Air - Universal Traveler…
Universal Traveler
Provided to YouTube by Parlophone (France)Universal Traveler · AirTalkie Walkie℗ 2004 Parlophone / Warner Music France, A Warner Music Group CompanyDrums: Br...YouTube
@stefko schreibt: "Mein Name ist Stefanie Kogler und ich studiere an der Universität Wien. Im Rahmen meiner Masterarbeit untersuche ich die Nachhaltigkeit von Mastodon.. Nach einem Anstieg der Registrierungen im Jahr 2022 ist die Zahl der aktiven Nutzenden auf Mastodon stark gesunken, und diese Studie möchte herausfinden, warum die Nutzenden-Aktivität auf Mastodon sinkt."…
Ich bin nicht sicher, ob hier gerade jene Leute herumlaufen, die man nach den Gründen fragen will, aber vielleicht habt ihr ja trotzdem etwas zu sagen 😀
Join Michael Meeks from @CollaboraOffice as he introduces the latest updates for Nextcloud Office!
#NextcloudOffice #CollaboraOnline
Real-time collaboration with Nextcloud Office | Nextcloud Hub 9
Join Michael Meeks from Collabora Online as he walks us through the latest updates for Nextcloud Office in Nextcloud Hub 9.Use spreadsheets to model, plan, a...YouTube
Mastodon #research 🚀
I’m working on my master’s thesis at the University of Vienna, and I’d love your input! My research focuses on sustaining long-term user activity on Mastodon, contributing to a more active Fediverse. If you have a few minutes, please take my short survey:
Your thoughts will contribute to meaningful research. Feel free to boost this post so we can reach as many users as possible. Thank you so much! 🙌
teilten dies erneut
so i shared a video of nintendo's luigi shooting people in a cartoon version of a "billionaire convention" and they completely deleted my account and all 7 of the accounts connected to it (some were parking usernames that bad actors liked to steal from me)
matt mullennuts is a big baby
A graph shows a dark-green curve shaped like a parabola that opens upwards, but is steeper on the right side than on the left. The curve passes through the points (0,0) and (1,1). The x-axis ranges from -3 to 3, and the y-axis ranges from -1 to 5. The graph is on a grid with regularly spaced lines. The letter 'f' is labeled next to the curve on the left side.
Provided by @altbot, generated using Gemini
Sicher, hier ist eine Alt-Text-Beschreibung für das Bild:
Eine silberne Schüssel enthält einen Eintopf aus gewürfelten Karotten und Wurzelgemüse, die in einer cremigen, hellgelben Sauce geschmort wurden. Das Gemüse ist in gleichmäßige Würfel geschnitten und scheint weich und zart zu sein. Die Sauce bedeckt das Gemüse gleichmäßig. Der Eintopf wirkt appetitlich und warm.
Bereitgestellt von @altbot, generiert mit Gemini
The image shows a comic-style conversation between two anime-style girls. The top panel shows a girl with long dark blue hair with blue highlights wearing a tan jacket, smiling slyly and saying "I like bad girls." The bottom panel shows a brown-haired girl in a white sweater, unable to wink and saying "Can't wink" in a small speech bubble next to her face. She's talking to the blue-haired girl, who is saying, "Well, not to brag but I'm literally bad at everything." A third girl with dark hair is partially visible in the bottom right corner.
Provided by @altbot, generated using Gemini
📢 The 2024.12.1 release of our iOS Companion app is out now! This month you'll find:
🔹 CarPlay quick access customizations
🔹 Downloads are now supported
🔹 Configurable gestures
...and more! Get it today and see what's new 👇🏼
#HomeAssistant #SmartHome #HomeAutomation #Release…
Home Assistant
The Home Assistant Companion app allows you to access your Home Assistant instance on the go. Home Assistant is the smart home solution focused on privacy, choice, and sustainability.App Store
@kevinrj This is a very interesting question because we know accessibility is something we can always improve on. I personally think starting with searches on our Discourse forums will help the most - the website may give a better experience with screen readers and there are a lot of stories from the community there that might help get started.
Is there a specific task in mind you'd like to tackle first?
- Missy
Home Assistant Community
Open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first.Home Assistant Community
BUNDESTAGSWAHL | Sonntagsfrage Forsa/RTL, n-tv
Union: 30% (-1)
AfD: 19% (+1)
SPD: 17%
GRÜNE: 13%
FDP: 4%
BSW: 4%
Sonstige: 10%
Änderungen zur letzten Umfrage vom 10. Dezember 2024
A screenshot shows a social media or forum interface. The left side displays a menu with options for "Timeline," "Notifications," "Search," "Follow requests," "Settings," and "Note." The main area shows several posts. One post says "[Project Completed]" and includes a comment that reads, "can't believe it's been 100 years since Nikola Tesla invented the internet" and another comment that says "crazy to think abt". On the right, there are notifications indicating that users "Dushman" and "penny" followed the account, and a post from a user named "iris" about creating a pinned post with all their alternative accounts.
Provided by @altbot, generated using Gemini
Aquí tienes una descripción de texto alternativo para la imagen:
Un hombre con barba y pelo castaño oscuro está sentado en una cafetería, removiendo con una cuchara una bebida de color crema en una taza grande de color verde azulado. La cafetería tiene un ambiente cálido y borroso en el fondo. El hombre parece concentrado en su bebida.
