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Got lucky today being the first to get in the spa after it being cleaned... I swam for about 40 minutes and sat in the hot tub for 3 hours and meditated till it heated up to the normal temp...
Als Antwort auf Amanda Rosedoff

A corner view of a small, empty hot tub with murky, greenish-brown water. The hot tub is set into a corner of a room with white marble tile walls and a dark gray stone surround. A small white handrail is visible on the wall above the hot tub. The hot tub has a darker, possibly granite, bottom and dark blue tile trim around the edges.

Provided by @altbot, generated using Gemini

Als Antwort auf RustyBertrand

A four-panel meme featuring Princess Leia and Han Solo from Star Wars. The top left panel shows Leia saying, "I just want to hear those three little words." The top right shows Han saying, "I love you." The bottom left shows Han saying, "Deny, delay, depose." The bottom right shows Leia saying, "Thank you."

Provided by @altbot, generated using Gemini

Als Antwort auf iris 🇨🇳 -> @iris@pl.noob.quest

A screenshot shows a series of three posts on a social media platform, likely Mastodon or a similar platform. The posts all concern a user named "authen," with several users expressing frustration and anger towards this person, referencing "ban evaders" and "alts." The first post says "fuck you authen, and other miscellaneous ban evaders I haven't seen yet." A reply states "we hate authen in this household." The final post asks for a list of authen's alternate accounts. Each post includes typical social media interaction elements like reply, boost, quote, like, and more options buttons. Small profile pictures of cartoonish characters are visible next to some of the posts' usernames.

Provided by @altbot, generated using Gemini

La solitudine delle feste Natalizie dovrebbe essere presa in considerazione una volta per tutte. Il Natale è una festa religiosa e come tale deve essere vissuta, il resto è solo confusione, riunione di parenti che non si sopportano e consumismo.

Als Antwort auf RustyBertrand

Alt-text: A lime green card with the text "Frankly, my humor is for my enjoyment, it is inconsequential if you get it or not." A line drawing of a man in colonial clothing holding a bell is to the right of the text. The "Your eCards" logo is at the bottom.

Provided by @altbot, generated using Gemini

Man höre und staune. Bloomberg berichtet, dass #Amazon das Rollout von Microsoft 365 wegen Sicherheitsbedenken für mindestens ein Jahr pausiert habe. Microsoft muss nachbessern, um den Auftrag zu behalten.


Als Antwort auf RustyBertrand

An illustration of a gnome-like figure with a long white beard and a mischievous expression. He's wearing a green vest, brown pants, and grey socks, and has a red cap on the ground behind him. He's reaching out with one hand towards a wooden door, the other hand gripping a set of keys attached to the door. He's perched on a small wooden bucket. A tiny mouse is visible scurrying across the wooden floor.

Provided by @altbot, generated using Gemini

Als Antwort auf iris 🇨🇳 -> @iris@pl.noob.quest

A pixel art depiction of a large, dark-skinned humanoid figure with multiple long, segmented arms. The figure wears a large headpiece with curved horns and a patterned robe. A snake-like appendage wraps around its torso. A small, red figure stands on its chest. The main figure holds a boxy object with what appears to be bristles at the bottom in one hand. To the right, a detached, pale pink arm floats. The background is black.

Provided by @altbot, generated using Gemini

Als Antwort auf Jcrabapple

A man with long blond hair wearing a teal baseball cap and yellow shirt sits at a table behind a beige curtain, using a laptop. In front of him is a mixing board. To the right, another man sits in a black leather armchair, and a decorated Christmas tree stands behind him. The setting appears to be a modern lounge or bar with wood tables and chairs, and a polished concrete floor. There are more beige curtains in the background, and lighting equipment is visible in the upper right corner. A partially visible person in a red jacket sits at another table in the far right.

Provided by @altbot, generated using Gemini

HNA: Regenbogen gegen Rechtsextremismus: Darum ist dieses Haus in Kassel jetzt bunt (13.12.24)

"Nach einem Vorfall mit Neonazi-Stickern setzt der Hauseigentümer ein Zeichen: Mitten auf der Kasseler Feiermeile leuchtet ein Haus nun in Regenbogenfarben."

Als Antwort auf RustyBertrand

A four-panel black and white cartoon depicts a news broadcast satirizing American exceptionalism. Each panel shows a news anchor delivering a statement followed by a contradictory "except" clause prioritizing American interests. The statements include: "Torture is wrong, except for when America endorses it," "Transparency is important, except for when it hurts America's reputation," "Human rights must be respected, except if that conflicts with America's interests," and "International laws must be obeyed, except for when America wants to break them." The final panel displays the words "AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALISM."

