Beiträge, die mit ukpol getaggt sind
Watch our Government do NOTHING to help this British citizen disappeared by an fascist and unfriendly regime.
If you have a holiday booked for Gilead this year, cancel it now. Don't be stupid, don't be trusting.
#BeckyBurke #USPOL #UKPolitics #UKPol #Fascism #Coup #ICE
#GeoPol #FRpol #WarInUktaine #UKpol #RUSpol
Putler and His Puppet must be laughing there asses off every time they have a private video call: the #grand irony of the #MAGA slogan, #AmericaFirst. 1)
Last time, it was the party of this name doing agent #Viereck's bidding at the behest of #Hitler, contrary to #US' national interest s.
Thus time round, the European capital remotes controlling not only the legislative, but having landed a trifecta, is not #Berlin, but #Moscow
#GeoPol #FRpol #WarInUktaine #UKpol
...destroy the last remaining ng superpower from within.
It will not take the 4 years of rRump's 2nd, but maybe not last, term for him to destroy any appearance if reliability and trustworthiness as a foreign ally.
His arcane mercantilistic economics policies will leave millions of US residents and those of other countries a lot poorer and the probable coming of a police state at the grace of, alad, not #DobaldDuck but #DonaldTrump...
#GeoPol #FRpol #WarInUktaine #UKpol
Yes, and, sorry, spineless #Macron didn't instruct FR"s representative at the #UN Security Council to veto the RUS inspired #US ceasefire resolution, which a striking *two thirds* of the General Assembly thought needed significant amendments.
Shame on #France, shame on #Britain, which also chickened out.
tRump is #PutinsPupet. At best, he will pursue 19th century stile hegemonic powers doctrines, at worst, he"ll continue to...
🚨 The UK Data Bill returns to Parliament next week 🚨
It'll strip back your ability to challenge life-changing decisions made by AI.
Join over 1,000 people who've signed our petition to protect the right to human review of automated decisions. #PeopleNotMachines
Sign now ➡️…
#AI #DUABill #DataBill #dataprotection #privacy #GDPR #ukpolitics #ukpol
AI says NO: Tell Keir Starmer that people, not machines should oversee life-changing decisions
Clause 80 of the Government’s Data (Use and Access) Bill could strip away your right to decide whether people or machines make decisions that impact our lives.38 Degrees