Proporcionado por @altbot, generado usando Gemini
Nicht nur
sondern auch Drohnen statt Boeller!
Damit es in Deutschland auch so abgefahrene Shows, wie zu Neujahr in London gibt! #HerzStattMerz #DrohnenStattBöller
Hab den Eindruck der Wissing hat mit der FDP ne Last abgeworfen und spielt total erfrischend auf in letzten Tagen im Amt.
Ein Beispiel mehr warum Regierung sehr viel weniger Partei(proporz) unterliegen sollte, dafür ist das Parlament da.
Der nächste Deutsche Bundestag könnte auch einfach sagen: Sorry Dude(s), was ihr da an Regierung vorschlagt geht gar nicht, probierts nochmal, die .de Gesellschaft hat deutlich mehr geeignete Minister:innen, als ihr versucht da aus Euch selbst zu rekrutieren
#同人 蜘蛛小姐玛菲特(undertale同人) - Parion圆周率のイラスト - pixiv
As you see this picture, music starts playing..…
Spider Dance
Provided to YouTube by IIP-DDSSpider Dance · Toby FoxUNDERTALE Soundtrack℗ Toby Fox under license to Materia CollectiveReleased on: 2015-09-15Producer: Toby ...YouTube
Gráfico circular que muestra los beneficios de trabajar en IT en 2025. Se divide en cuatro secciones de diferentes colores, representando: salario (rojo), bienestar (verde), salud mental estable (azul) y confianza en el futuro (amarillo).
Proporcionado por @altbot, generado usando Gemini
#GoodEvening 🥂🌹 #UnoRadio 📻
#MyPhoto 📷
Photograph - Ed Sheeran…
Ed Sheeran - Photograph (Official Lyric Video)
Celebrating the 10 year anniversary of Ed Sheeran's album "X". Anniversary edition is out now: Order Multiply 10th Anniversary vinyl and merch: https://es.lnk.Ed Sheeran | Invidious
Ecco una descrizione alternativa dell'immagine:
Il sole tramonta dietro un folto albero di ulivo, i suoi raggi dorati filtrano attraverso le foglie creando un effetto luminoso. In lontananza si intravede un paesaggio collinare con altri ulivi sparsi nel campo. La scena è immersa in un'atmosfera calda e serena.
Fornito da @altbot, generato utilizzando Gemini
A screenshot of a text message conversation shows three messages and a thumbs-up emoji. The first message says "dam girl". The second message asks, "Are u a construction worker?". The third message says, "Because you are building". A blue button with the word "what" is visible on the right. Small profile pictures of a person appear next to the first and third messages.
Provided by @altbot, generated using Gemini
Le terapie geniche CRISPR sono pronte al debutto: curano modificando direttamente il DNA e promettono di rivoluzionare la medicina. Dal "taglia e cuci" di precisione di CRISPR-Cas9, al "correttore di bozze" del base editing, fino al "riscrivi-genoma" del prime editing. I primi successi contro l'anemia falciforme e la talassemia fanno ben sperare. Certo, i costi sono mostruosi e restano problemi da affrontare, ma la strada sembra tracciata.…
Sarà l'anno di CRISPR? Tutte le terapie in arrivo (ma i costi...) | Futuro Prossimo
Le terapie CRISPR fanno progressi: nuovi approcci per renderle più sicure e versatili. La corsa all'editing è appena iniziata.Gianluca Riccio (
L'immagine mostra due scienziati in camici bianchi di fronte ad una grande macchina futuristica. Sulla macchina è scritto "2025" in grandi numeri. All'interno della macchina è visibile una doppia elica di DNA. Gli scienziati sono di spalle e sembrano lavorare a dei computer. Il tutto è ambientato in un laboratorio dai colori tenui.
Fornito da @altbot, generato utilizzando Gemini
„Bleibt hübsch kritisch.“ Spender*innenkommentar des Tages
Uns fehlen noch 261.798 €, um auch 2025 kritischen Journalismus weitermachen zu können – mit Sachverstand, Durchblick und Humor. Das geht nur durch deine Spende:
Binnensteden uitstootvrij!…
Tweede Kamer zet door: binnensteden mogen per 1 januari uitstootvrij worden
Een deel van de Tweede Kamer probeerde er dinsdag nog een stokje voor te steken, maar tevergeefs: veertien gemeenten kunnen vanaf 1 januari uitstootvrije zones invoeren.Raoul du Pré (DPG Media)
A news article in Dutch with the headline "Tweede Kamer zet door: binnensteden mogen per 1 januari uitstootvrij worden," which translates to "Second Chamber pushes through: city centers may become emission-free from January 1." Below the headline is a smaller text detailing that despite some opposition, fourteen municipalities can introduce emission-free zones from January 1st. The author and date are listed as "Raoul du Pré, December 17, 2024." The image shows a street scene with several environmental zone signs indicating permitted vehicle classes.
Provided by @altbot, generated using Gemini
⸸Punished Venom Nova⸸
Unbekannter Ursprungsbeitrag • • •⸸Punished Venom Nova⸸
Unbekannter Ursprungsbeitrag • • •⸸Punished Venom Nova⸸
Unbekannter Ursprungsbeitrag • • •Mario Saves Hollywood (Super Mario Bros. Parody)