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Beiträge, die mit USAid getaggt sind


Beiträge, die mit USAid getaggt sind

Greetings from Muskau: Russian Propaganda Surges as Musk, Trump Jr. and AfD Align leavex.eu/posts/greetings-from…

*There are currently masses of Russian propaganda videos in circulation, ostensibly from the news media. Many are attacking the USAID. Elon Musk, Trump Junior and the AfD are happy to help. The closing of ranks is complete.*

Excellent article by @chrisstoecker. Share it.

#Russia #Musk #afd #USA #USPol #Europe #EU #disinformation #FakeNews #trump #USAID

Russia asks Elon #Musk to hand over names of dissidents

Spot the #RussianAsset

MPs in #Moscow want a list of Russians funded by #USAid, the American aid scheme shut down by Donald Trump, to be given to the security services

Moscow has appealed to the US to identify exiled Russian opposition figures who received funding from America’s international aid agency, which Elon Musk described as a “criminal organisation”.

Chairman of the Duma, Russia’s parliament, said on Tuesday: “If they recognised the [USAid] organisation as an enemy, let them give us the lists. Congress will send us the lists — we will give them to the FSB [Russian security service].”


#AmericanDictatorship #authoritarian #Orwellian #privacy #HybridWar #RussianAggression

US aid freeze claims first victims as oxygen supplies cut off

Seventy-one-year-old woman dies after being sent home from #USAID funded hospital. Others die after hospitals close in refugee camps


#news #politics #uspol #uspolitics #GOPCult #trump #corruption

Meiner Meinung nach sollte #Europa hier rasch einspringen. Bieten wir allen Trump-Opfern eine neue (Forschungs-)Heimat, unterstützen wir solidarisch dort, wo #USAID nun ausfällt. Das würde auch unsere globale Position wieder stärken. Ansonsten wird China das alleine machen. #EU #research #foreignaid

"The following commentary was written by a USAID employee, who has requested anonymity for fear of retribution."

"They even took down the memorial wall at our headquarters honoring the USAID personnel who have died in service to our country."


#elonmusk #musk #trump #USAID #USA #government

So hart es klingt #USAID sollte wirklich nicht #Mali, #Niger, #Sudan, #Tschad oder #Kongo helfen, sollen die doch #Russland und #Putin um Hilfe gegen die #Klimakrise ersuchen. tagesschau.de/ausland/afrika/f…

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