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"Kremlin programming begins at an early age in Russia"
- Aure

"For Russia and grandfathers, we'll shoot all Khokhols [derogatory term for Ukrainians]!" – Russian children say.

What do you think these children will be when they grow up?
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Ukraine #Russia #Putin #EU #NATO #Zelensky #war

Als Antwort auf Aure Free Press

What will #American children say after a few years of #MAGAmoron and #fundie_vangie indoctrination mixed with a huge dollop of redneck stupidity and gun worship? "I pledge allegiance to the kingdom of MAGAmoron and our dog, #MAGAmoron the biggest gun in the world."
Als Antwort auf Aure Free Press

So sad...

I'm from Finland. Russia has tried to destroy us last millenia.

Still I teach my children that ordinary russians are humans just like we.

But - we have befora and will again.defend our country.


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