't fit my definition of 'rehearsing'. I still do it to some extent but to a lesser extent since I started meditating.

#ActuallyAutistic @actuallyautistic

Als Antwort auf Cats Who Pencil :autism:

Same here! It helps me to be prepared for expected discussions, at least to some extend.
Als Antwort auf Aurin Azadî

I run important conversations in my head but I've never really made an exact script. Usually the first response from the other person is different from what I imagined and the rest of the script would be useless!
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