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#Trump demands $500B in rare earths from #Ukraine for continued #support

source: politico.eu/article/trump-dema…

“I told them [Ukraine] that I want the equivalent like $500B worth of rare earth. And they've essentially agreed to do that so at least we don’t feel stupid,” Trump said.

Nothing is for free under #Capitalism...

#War #Russia #invasion #help #military #pay #finance #USA #resources #weapon #news #politics #economy

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What can one possibly say? Other than #BrainSpurs of the #TrumpVirus variety. That and Mafia muscle & blackmail skills.
And hey, anyone remember Impeachment #1? Trying to get Ukraine to offer up Biden dirt, no aid, unless... "I need a favor".
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At least that's an honest deal. We help you once, you give us all your rare earth metals. If you have another problem in the future, we'll talk.
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So we help the ones who can pay US in natural ressources. Isn't that the reason why Iran is a religious autocracy now 🤔
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I didn't say it was fair. I meant it's honest in that a politician is saying exactly what he means - we'll do this for that price, because that's what we want. You have to admit it's refreshing. Refreshing enough to get this crook lots of support...
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Trump has forced me to feel ashamed to be a citizen of this country.
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Every democratic country has the president it deserves... 😐
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Today: Tulsi Gabbard to "intelligence", buddies with Vlad, while Sir said No NATO for Ukraine, no US support for Europe, the lunatic with brain worms (RFK) got unanimous support (from #GQP) and may roll in. Lindsey Graham pushes "one beautiful bill" going around needed votes in the Senate, to urgently fund tax cuts for billionaires while creating 2 TRILLION dollar deficit for the 'balanced budget" which collects no revenue from the billionaire class, when it seems like Elon & buds each pitching in a flat $1B from their pocket change, it might pay for some things like health research or FEMA/disaster response, air safety, etc. ("no, no - woke!"). Musk was further empowered as nobody is left to look at his conflicts of interest, as more inspectors general were wholesale fired (illegally, flat out).

All this in a day. "Promises made, promises kept." Pogo was right. WE did this?!

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Yesterday Trump and his new Secretary of State sold out Ukraine. They agreed to give Putin everything he wants, and Ukraine has to lose the war. Shame!
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Idaho is counted as part of it, but Idaho has long been, culturally, two states. The south is mostly agricultural, Mormon or Baptist, and right-wing. The north is lumber, mining, and tourism. It's where Senator Frank Church was from.

More recently, right-wingers have set up settlements in the north. Ruby Ridge is in northern Idaho.

So maybe just admit Washington and Oregon to Canada. Lot's of us here in NorCal might also be open to the idea. Especially if things don't get less far-right here in a few years.

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