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Beiträge, die mit TransRights getaggt sind


Beiträge, die mit TransRights getaggt sind

The oldest known poem in world history ("Hymn to Inanna," ~2250 BCE) contains mentions of trans people.

Trans people have always existed & always will.

And poetry belongs to everyone 💜🦉


#poetry #TransRights #history #literature #poetrycommunity

What is the difference between honest ignorance (which we all have on any number of topics, and if we're humble, we learn) and prideful ignorance ("I know everything already, shut up")?

This man

He came to the #Wisconsin state legislature to speak against #genderAffirmingCare. Instead, after listening to testimony, he apologized and said he learned a lot


On #socialMedia we are drowning in #bigotry

But, sometimes, you can educate those who will listen

#Trans #TransRights #Transgender


There's a thing you can sign!

It's for an EU-wide ban on so-called "conversion therapy" of queer people.

Please sign it! Lots of member states haven't met the minimum threshold yet!

The thing needs seven member states to meet the minimum threshold AND at least a million signatures before 17.5.2025


#lgbtqa #lgbtq #lgbt #eu #transrights #conversiontherapy #ban

Es ist soweit: USA-Reisen für trans und nonbinäre Personen mit geändertem Geburtsgeschlecht nicht mehr ohne Weiteres möglich. Das Auswärtige Amt hat heute Reise- und Sicherheitshinweise geändert und empfiehlt vor der Einreise Kontakt zu US-Auslandsvertretung


#TransRights #nonbinary #USA

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