It's Monday! These hashtags have recently been trending each Monday.
Gñññññgiorno de no sé cómo cojones lo hago, pero por más temprano que me levante un lunes, más tarde salgo de casa, mastodontes en general y #paquiters en particular. Tengo que acordarme de fregar los cacharros los domingos por la noche.
Afeitaíco y perjumao, comenzando mi undécima última jornada laboral de 2024, y empezando hoy el régimen de estudio para ver si suena la flauta en el segundo examen. Hasta el rabo, etc etc.
I think my basic RSS feed creator is feature complete, only supports Linux for now.
I uh, just need to figure out where to put the source code. I don't like the idea of using Microsoft's Github but I'm worried if I put projects on some other place, no one would find them.
I'm a hobbyist who has only done gamedev before, so if anyone wants to chime in on where is best place for putting source code, plz help.
#foss #opensource #git
An example that I like to use a lot - and find worth sharing here - is that there are many people that upload videos on YouTube because of how "everyone is on there" - yet the chances of someone seeing the content you produce are still very small, because the algorithms only show the viewer a small excerpt of the a mass sea of 30000 hours uploaded every hour.
Let alone reaching "MrBeast numbers". The popularity of others is a trap. ~n
@benny Not everyone is a part of Codeberg, but I've witnessed a case or two of projects getting contributions because of the limited set of people that were on it. We would be happy to have you!
But you're also free to consider alternatives like SourceHut ( or other public Forgejo instances:… ~n
delightful-forgejo/ at main
delightful-forgejo - A curated list of delightful Forgejo-related projects and
I have emptied my personal #X account by deleting as many of my tweets, retweets and likes as possible.
The deletion script and the instructions on how to use it are in…
X/Twitter reset script
X/Twitter reset script. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.Gist…
Cthulhu: Death May Die - Fear of the Unknown
Blog sobre los mitos de Cthulhu, el horror cósmico, H.P. Lovecraft y su círculo. La llamada de Cthulhu, libros, rol, pelí
google’s latest fuckery: if you write online, read this
The Google app for iOS now adds THEIR links to YOUR posts from YOUR website unless you opt-out.
Their links lead people away from your site and back to Google. Because that’s definitely what you want, right? That’s why you have a blog or portal or web site or whatever. You want people to leave your site and go back to Google.
Oh, it’s not?
If you don’t like it, you can “Opt out.” Opting out is a pain in the ass. Here’s where you go to do it. You have to enter every variation of each of your domains or it won’t work. It will take up to 30 days, during which time Google will continue to pollute your work and your writing and your website with their modifications and their added links to take people away from your site and back to themselves.
For example, here’s the list of what I need to opt-out just for this one blog:
Yes, you explicitly have to file no prefix, http:, and https: variants separately. They say so.
Making it difficult like this is 100% intentional and entirely designed to make it as annoying as possible, and also, to make sure you slip up if at all possible and forget one or more combinations.
(Tho’ I am just going to depreciate web. as a prefix right now, to bring down the load a little. Still gonna list ’em, though, because spite is why.)
Right now it’s only in the Google app for iOS and it’s probably a test to see whether they can get away with it without complaint, and how much revenue it generates. Let’s make that a combination of no and as close to zero as possible. Because otherwise they’ll roll it out everywhere, and probably derank you if you don’t go along.
Fucking hell, Google. Fuck you. Just… fuck you.
Opt out from Page Annotation in Google App browser for iOS
To opt out of this annotation feature for pages , fill out the following fields. The Page Annotation feature triggered on your site will be disabled within 30 days after you submitting this form. You only need to submit it once.Google Docs
Buenos día.
#GrandmaExplainsAMovieOrShow is now trending across Mastodon
#HunterBiden is now trending across Mastodon
Chorrosion: Das tut gut!
Chorrosion ist in der gewerkschaftlichen und linken Szene ein Begriff. Das zeigte sich einmal mehr als der vor 40 Jahren gegründete Chor gestern erste Ausschnitte seiner neuen musikalischen Revue in der Quartiershalle der KoFabrik präsentierte. Alle Stühle und Bänke waren besetzt. Einige Besucher:innen mussten die Luxus-Kreuzfahrt im Stehen verfolgen. Der im Video gezeigte Ausschnit
Einzigartig in München?
