Don’t Just Do Nothing:
20 Things You Can Do To Counter #Fascism #Zine
„As Christofascism takes the reins of US power, thereby impacting the whole of this continent and the globe, it should be abundantly clear at this point that appealing to the state—any state—is a losing strategy. The world had already lost when the “choice” this November was between two versions of fascism.
We offer up this sampler of ideas, encouraging you to think and act for yourselves, with each other, as precisely the only winning strategy. If each idea here seems not enough on its own—well, it isn’t......"
Thanks to @igd_news and @mafwdistro@ni.hil and oft course to @cbmilstein 🖤💜
... mehr anzeigenDon’t Just Do Nothing:
20 Things You Can Do To Counter #Fascism #Zine
„As Christofascism takes the reins of US power, thereby impacting the whole of this continent and the globe, it should be abundantly clear at this point that appealing to the state—any state—is a losing strategy. The world had already lost when the “choice” this November was between two versions of fascism.
We offer up this sampler of ideas, encouraging you to think and act for yourselves, with each other, as precisely the only winning strategy. If each idea here seems not enough on its own—well, it isn’t......"
Thanks to @igd_news and @mafwdistro@ni.hil and oft course to @cbmilstein 🖤💜…
Full text and PDF download:……
#USA #Anarchy #Anarchism #Repression #State #Protest #Antireport #Distro #Zine #MutualAid

Jewish anarchists weigh-in on how people can organize and act in the changing terrain. For a zine PDF, go here. You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to desist from...
It's Going Down