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Beiträge, die mit transgender getaggt sind


Beiträge, die mit transgender getaggt sind

Queremos seguiros a todes, así que recomendaciones e impulsos son muy bienvenidos. 💐 💙

👋🏼 Si eres trans o nb, interactúa con este mensaje para que te veamos (o haznos una mención privada si prefieres).

#transtodon #trans #nb #nobinaries #lgtbiaq #lgbtqia #queer #transgender #genderfluid

Republican behind bill to ‘protect’ girls from trans people arrested for allegedly soliciting minor


#transgender #trans #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA

A friend of mine, Amy Paris, has decided to speak out after being fired from DHHS, where she oversaw the safety of organ donations across the US. As a high-performer and one of the highest-ranking trans people in the US government, it’s hard not to see this as politically-motivated.


#USPol #transgender #trans #19thNews

What is the difference between honest ignorance (which we all have on any number of topics, and if we're humble, we learn) and prideful ignorance ("I know everything already, shut up")?

This man

He came to the #Wisconsin state legislature to speak against #genderAffirmingCare. Instead, after listening to testimony, he apologized and said he learned a lot


On #socialMedia we are drowning in #bigotry

But, sometimes, you can educate those who will listen

#Trans #TransRights #Transgender

Wake the F*ck Up—The U.S. Is Committing Trans Genocide, and It Won’t Stop There

Every genocide and fascist movement in modern history has followed a pattern. It never starts with mass killings. It starts with dehumanization, legal restrictions, and social exclusion. It starts with the most vulnerable group—the one society already marginalizes. And every single time, that group has been trans people.

— #Women #Transgender #Nonbinary #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA (1/18)


I'm looking for names and/or connections of any academics, independent researchers, or prominent figures *anywhere*, but *especially* in #Canada who have at least *some* connection to *any* fields related to:

- #Genocide (in general)
- #Trans Genocide
- #Geopolitics as they relate to trans people

I've been asked to lead a significant and urgent project related to the present crisis, and I've dropped all other tasks to support this. I wish I could provide more details publicly, but these details will have to follow.

- Feel free to either post or DM me names/info or to connect

#academia #research #transgender #queer #lgbtq #lgbtqia

If you're looking for a direct action way to help U.S. trans people, here's a link to the GoFundMe of the group of volunteers I'm involved with. We're raising money to put directly in the hands of trans people fleeing the United States.


We've already raised over $1,800, and are currently working with three trans people who are arranging their escapes. And they've helped me.

Any money you can spare goes to things like travel costs, a safe housing network, weather-appropriate clothes (Canada's cold!), and living expenses while they job search.

#mutualAid #crowdfund #transMutualAid #trans #transgender #lgbtq

Boosts appreciated.

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Hey fediverse friends,

Today's the last day for me to try and buy a week at a cheap discount at the guesthouse my cat and I are staying at, before I have to start paying by the night.

I'd love to stay here in safety while I continue applying for a work visa and looking for permanent housing. If you have any cash to spare, would you consider donating it? You'd be helping a trans person build a new safe life outside America.

Any amount of money is welcome, small or not, and boosting would be kind too. :blobcattransheart:



#mutualAidRequest #mutualAid #trans #transgender #transMutualAid #lgbtcrowdfund @mutualaid

We've been hearing an increasing number of reports of trans people's GPs refusing to prescribe their HRT to them. That's why we're created our new resource: buff.ly/3BYv6E3

Has your GP recently refused to prescribe you HRT? Let us know at buff.ly/40iBpw3

#Trans #Transgender

Kolumne: Emma gegen Strack-Zimmermann

Danke Marina Weisband @afelia

#transgender #trans #evidenz


Heut ist der Kostenbescheid der Landesjustizkasse für mein Namens- und Personenstandsänderungsverfahren nach §§ 1, 8 TSG per Post gekommen. Kostenpunkt: € 1.200

:flag_transgender: :boost_ok:

#transition #transgender #mtf #ftm

71,2 % aller #trans Personen finden keinen Behandlungsplatz bei unterstützenden oder kompetenten Ärzt*innen, Therapeut*innen und Kliniken. 57,1% erleben Diskriminierung im Kontakt mit Behandler*innen (Ärzt*innen, Therapeut*innen, Kliniken). UKE Symposium „#Transgender und Gesundheit in Wissenschaft und Praxis“ in Hamburg.

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