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"Los orígenes libertarios del Primero de Mayo: de Chicago a América Latina (1886-1930)"
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Über eine Million Profile: DNA-Sammelwut in DeutschlandShop des Gen-ethischen Netzwerk e.V.
A cool change is that the Core Specification of the Unicode Standard is now released as a static HTML subsite, backed up by an archiveable #PDF of 1,140 pages.…
You can now link to specific sections and paragraphs, e.g.
"Unicode is about plain text, see:…" .
I helped out in a small way with the project to produce the core spec as HTML + PDF. I think it is a marvellous improvement.
Yay! #Unicode version 16.0 is released!
Announcing The Unicode® Standard, Version 16.0
Version 16.0 of the Unicode Standard is now available. This is a major version update that includes new characters and code charts, new