Provided by @altbot, generated using Gemini

Als Antwort auf RustyBertrand

"A medieval-style illustration shows two figures on a checkered floor. One is a person in a dark tunic and hood, holding a long-handled hoe. They are saying, "OMG Death is that you!? Thank god! I knew this day would finally come!" The other figure is a skeleton wearing a crown and holding a scepter. Text next to the skeleton reads, "You're not meant to be this excited you nihilistic fuckhead, and put some damn pants on". The background is a blue patterned wall."

Provided by @altbot, generated using Gemini

Als Antwort auf iris 🇨🇳 -> @iris@pl.noob.quest

Alt-text: A black background with white text that reads: "the puppygirl thing is inherently tied to apoliticalism, apathy, and giving up and shielding your eyes from the world around you for comfort; "im just a puppy i cant do anything wehhh" you are aiding and abetting the rise of fascism in this country".

Provided by @altbot, generated using Gemini

Als Antwort auf Vee

A cartoon shows two black cats sitting on a tan couch in front of a decorated Christmas tree. The larger cat is reaching up to ring a golden bell hanging from the tree. A speech bubble above the cats contains the text: "I call this one 'The Service Bell.' Hit a bunch of times and they'll come running." A decorated Christmas wreath hangs above the couch. There is also a table lamp and a small bottle on the end table next to the couch.

Provided by @altbot, generated using Gemini

Als Antwort auf iris 🇨🇳 -> @iris@pl.noob.quest

Certainly! Here is a description of the video.

The video is a short animated clip featuring a character that looks like a young anime girl with orange hair, white cat ears, and bright blue eyes. She presents three reasons why someone should date a "femboy" instead of a girl.

The text on the screen says: "Why you should date a femboy over a girl".

The character speaks in a soft, slightly teasing tone. She lists her reasons, which are:

Reason #1: Boys don't get pregnant, so you can "plap" (pet) them as much as you want without worry.

Reason #2: Femboys know exactly how to please the boys.

Reason #3: Femboys will always be upfront about what they want, unlike girls.

Throughout the video, the character makes playful facial expressions and winks at the camera. At the end, she asks, "Have I convinced you already?"

Provided by @altbot, generated using Gemini

Als Antwort auf Vee

Graffiti on a dark gray pillar in a subway station says "FREE" stacked above "LUTGI" in black marker. A partially visible light blue wall is to the right. A blurred person is visible in the background.

Provided by @altbot, generated using Gemini

„Mit ihrer Einladung von Merz und Scholz ziehen ARD und ZDF nun eine Vorfestlegung im Wahlkampf zu Gunsten der Großen Koalition. Gerade für den öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunk, der laut Rundfunkstaatsvertrag in seiner Berichterstattung unparteilich sein und die Meinungsvielfalt berücksichtigen soll, ist die Entscheidung problematisch.“. 1️⃣
➡️ tagesspiegel.de/politik/ard-un…


Als Antwort auf ClemensG

Aber das was du sagst, dass es die Prämisse zur Teilnahme an den Sendungen sei stimmt ja nicht einmal.
Vielleicht hast du hier die falsche These und baust auf falschem Wissen auf?

Meine These ist weiterhin konkret. Jeder der an der Regierungsbildung beteiligt sein kann, sollte in gleichem Maße teilnehmen.

ARD und ZDF haben mit ihrer Stellungnahme deiner Vermutung widersprochen, da es sich um ein gesplittetes Programm aus mehreren Parteispitzen mit Partei Werten über konstant 10 Prozent handeln soll.


Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (1 Monat her)
Als Antwort auf Parabel


Du schreibst unverdrossen: "Meine These ist weiterhin konkret. Jeder der an der Regierungsbildung beteiligt sein kann, sollte in gleichem Maße teilnehmen."

Konkret ja, aber nicht korrekt. Bei der Runde der Spitzenkandidaten geht es um diejenigen, aus deren Mitte einer künftig die Regierung LEITEN wird. Es geht nicht nur um TEILNAHME an einer Regierung. Dafür wird es andere Formate geben.

Das war mein letzter Beitrag in diesem Thread. Ich überlasse dir gerne das letzte Wort.

Als Antwort auf GM7077

A screenshot shows a "The Times of Israel" headline that reads, "Why the Irish hate the Jews," by Lisa Liel, published December 16, 2024 at 7:34 PM. A black and white headshot of Lisa Liel is featured to the left.

Provided by @altbot, generated using Gemini

Durch die Reihe gepanschte (= mit Zuckersirup gestreckte) Honige bei den Eigenmarken von Rewe, Penny, Edeka, Netto, Lidl, Aldi und sogar Langnese. #Frontal


Bueno, creo que dice algo más que "que condena el asesinato", The Guardian.


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