Die Süddeutsche Zeitung schreibt in dieser Woche: "Das ehemalige Zwangsarbeiterlager an der Ehrenbürgstraße wird für gut 32 Millionen Euro zu einer Zweigstelle des NS-Dokuzentrums ausgebaut. Das Areal in Neuaubing ist in Deutschland einzigartig." Das ist falsch. Das ehemalige Zwangsarbeiterlager in Bochum-Bergen ist ziemlich genau so groß und erhalten. Wenn ma
The process of joining EU has been halted for Georgia until 2028 by the ruling Putinist "Georgian Dream", claiming as pretext for their long expected move towards instead subjugating or annexing themselves under Putin, that they are upset that EU was complaining about their blatant well documented recent electoral cheating through ballot stuffing on camera, coercion, vote-bribery, etc, to stay in power in spite of having become widely unpopular since becoming a Putinist puppet-party.
Many spontaneous protests sprung back up after the decision was announced.
Here's the capital city this evening:
The people bang the steel barrier put up by State security after the people stormed parliament… this spring to try to stop the Putinist ruling "Georgian Dream" from imposing the nightmare so-called "Putin-law" or "Russian law" restricting funding through e.g. donations from people worldwide and thereby shutting down human rights defenders.
There President Salome demanded the special forces answer some questions:
"Do you serve Russia or Georgia? Who did you swear an oath to? I'm interested in the answer. You don't answer to the President? You don't think about the future? Neither the country nor the children?",
according to Paper Kartuli.
then a look at some of the crowd just at the spontaneous protest in the capital, with several other protests also going on elsewhere this evening.
ASTRA reported that the police special forces have been using water cannons and chemical grenades against the people.
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More newer videos of the protesters' continuing battles in defense of their democracy in Georgia tonight, against the brutal police special forces of the Putinist regime using extreme amounts of chemical weaponry.
Many injured reported, including press and opposition politicians. Saw videos of several bleeding headwounds too, but you don't need to see those so I didn't inlcude that.
CW for the video also: epilepsy warning, they seem to be using strobes as a weapon
but then the people came back and rebuild their barricades and fires (smoke helps against the particles in the chemical weaponry, a bit).
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Severe violence by Georgia's Ministry of Interior police special forces against the people right now.
Same location as previous video.
CW also for significant flashing strobe again.
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More of the special forces police's severe violence against the people of Georgia tonight.
A journalist has described the police detaining them, beating them, taking their cameras and breaking their nose, now going to hospital to check for head injuries
CW for the videos additionally: significant strobe flashing
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At least >10 journalists were injured by the Ministry of Interior of Georgia's special forces police through the night, including several broken noses, as well as cameras stolen and vandalized by the cops. At least several of the journalists were apparently targeted for their job as journalists recordings show.
Also several opposition politicians were injured, including at least one broken nose while she was defending the people from the cops.
The Ministry of B̶r̶u̶t̶a̶l̶i̶t̶y̶ Interior say 43 people were detained through the night and that 32 of their brutes had been injured, while it is unknown how many tens or more of the people were severely injured by the cops in at least many cases caught on video apparently only desiring to as a cop-mob cause pain and suffering of one targeted person at a time before leaving that person on the ground and moving on to the next.
Here are some more new videos from these events, including a cop stealing someone's belongings and the cops invading a drugstore to apparently leave at least one person brutalized there too and the attempt at targeted destroying a camera caught on that camera.
CW for these videos: again significant flashing of apparently weaponized strobe, as well as obviously severe violence against the people
Here's an article in English:
"Georgia protesters clash with police after PM suspends EU membership talks
President accuses government of declaring ‘war on its own people’, as thousands take to streets over fears government is steering country towards Russia"…
Georgia protesters clash with police after EU membership talks suspended
Interior ministry says 43 arrested as thousands take to streets over fears government is steering country towards RussiaPjotr Sauer (The Guardian)
The statement:…
See previously in this thread for details...
