Hafenstraße'96 - Gedenken & Anklagen - hafenstrasse96.org/
Die Initiative Hafenstraße'96 ist ein ehrenamtlicher Zusammenschluss von Aktivist*innen, um eine antirassistische Gedenkkultur zu etablieren.Initiative Hafenstraße'96
Rechtsextreme "Freie Sachsen" werben für fragwürdige Kredite
Die rechtsextremen "Freie Sachsen" wollen in mehrere sächsische Kommunalparlamente einziehen - und im Herbst in den Landtag. Dafür setzt die Partei auch auf intransparente Finanzpraktiken: Kredite mit Sonderzahlung bei Wahlerfolg. Von T. Vorreyer.
Hi guys, our email server was locked by the provider due to "abuse" it seems. We're working on it, please be patient.
Email delivery is currently unavailable.
In Dec 2023, an " IT professional" joined Codeberg with a valid email address. In the meantime, they apparently changed something with their server, because the email address is no longer available.
They are also a very active contributor to abuseipdb.com, reporting every server which sends mail to nonexistent email addresses on their personal server to.
This report triggered the abuse department of our ISP to take down our server.
Thank you!
@patricus if they can't be contacted in an alternate address, why not remove email address from wherever they were getting emails from?
noone should be blocked because of non-delivery to a single address...
and who reports those to abuseipdb anyway? false-positive ratio for reporting every single not-found address, must be >50%.
reporting recurring attempts to multiple email addresses like admin@ it@ support@ info@ etc, is usually more correct.
@uhuru the idea to report servers sending email to non-existent generic addresses is probably a good thing.
The problem is if you use that server to register somewhere, then remove that inbox 🙄
in general i'm also submitting to abuseipdb/blocklist.de, just not those... false positive ratio isnt worth it.
Btw, wherever you register, there should/could be a limit of email bounces, then user deactivation/deletion. like in mailing list software. what do you think?
@uhuru Most self-hostable software is actually not aware of email bounces. Most tools are fire-and-forget (SMTP only). They are not aware of bounces.
We could implement it into Forgjeo, but this likely affects so much more.
We're still waiting for a response from the abuse department about a potential unlock. We apologize for the inconvenience caused.
We have blogged about the problem when providers like @netcup (in our case) rely on blocklists as the single source of truth, without second thought or verification.
This caused much trouble and headache for us, but the person who put us on the list due to a config error will likely never know it happened, after all.
How blocklists prevent the internet to be decentralized – and safe. — Codeberg News
TL;DR: We are currently experiencing recurring malware upload waves,...blog.codeberg.org
I was a netcup customer myself. Not so surprised that you have also mail problems similar which I also had with Netcup.
To be fair: I think email is broken. There are far too many servers that reject mail for unknown reasons. On the other hand there is too much spam that can be sent to easily. All blacklisting and stuff is just a big pile of workaround ... unforunately it is the de facto standard for message exchange.
@netcup The issue is resolved with the help of our provider. Thanks for this and all your patience.
Most of the email was successfully delivered, only few remains in the queue.
In the responses to this thread, many users started to blame the IT admin who automatically put our IP address to the blocklist.
Please note that we don't want to blame a single party. Reporting spam and reacting to abuse reports is a good thing.
However, we are concerned about the fact that automation based on accusations from single parties escalates to regular headache for network operators.
This is also far from the utopy of an Internet, where everyone can easily host their own services.
Blocklists are not only community-maintained resources, but often charge for monitoring and removal services.
There is an imbalance between small and large operators, and the fact that many people suggested us to just use service from $$company$$ instead of self-hosting emails indicates the terrible situation.
We have written about our position in detail previously: blog.codeberg.org/how-blocklis…
How blocklists prevent the internet to be decentralized – and safe. — Codeberg News
TL;DR: We are currently experiencing recurring malware upload waves,...blog.codeberg.org
And: If you must operate a server that auto-reports incoming messages as spam, consider **not** registering with such an email address on public servers.
Use a honeypot that no legit provider has any reason to email to, please!
Thank you.
I get not wanting to have a second server & set of DNS records, but if you're automatically sending reports based on unregistered addresses on an actively used mail server, you should probably be at least keeping tombstones for deleted addresses.
Is this auto-report thing a FOSS project or just some admin's script? Either way, they might want to carve out exemptions for common well-known addresses like `webmaster@domain`, `admin@domain`, `security@domain`, etc.
But yeah, they could've investigated first.
Absolute Hörempfehlung !!!!
Nicht unbedingt wegen des Themas als solches, sondern weil es sehr gut darstellt und klarmacht wie Gesetze in unserem Land zusammenspielen und abhängig voneinander sind.
Oder wer hätte gedacht das sie Viel gehasste DSGVO das StGB aushebelt?
So was hat mir im Fach Recht während des Studiums gefehlt.
Datenschutz & IT Sicherheit Relay hat dies geteilt.
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Hochwasser und Klima » KlimaLounge » SciLogs - Wissenschaftsblogs
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But thank you for your report, it triggered our initial research into why our email server is unavailable.
2024-06-05 12:56:13