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Beiträge, die mit Photomonday getaggt sind

Ich habe mitbekommen, daß hier auch einige (Amateur-/Hobby-) Fotografen sind. Mich würde mal interessieren, wie Ihr fotografiert (digital oder analog) und warum.

Boostern erwünscht.

#Foto #Fotografie #Fotomontag #photo #photography #photos #Photomonday #photo #fediverse

  • Analog (1%, 1 Stimme)
  • Digital (86%, 66 Stimmen)
  • beides (11%, 9 Stimmen)
76 Stimmen, Abstimmung endet: 1 Woche her

Happy #MountainMonday! These are "the" Flatirons-- a group of tilted flat-faced rock formations in the Rocky #Mountains, near Boulder, #Colorado (there are many other flatirons elsewhere). We passed them last week on one of our excursions. A "bit" colder than the last time I was here-- hiked around the base of the Flatirons in 90+ deg (F) heat a couple of years ago! #PhotoMonday #hiking #backpacking #nature #NaturePhotography #landscape #photography #LandscapePhotography #GetOutside

Whoa! After just one hour in the Rocky #Mountains, CO, today, I encountered a herd of elk! The herd was grazing a half mile from where I was staying and I saw them while out taking a walk. This one seemed to pose for me! #MountainMonday #PhotoMonday #WildlifePhotography #wildlife #hiking #backpacking #nature #NaturePhotography #photography

#FotoMontag #PhotoMonday:
Toller Wandertörn mit ordentlich Wellengang im Plastikmeer des Gemüseanbaus!

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