"Georgia: Police actions in Tbilisi amount to yet another punitive assault on freedom of peaceful assembly"…
Georgian police crack down on peaceful protests in Tbilisi, escalating assaults on assembly rights
Police use water cannons, tear gas, and rubber bullets to suppress peaceful protests, raising concerns over excessive force and the crackdown on dissentAmnesty International
but it seems the government can't hear the people, this night either.
Some of the protesters are trying to smash in a side gate of the parliament of Georgia. I think... it may be the gate they stormed the parliament a bit through on May 1, maybe?
Meanwhile, President Salome asked the repression forces to stop brutalizing the people. I don't think they care.
Police special forces continue their brutal rampage against the people of Georgia.
The Paper Kartuli photo-journalist of this video was smashed in the face causing eye injury and other injuries visible in a photo, which I don't think you need to see so it's not included.
Amazingly brave person at the start of the video!
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Police special forces are pushing the people away from the parliament building in Georgia with water cannons and chemical weaponry.
The people resist with fireworks and great courage.
CW for the video: significant weaponized strobing
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The violence machine keeps rolling over the people of Georgia...
CW for the video: significant weaponized strobing
Here's two videos from Batumi, on the southwesternmost corner of Georgia:
Dismantled gazebos being taken to the barricades in Tbilisi, capital of Georgia:
Protesters smashed windows of the ruling party "Georgian Dream" capital city office and tore down their flag.
And there was much rejoicing.
Now just throwing rocks at the already broken into ruling Putinist "Georgian Dream" party's capital city office because *giggles*.
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Righteous rage continues in Tbilisi, Georgia.
Fuck your water cannon and your chemical weaponry...
It's currently 5°C (41°F) there.
CW for the video: significant weaponized strobing
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Y'know, I don't think they like the Georgia Ministry of Interior police special forces..?
CW for the video: significant weaponized strobing, still
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The clearing of protesters by the Georgia Ministry of B̶r̶u̶t̶a̶l̶i̶t̶y̶ Interior's police special forces at the parliament building began around 6 in the morning, with their signature extreme brutality and callousness.
CW for the video: extreme police brutality
I mean it: WARNING! I put the worst scene at the end. Stop before that if you think it was difficult to watch before.……
Protesters gather for third night of demonstrations after Georgia announces suspension of EU talks
Protesters have gathered across Georgia in a third straight night of demonstrations against the government’s decision to suspend negotiations to join the European Union. The third night of protests were held Saturday.SOPHIKO MEGRELIDZE (AP News)
Here's the one at parliament again:
Don't know the magnitudes of the others, but here's a video from Kutaisi (
versus those currently preparing to brutalize the people for protesting.
I saw photos of it being prepared earlier and people had written important messages on it, such as:
fuck russia
fuck police
After some exchange of smoke bombs from the cops and some fireworks back from the people it is reportedly calm, for now.
Opinions on the outcome may vary.…
Hey! I said it first!
Georgian president calls government illegitimate, claiming rigged election
Salome Zourabichvili says she will not stand down as parliament is invalid, after PM halts EU accession talksGuardian staff reporter (The Guardian)
Violent dispersal of the protesting people at the parliament of Georgia has begun.
The two fists with raised middle fingers towards the police has seemingly become the main symbol of the protests in Tbilisi, I believe from one instance against a water cannon at the start.
I approve.
Water cannons back in use in Tbilisi.
It's currently 6°C (43°F) there.
SOVA news outlet mentioned that there is no longer an "unknown substance" in the water.
Ooooh, I thought I recognized that color! Same as they did against Occupy Gezi in Turkey, they put tear gas in the water cannon water, even though the canisters specifically said (then) that was very dangerous and not allowed.
They have machine-gun fireworks against the police trying to disperse the popular protest at Georgia's parliament.
Machine-gun fireworks, from the people to the cops, at the protest at Georgia's parliament.
Outside Georgia's parliament was cleared of the people.
One big push by the professionally violent, with many arrests including reportedly also children, then...
The protesters are still dispersed from the actual parliament of Georgia, but still protesting.
SOVA reports the police switched their chemical weapon to not be "just" tear gas, but now also have some nauseating effect.
