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Beiträge, die mit PDF getaggt sind


Beiträge, die mit PDF getaggt sind

"Pierre Menard, Author of the Quixote"
by Jorge Luis Borges


#ebook #pdf

A cool change is that the Core Specification of the Unicode Standard is now released as a static HTML subsite, backed up by an archiveable #PDF of 1,140 pages.


You can now link to specific sections and paragraphs, e.g.

"Unicode is about plain text, see: unicode.org/versions/Unicode16…" .

I helped out in a small way with the project to produce the core spec as HTML + PDF. I think it is a marvellous improvement.

#18n #fonts #PDF #unicode

Yay! #Unicode version 16.0 is released!

Announcement: blog.unicode.org/2024/09/annou…

#18n #fonts #PDF #unicode

I build a small application for generating nice #PDF files in a simple way using #java. It is my first project on @Codeberg. I hope to remove the serialization stuff in there and replace it with XML so that other languages can generate PDF's just as easy. codeberg.org/ivolimmen/docgen

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