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Beiträge, die mit UsPol getaggt sind

It's easy to look at this and scoff, and think 'how ignorant', but it should deeply sadden us because it shows a people thoroughly brainwashed by its government through their mainstream news media, a media that acts as a propaganda machine for a government that keeps starting war after war after war. Even George Bush, the then president of the US, knew very little about Iraq when he declared war on it.

#USpol #Americans #NewsMedia #NorthKorea

"After inheriting an economy in free-fall and skyrocketing violent crime, President Biden is proud to hand his successor the best-performing economy on earth, the lowest violent crime rates in over 50 years, and the lowest border crossings in over four years."

Data proves Trump 'inheriting an economy that is about as good as it ever gets': report

#Economy #JoeBiden #PresidentMusk #DonaldChump #RepublicansDidThis #GOPKakistocracy #GOPWeirdos #USPol

It's clear that the Left has to provide some type of clear vision as an alternative to spreading fascism, since apparently telling people that they're about to lose what's left of democracy wasn't good enough.
#StarTrek #UsPol #WorldPol #Capitalism

Why the Left needs to watch Star Trek - UnHerd

The world's richest man has joined a growing chorus of right-wing voices attacking Wikipedia as part of an intensifying campaign against free and open access information. Why do they hate it so much?


#Wikipedia #ElonMusk #USpolitics #USpol

"How Fascism Came"

"America’s democracy was destroyed by the two ruling parties who sold us out to corporations, militarists & billionaires.

"Now we pay the price."

For over two decades, we warned "that the expanding social inequality & steady erosion of our democratic institutions, including the media, the Congress, organized labor, academia & the courts, would inevitably lead to an authoritarian or Christian fascist state."


#USPol #Christofascism #plutocracy .

#USpol #Poverty #Healthcare



Being poor now just leads to being more poor later.
Can't pay to clean your teeth? Next year, pay for a root canal. Can't pay for a new mattress? Next year, pay for back surgery. Can't pay to get that lump checked out?
Next year, pay for stage 3 cancer. Poverty charges interest."


Nobody gets that they DON'T CARE.

