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Beiträge, die mit DogsOfMastodon getaggt sind

Science can’t explain how Odin just. keeps. getting. fluffier

#dogs #dogsofmastodon

La foto Moncho de hoy es una profunda reflexión sobre el Año Nuevo con un propósito firme e inamovible de conseguir más pollito #DogsOfMastodon #fotoMoncho

Odin was utterly mystified, and sat quietly watching me wrap presents for a solid hour.

#dogs #dogsofmastodon

if you’re feeling down about yourself, rest assured that Odin thinks you are amazing and fantastic, especially if you’re willing to boop him

#dogs #dogsofmastodon

80 pounds of “I’m going to stop walking and lay in the snow on this creek bank and there is nothing you can do about it”.
#dogs #DogsOfMastodon

En la Foto Moncho de hoy Moncho está tan alegre que tiene miedo de que todo esto sea una mentira. #fotoMoncho #dogsOfMastodon #doggyDay

Next up was the beach.
There was tons of driftwood type debris on the beach from the recent flooding. This beach isn't far from the Eel River delta.
Summer was a happy dog.
I was having fun too.
#Summer #DogsOfMastodon

how it started / how it’s going

Odin the Newfie is eleven months old

#dogs #dogsofmastodon

Went to sleep at 4am .. awoken at 6.45am by this guy, who is not here for the low-key thundery sky we have right now. FML .. and thank goodness he is cute and there is coffee!

#DogsOfMastodon #SummerStorms #Sleepless

Thunderstorm vibes to start our day was not in his plans. Grumpy dog is grumpy.


Odin being a sweet baby thirty seconds after he gave me another bruise because he still doesn’t quite grasp that’s my *arm* inside the coat sleeve

#dogs #dogsofmastodon

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