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#OtD 20 Dec 1973 Spanish fascist PM due to succeed Franco, Luis Carrero Blanco, was assassinated and dubbed "Spain's first astronaut" as his car was blown over a five-storey building. His death was credited by some as hastening the return to democracy stories.workingclasshistory.co…

Die Ausbeutungsprofiteure
Die Union schwadroniert über fehlende Leistungsbereitschaft-bei ihr ein Euphemismus für Selbstausbeutung bis zur Selbstaufgabe unter widrigsten Bedingungen. Die weltentrückte Denke wohlhabender Profiteure qua Verwaltung […] …
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#leistungsgesellschaft #merz #union

#KADOKAWA is now trending across Mastodon

#Yemen is now trending across Mastodon

Getting Trump as President is like getting a Putin Clone
But Copies are sometimes not quite the original quality
Trump is characterized as a Useful Idiot
A Putin Minimee only bigly
Trump has failed at every endeavor he has ever attempted
His last Presidency left America a new 9 Trillion dollar debt
This time he will add to that debt by 12 Trillion$$
94 million lazy people stayed home didn't vote, allowed a Sociopathic Moron back in the White House
This is on YOU
I voted 4 Kamala & Tim....

what percentage of replicator food is made from poop

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