#fediverse #threads #mastodon #ActivityPub #socialmedia #mastodonmigration #media #politics #help #bluesky #uspol #climate #uspolitics #accountlist #astronomy #Astrophysics #Booster #ClimateScience #Dire #Directory #FediBlog #followpack #followpackdirectory #GlobalWarming #guide #Guides #MastoTips #Miscellany #mmfp #Random #Space #StarterPack #USPoliticsBoos #USPoliticsMedi #USPoliticsMedia #USPoliticsThreads @🔥 Peter 🌍✊ @Molly White @GhostOnTheHalfShell @Nicole Parsons @Carolyn @Low Quality Facts @TheJen is ready to fight @Katja Diehl @The Verge @Ricki Christmas Evil Tarr @404 Media @Unicorn Riot @Tim Mak @Dan Sinker @Texas Observer @mekka okereke :verified: @Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦 @Wolfgang Cramer @Tony Stark @Jessica Scott @BJ Mendelson @Jeff Jarvis @It's Going Down @myrmepropagandist @Dan Gillmor @Matt Blaze @Clive Thompson @Coach Pāṇini ® @JA Westenberg @StillIRise1963 @Ruth Mottram @Yours Truly! Unruly @Chris Alemany🇺🇦🇨🇦🇪🇸 @Dr. Elizabeth Sawin✨ @JonChevreau @Gerald Kutney - #ClimateBrawl @Andrew Dessler @Dr. Evan J. Gowan @billy joe bowers - hates nazis @Aaron Rupar @Elizabeth Tasker @Dr. Victoria Grinberg @Phil Plait @Bellingcat @Steve Herman @Dare Obasanjo @Chris Rowan @Jan Rosenow @Steve Easterbrook @Anne Applebaum @ProPublica @Climate News Now @Sue Stone @Gernot Wagner @Democracy Matters :verified: @Flipboard News Desk @Voice of America @The Conversation U.S. @Brian Brettschneider @Mark McCaughrean @Peter Gleick @Lawfare @Michael E. Mann @Carl T. Bergstrom @Daniel Swain @Robert Reich @Zack Labe @Prof. Stefan Rahmstorf @David Ho @Qasim Rashid, Esq. @LCooley @BrianKrebs @Cat Hicks @Matthew Sheffield @Katrina Katrinka :donor: @Kim Scheinberg @Madeleine Morris @Wolfgang Lucht @Laffy @CelloMom On Cars @Kim Perales @Zach Everson @Brandi Buchman @Cathy Gellis @Andrea Junker @Wendy Siegelman @Scientist Rebellion @Robert Sanscartier @Dave Troy @flexghost. @William Lindsey @Ali Velshi @MostlyHarmless @Smudge The Insult Cat 🐀 @Crooks&Liars @lolgop @Molly Cantrell-Kraig @Americanist4U @Philip Bump @AnarchoNinaWrites @Thomas Zimmer @Jay Kuo @A.R. Moxon, Verified Duck 🦆 @Indivisible @Catherynne M. Valente @Hey Beth @Austin Kocher, PhD 🌎 @Alice McFlurry @Tucson Sentinel @Patrick LaForge @Prof. Sam Lawler @Thomas Connor @Benjamin Knispel @Democracy Now! Headlines RSS @Bread and Circuses @Die Weltraumreporter @SETI Institute @Rick Thoman @Lars Kaleschke @NASA @Simon Evans @Evan Greer 🏳️‍⚧️ @Helen Czerski @TCatLikesReality @your auntifa liza 🇵🇷 🦛 🦦 @Fraser Cain @Corey S Powell @Freedom of the Press @IRAP @Haus der Astronomie @Scott Dworkin @Ericka Simone @NSFVoyager2 @StartsWithABang @Peter Butler @AnneTheWriter @Lazarou Monkey Terror 🚀💙🌈 @AkaSci 🛰️ @donni saphire @DAME Magazine @Erik Moeller @Prof Heino Falcke @Strypey @Ben Royce 🇺🇦 @Kelly Lepo @The Colorado Sun ☀️ @Court Cantrell will not comply @Astroland 🔭 @Nonilex @Heidi Li Feldman @MPI für Astronomie @Judy Schmidt @Daniel Fischer @Dana Fried @Paul Cantrell @Dr. John Barentine FRAS @Euclid Consortium @Rubin Observatory @Swapna Krishna @Greg Dubos @BNO News @BoltsMag.org @Hilda Bastian @Karl Auerbach @Daniel Pomarède @Mississippi Free Press @Dr Christopher Berry @Meg Schwamb @Peter Coles @ꓤ uɐᗡ :verified_hellion: @@pineywoozle (s) for HARRIS @Thomas Hanrath @MPS Göttingen @Steve Crawford @Michele Bannister @Indybay @franco_vazza @Dr Pamela L Gay @John Huston :mastodon: @Podnews podcasting news @Charles Gaba @Douglas @U.S. Politics in Real Time @Phil Stooke @lupus_blackfur @Doug Burke @AstroHyde @Dustin Lang @CosmicRami @65dBnoise @Dr Megan Argo @LIGO @Inoreader @The Christian Science Monitor @ASTRON @BellingenNSW @AstronomieNL @Gravity Grinch @The Astronomer's Telegram @The 19th @George Conway @Rightardia @Chris Messina @Open Journal of Astrophysics @Jason Lefkowitz @MeidasTouch @Jamelle Bouie @Molly Jong-Fast @Lora Kolodny @Jim Wright @Extinction, Orcutt GHGs! @P J Evans @Christopher Colt @Jeff Tiedrich @The New Republic @Joy-Ann Reid @Keith Edwards @Rude Pundit @Adam Parkhomenko @Rob Archer @Wonder of Science @James Gleick @The Bulwark @inquiline @Jason Nishiyama @Rolling Stone @NPR @Mother Jones @Vanity Fair @Hanno Rein @Astronomy Picture of the Day @MPI for Gravitational Physics @Grist @The Seattle Times @astrobin_iotd @rubymoonbeams @CopernicusEU @AssociatedPress @TeenVogue @TheAtlantic @brianstelter @jerilryan

Macht das Tagesgeschehen auch nicht besser, ist aber Süß und kann vielleicht ein kleines bisschen die aktuelle Laune verbessern: Katzenbilder

#cats #CatsOfMastodon #katzen #uspol

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