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Beiträge, die mit inauguration getaggt sind

Go ahead and block me, IDGAF. I'm going to keep saying it: this is a "good" cop / bad cop tag team, ONE death cult war machine with a right fist and a "left" fist.

The Democrats don't even want to win; they'd rather sit back and sneer while the Republicans terrorize us into more desperate loyalty. There is no "lesser" evil here, just one rightward ratchet system.

The new boss is ALWAYS the same as the old boss, because that's what a boss IS. Fuck em ALL and the genocidal, ecocidal, capitalist kyriarchy they ride in on.


Zufälliges Lied in der Playlist: »ABBA – Cassandra«
Der Refrain passt zur Amtseinführung von DJT

Sorry Cassandra, I misunderstood
Now the last day is dawning
Some of us wanted, but none of us would
Listen to words of warning

#Trump #inauguration #mood

#inauguration Satan is back in office. Why isn't the imperial march playing. It's way more appropriate.

I would like to offer a hug to all trans and non-binary siblings in the US. I wish you strength.


Lieber Donald,
ich wünsche Dir alles Gute zur #Amtseinführung.

Was Du in den #USA vorhast,
#Sozialabbau, mehr Geld für #Unternehmen, haben wir in #Deutschland auch vor.

Ich glaube, von Dir und den #MAGA`s, können wir bei der #CDUCSU noch viel lernen.

Untertänigst, Dein #Fritz, der #SauerlandTrump.

#Trump #Merz #Inauguration

Machtwechsel in den USA.
Merz schickt Trump handgeschriebenen Brief zur Amtseinführung


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