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Als Antwort auf iris 🇨🇳 -> @iris@pl.noob.quest

A dark-themed screenshot shows a website link, https://authenyo.xyz/, followed by a small box displaying three circular profile pictures and the text "15 web pages". Below this, text describes the website as a personal site belonging to someone named "authen," who uses he/they pronouns.

Provided by @altbot, generated using Gemini

Wenn Caritas-Chefin Eva Welskop-Deffaa, langjähriges und engagiertes Mitglied der @cdu, Äußerungen von Friedrich Merz mit Vokabeln wie "diffamierend" und "unanständig" beschreibt, sollte das einer Christlich Demokratischen Union schon zu denken geben. stern.de/friedrich-merz--carit…

Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (1 Monat her)

“[We] have a whopping 1.4 million people employed with the job of DENYING HEALTH CARE, vs only 1 million doctors in the entire country! That’s all you need to know about America. We pay more people to deny care than to give it. 1 million doctors to give care, 1.4 million brutes in cubicles doing their best to stop doctors from giving that care. If the purpose of “health care” is to keep people alive, then what is the purpose of DENYING PEOPLE HEALTH CARE?”


Been talking to my Black and Brown friends about Luigi and there's a growing consensus that he's possibly the first white guy in a loooong time folks can understand and respect their crime.

When you got the black folks covering for you, saying you were at the house party and carrying on in the comments in support you know you struck a chord.

Hands down, most liked white guy in quite some time.

#Luigi #unitedhealthcare

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Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (1 Monat her)
Als Antwort auf Vee

My cell phone shows up in my dreams, usually I am trying to dial a number but keep getting it wrong. Then again most people can't read in their dreams and I can so probably I am just an oddball. 🤷‍♀️

Durchsuchungen bei Christian Gröner in Dresden und Berlin. Das ist der Typ der für die Räumung der #Rigaer94 verantwortlich ist.

Mapping CEO murders by date and time :-

I know many of you are still processing recent events. I hope this spatial analysis eases some of your concerns.


Kann man einer Person, die in #paris wohnt, ein Ticket, Abo, Sonstewas schenken, womit die Person in Paris vergünstigt #theater sowie #ballett und #oper in Paris erleben kann?

Neue Landesbauordnung bringt weniger Bürokatie für die #Energiewende. Die Errichtung und Änderung von Freiflächen-
Solaranlagen stellen wir generell verfahrensfrei. Bislang ist dies nur für
gebäudeabhängige Anlagen und freistehende Anlagen der Fall.
Bereits heute gilt: Kommunen dürfen per Gestaltungssatzung nicht verbieten, dass man mit PV-Anlagen die äußere Gestaltung von Gebäuden verändert. Dies soll künftig insbesondere auch für Einfriedungen und unbebaute Grundstücksflächen auf Baugrundstücken gelten. Dies betrifft zum Beispiel
Solaranlagen auf Lärmschutzwänden oder sogenannte Solarzäune.

Auch das Bündnis von inzwischen 65 Organisationen, die sich gegen den Ausbau der #A5 auf 10 Spuren zwischen #Frankfurt und #Friedberg stellen, ist jetzt hier im Fediverse zu finden.
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (1 Monat her)

🤖 There’s a new post on Michael Burkhardt’s Whirled Wide Web:

A Souvenir From Vegas (Weeknotes #24-50)

#Weeknotes #IndieWeb


Als Antwort auf Michael Brrrkhardt ❄️

Four frozen margarita-style drinks in individual glasses are arranged on a dark-brown airplane-shaped serving tray. The drinks are different colors: light yellow, pale orange, reddish-orange, and red. Each drink has a colorful straw. A lit sparkler is placed behind the drinks. The tray sits on a dark-wood table in a dimly lit restaurant setting. There are out-of-focus background elements visible, including bar stools and a bar area.

Alt-text: A green Christmas tree with a rainbow star on top. The tree is decorated with circular ornaments containing various images: a cartoon man in a Santa hat, a photo of a man with blond hair, a photo of a man wearing sunglasses and a hat, a cartoon character with rainbow headphones, a cartoon character wearing a black beanie, a cartoon Santa Claus playing guitar, a cartoon white rabbit-like creature, a photo of a person holding a video camera, a cartoon woman wearing glasses, and a cartoon man with brown hair wearing glasses.

Provided by @altbot, generated using Gemini

Petition für die Teilnahme von #Habeck am #Kanzlerduell. Ich habe gerade gezeichnet.


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Als Antwort auf Fabian Laasch ⚡️🔋

Campact mach ich nix mehr, sorry.
Habe aber

ARD Programmdirektion
Presse und Information
Dr. Lars Jacob
Tel.: 089/558944-898
E-Mail: Lars.Jacob@ard.de



Als Antwort auf iris 🇨🇳 -> @iris@pl.noob.quest

A screenshot of a phone displaying a text message conversation. At the top, the text "WHO THW FUCK IS MY MOM TALKIN TOO" is visible. The main body shows a series of text messages from a user named "Mariojac3". The messages include: "I need to see you today.", "Beautiful Risings", and "My temple is calling for its". At the bottom, there is a text message asking if someone has a fire or ice flower.

Provided by @altbot, generated using Gemini

Richtig so! Soll Weidel doch mit Lindner diskutieren. ☝️


👁 - Der CEO der Techniker Krankenkasse erklärt, warum die KK-Beiträge zukünftig so stark ansteigen und was Jens Spahn damit zu tun hat:
Quelle: ➡️ omr.com/de/daily/techniker-kra…
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (1 Monat her)


Frankly I'm also tired of the whole "good old days" thing...

Als Antwort auf Vee

Me too. I wasn't alive during these so called "good old days".

Troupe de "La Ricorrenza" (2022) diretto da Angelo Giordano
Als Antwort auf Emanuele Cariati

Ecco una descrizione dell'immagine:

Un gruppo di circa quindici persone, prevalentemente giovani, posa per una foto in un bosco. Sono disposti in due file, con alcuni che tengono attrezzature da ripresa, come un microfono boom e una telecamera. Al centro, una persona tiene in alto una testa di cavallo. Indossano abiti casual e si trovano su un terreno di foglie secche. Lo sfondo è un bosco spoglio di foglie con alberi grigi. L'atmosfera è informale e sembra un set cinematografico o fotografico.

Fornito da @altbot, generato utilizzando Gemini

Als Antwort auf Vee

Reminded of that time, in the early 2000s, when I was a penniless hitchiker and temporarily camping out in Banff, Alberta, avoiding cops (abusive people).
At 7am each morn, a guy would crawl out of a bedroom he had made up under a bridge in the town, go to a the public washroom that opened at 7:30am, dress, and then go to work at the bank as a teller... which was not paying him enough to live securely in the town he worked in, yet he had no other options.

Als Antwort auf Vee

My handwriting has gotten so bad over the years, that I can be a docter now.

Just joking.

My handwriting is only cryptographically secure after 24 hours.

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