Spontaneously I would guess they switched to CN then. If so, that is more dangerous. I hope I'm wrong.
President Salome is not pleased with them.
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New barricades being built in Tblisi,
more extreme amounts of chemical weaponry used by the cops.
CW for the video: significant weaponized strobing
Today, the Tbilisi International Film Festival reportedly denounced the cops' brutality against the protesters, The Free Theatre offers shelter to the protesters and the Public Service TV has changed their stance to not support its owner the State but instead the protesters, along with several internationally famous Georgians to do with sportsing of various kinds.
Yesterday it was the local nightclubs near parliament offering to come to get warmed up with some free hot tea and also President Salome denounced the government and the cops' brutality.
It's starting to feel like it's only the nearby dictatorships that's gonna be supportive now, but what can they do? Invade? They're kinda busy though.…
Police disperse crowds with force in third straight day of protests in Georgia – video
Protesters built barricades and set off fireworks outside parliament, some in the direction of riot police, who responded by firing water cannons and teargas into the crowdsGuardian staff reporter (The Guardian)
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A view of the protest events in the capital of Georgia while I slept, in my approximation of chronological order.
Despite what worldwide major news-media reported, the people was not actually cleared off the streets in spite of the extreme amounts of chemical weaponry and other brutality from repression forces.
The people for the first time of the three consecutive nights did manage to remain out protesting in their streets and still are this morning!
They're now occupying an intersection outside university.
CW for the video: significant police use of weaponized strobing
With the Tbilisi, Georgia protesters still out protesting through the entire night remaining now occupying an intersection at university, they obviously need refueling,
so this person came with a lot of it and is giving out for free
"Bread, cheese and heroism!"
200 people have detained related to the protests in Georgia, according to the Ministry of R̶e̶p̶r̶e̶s̶s̶i̶o̶n̶ Interior.
I don't think it's working. Have you tried turning the repression off and... not on again?
Currently scheduled for today is at 17:00 gathering again at the Public Service broadcaster building as they did yesterday over that it had been inappropriately pro-government propagandizing (although that has reportedly improved now, so maybe not?) and then the main protest is to resume at 19:00 at parliament building.
Fireworks explode as protesters clash with police outside the parliament building during a demonstration against the government’s decision to delay EU membership talks"
via "The weekend in pictures" (…) of the Guardian.
A flooded temple and political fireworks: photos of the weekend
The Guardian’s picture editors select photographs from around the worldThe Guardian
Fourth consecutive day of protests at the parliament of Georgia has begun.
This time, someone(s) brought free food too!
If someone thinks the food is too timid, the cops will probably bring pepper soon.
What was the saying in Turkey, during Occupy Gezi?
"Here, we like spicy food so much that we even have the cops spray pepper in the air"... Something like that.
The cops started water cannoning the people from inside the steel barrier walled parliament of Georgia courtyard, so the people started throwing fireworks, firecrackers and garbage back at the trash-behaving cops.
Cops ready to start a riot in Batumi, southwesternmost corner of Georgia, get faced with whom their actions harm the most.
Here's an idea: Mutiny. Desert. Quit.
Looks like the cops in Georgia this evening returned to the potentially very harmful practice of putting the "tear gas" substance in the water cannon water.
That will have the substance penetrate most clothing over a person's entire body instead of just directly unprotected exposed areas.
I recall it from Occupy Gezi in Turkey where it could also be seen on the canisters when they poured it into the tank, clearly labeled that doing exactly that was not allowed because it is so dangerous.
The protesters at parliament of Georgia keep getting water cannoned from inside the parliament court yard behind the steel barrier erected to keep the people out of their supposed representation.
The people DGAF.
They're having a 5°C shower,
showering the cops back 🖕.
They will continue.
Reportedly now moved to the Constitutional Court.
What do you think this is, some kind of game?
Apparently someone brought the protesters in Tbilisi dry clothes though, so that's nice.
The cops have strobes and smoke (unfortunately tear gas, but shhh).
They could just have an excellent time instead,
but noooo the "Georgian Dream" has to impose the nightmare instead.
Here's how to do that, on a surveillance camera for everyone's safety's sake.
