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Beiträge, die mit Education getaggt sind

It would also explain:

a) Why schools put so much pressure on children to compete & ‘succeed’

b) Why the authorities don't much like putting resources into #disabled & #autistic kids (where's the ROI?).


#School #Education

European Universities started …
.. leaving X

#Universities in #Amsterdam, #Vienna, #Berlin, #Karlsruhe, #Aachen and other cities in Europe have left microblogging service X during the last week(s).

They justify this step with the systematic lack of moderation on the platform, which has resulted in a flood of hate speech, disinformation and cyberbullying.

Some of them have already started to run channels on Mastodon: @univienna, @tuberlin, @KIT_Karlsruhe, @UniOldenburg @unibremen, @freieuniversitaet, @UniUlm , @HTW_Berlin, @uni_paderborn.

X is not a suitable medium for communication in #research and #education. Help get the other #universities to follow suit and sign the petition
👉 openpetition.de/Unis4Mastodon
#unis4mastodon 🌻 👩‍🎓 #eXit

6 February 1927 | Józef Kocik was born in Cracow. This Polish boy was deported to Auschwitz on 3 June 1942 from a prison in Krakow & registered as number 37282.

For an escape attempt on 12 February 1943, he was taken to Block 11 & shot on the next day.

#Auschwitz #Birkenau #ww2 #Poland #Nazis #Germany #NeverForget #education #history #histodons #otd #children

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