This and...
"You seem anxious, has anyone talked to you about your anxiety?"
Some comments about weight.
An illustration shows a woman in a sleeveless top and shorts fighting a large fire-breathing dragon. Below the illustration is a tweet by Wendi Aarons that reads: "A woman could have four broken limbs and massive internal injuries due to an epic battle with fire-breathing dragons, and the first question the doctor's office will ask is, 'What is the date of your last menstrual period?'"
Provided by @altbot, generated using Gemini
The top half shows two young Black boys sitting at a McDonald's table. One is drinking from a juice box, the other appears to be eating. The bottom half shows a photo of a person doing a flying body press into a ball pit with a blue slide in a McDonald's PlayPlace. The text above the top half says "Kids today at McDonald's:" and the text above the bottom half says "Early 2000's me at McDonald's:".
Provided by @altbot, generated using Gemini
Pregunta de vital importancia:
¿Ustedes se sienten ofendidos cuando alguien les hace alguna corrección de su ortografía o redacción?
Si responden «Depende», se agradecerán sus comentarios.
- Sí (0%, 0 Stimmen)
- No (70%, 12 Stimmen)
- Depende (29%, 5 Stimmen)
depende... si la corrección es un evento paralelo a la conversación principal, bienvenida. cuando es un desvío total malvenida
(el sí afirmativo lleva acento 😝)
Two men with their arms raised stand behind a wire fence. Both are wearing light-colored short-sleeved shirts and jeans. Their shirts are pulled up to reveal fake six-pack abs. The top of the image contains the text "Y sin pagar gym..." which is Spanish for "And without paying for a gym...". A small logo that appears to be a location marker is also in the upper right corner.
Provided by @altbot, generated using Gemini
A Twitter post by a user named "bobby" shows a profile picture of a dog. The text reads: "I can hear my wife two rooms away singing to the dog a song called 'Best Friends Club.' It's about how she and the dog are in the 'Best Friends Club' and I'm not in it. Men have to be so strong to put up with this sort of treatment."
Provided by @altbot, generated using Gemini
As the year 2024 comes to an end, the Web Consortium presents our 30th anniversary year holiday card to once more express our gratitude:
“With you, our W3C community, we have achieved a lot in the past 30 years and we look forward to many more opportunities to work together and continue to build a web that works, for everyone”
Read more in a blog post from our CEO @seth:…
Happy holidays from the World Wide Web Consortium
Discover the World Wide Web Consortium’s 30th anniversary year animated holiday card and read about some of the highlights of the year 2024 in W3C’s CEO Seth Dobbs’ blog post.W3C…
NINJA TRUTH Episode 6: Concealed & Hyorogan
The ninja used various tools and weapons on their secret missions. To protect themselves in dangerous situations, they used concealed weapons. Portable and h...YouTube
"A meme featuring a traditional nativity scene painting. At the top, text reads: 'DON'T FORGET TO HATE REFUGEES AS YOU SET UP A NATIVITY SCENE'. At the bottom, text reads: 'CELEBRATING A MIDDLE EASTERN COUPLE DESPERATELY LOOKING FOR SHELTER'."
Provided by @altbot, generated using Gemini
UK: “It’s still illegal to rip a CD you legally own to MP3!”
Also UK: “Hey, let’s exempt those AI guys from copyright law!”
Copyright and Artificial Intelligence
This consultation seeks views on how the government can ensure the UK’s legal framework for AI and copyright supports the UK creative industries and AI sector together.Intellectual Property Office (GOV.UK)
Als Antwort auf Vee • • •A photo of a sign for a Chinese restaurant. The top sign says "CHINESE RESTAURANT" in red and yellow lettering with Chinese characters on either side of "CHINESE". Below it, a smaller sign says "ROCKIN'G". The main sign underneath advertises an "ALL YOU CAN EAT BUFFET" but clarifies "NOT MEAN ALL DAY BUFFET," adding "YOU NO COME STAY 4 HOUR YOU EAT - YOU GO HOME."
Provided by @altbot, generated using Gemini
Als Antwort auf Vee • • •Vee
Als Antwort auf felis_catus_domesticus • • •