Tbilisi, Georgia, now-ish.
"demand paid leave as provided by the Labor Code and use your free time in the movement of general popular resistance"
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Here comes the violence machine: A warning was issued some minutes ago that the police would start attacking the protesters in Tbilisi and now they begin.
CW for the video: significant weaponized strobing
Walking away, with some screening skirmishers.
They've got this.
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And here comes the gas again. It didn't work the previous night, Tbilisi coppers. YOU go home.
CW for the video: significant weaponized strobing
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From my understanding, the Tbilisi protesters are now back at their main location during the night to today (i.e. previous night) pushed away from being right outside parliament of Georgia, to instead be outside Marriott Hotel, where they've lit fires, presumably not just for warmth but also because smoke particles help against "tear gas".
CW for the video: significant weaponized strobing
If this person seemingly having a seizure and/or severe nausea does so from the repression gas, that could again indicate use of CN which has higher harm potential, or maybe too old OC/CS. Not good in either way.
Mood at the protest in Tbilisi? 🔥
It should rain for about an hour now, according to weather websites, but then again most of the protesters would reasonably have splash resistant clothing or similar by now, considering the water cannoning cops.
The rain... should help against the tear gas even more than the smoke of the fires.
Es ist so toll, wie viele Menschen sich uns gerade anschließen! Unsere nigelnagelneue Webseite hat noch Einiges zum AfD-Verbot in petto, darunter:
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Menschenwürde verteidigen und Demokratie schützen. Organisierten extremen Rechten den Boden entziehen. AfD
Ungerechte Bescheide in Niedersachsen:
Amtlich unbarmherzig
Eine Demente soll sich erinnern, eine Bettlägrige gehen: Im „Schwarzbuch sozial“ schildert der niedersächsische Sozialverband Fälle aus Beratungen.
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Lo he visto en el TikTok de Irene López Assor que cuenta muchas cosas sobre ND varias, también desde su experiencia como ND.
Aficionados al Warhammer de todo el mundo apoyan la huelga de una fábrica catalana que produce sus pinturas
El paro parcial de los trabajadores de Acrylicos Vallejo, líder mundial en pinturas para miniaturas desde su planta en Vilanova i la Geltrú, provoca una oleada de solidaridad entre 'influencers' y fans de las figurasPau Rodríguez (
@Solanus si a ver, si yo solo lo ponía como aclaración, tampoco es que controle mucho: hace años que dejé el Warhammer (lo mío ahora es el Belenhammer 🤣🤣) pero en el toot inicial parecía que se asumía una relación directa entre Vallejo y Games Workshop.
Mira, yo las Vallejo las uso para pintar coches de Hot Wheels y jugar a Gaslands, que si os gusta Mad Max es… juegazo!! (Y mucho más barato jajaja)
@Shine_McShine @fanta
Frage an euch: Viele zögern, #GrapheneOS zu installieren, obwohl es eigentlich recht einfach ist. Wie wäre es, wenn der Kuketz-Blog eine Dienstleistung anbietet, die die Installation gegen eine Aufwandsentschädigung von etwa 50 € übernimmt? Was denkt ihr – gäbe es dafür Interesse?
#android #datenschutz #privacy #customrom
- Ja (35%, 301 Stimmen)
- Nein (33%, 277 Stimmen)
- Keine Ahnung (31%, 260 Stimmen)
Dann könnte Maik doch auch einen bezahlten Support-Kanal aufbauen. Technisch Befähigte sollte er in seinem Forum zuhauf finden können.
Und ja: Ernst gemeint.
Spannend… und ein bischen neidisch bin ich vielleicht auch. Kannte das bisher nur für einfachst Sachen und Reparaturen
Aaaaaargh. Ideen.
Gibt's da auch Modelle, die 3mm-Filament verarbeiten? Hab jetzt auf die Schnelle nur welche ohne Angabe oder 1.75mm gefunden...
Sehr geil.
(Mehr fällt mir nicht dazu ein - ist wirklich gut. Ich nehm’ mal an, dass sich die Wirkung der „Zeichnung“ mit wechselndem Hintergrund noch verstärkt. Ich will sowas auch können. 😉)
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