Los socialistas y los (ejem) regionalistas
votan una moción de censura de la ultraderecha y cae el Gobierno de Madeira. Y esto es lo que pasa cuando permites que haya mociones no constructivas. La Constitución portuguesa prohíbe expresamente (art. 51. 4) los partidos "de ámbito regional". Juntos por el Pueblo puede, teóricamente, presentarse en cualquier sitio, pero por un casual, centra sus esfuerzos en Madeira.rtp.pt/noticias/pais/mocao-de-…
Moção de censura aprovada na Madeira
O Parlamento da Madeira aprova moção de censura que faz cair Governo Regional. A moção de censura proposta pelo Chega foi aprovada pelo PS e Juntos pelo Povo.RTP
Gerne, hier ist eine Beschreibung des Bildes für Menschen, die es nicht sehen können:
Das Bild zeigt einen ruhigen Fluss bei Sonnenuntergang. Der Himmel ist in warmen Orangetönen und Rosa gefärbt, mit zartrosa und goldenen Wolken. Entlang der Ufer des Flusses stehen Bäume, deren Silhouetten sich vor dem leuchtenden Himmel abzeichnen. Das Wasser des Flusses spiegelt den Himmel wider und zeigt ebenfalls die warmen Farben des Sonnenuntergangs. Die Stimmung ist ruhig und friedlich.
Bereitgestellt von @altbot, generiert mit Gemini
Here at TetraLogical we put people first. One of our founding principles is ensuring everything we do is ethical. We make decisions for the good of our customers and their customers, our team, and for the world at large.
The @w3c has just released their Ethical Web Principles in the belief that the web should empower an equitable, informed, and interconnected society.
Read them in full: w3.org/TR/2024/STMT-ethical-we…
#SustainableAccessibility #A11y
Ethical Web Principles
The web should be a platform that helps people and provides a positive social benefit. As we continue to evolve the web platform, we must therefore consider the consequences of our work.www.w3.org
La gripe aviar está mutando. Y hay una nueva cepa a vigilar para evitar el contagio entre humanos
La gripe aviar está mutando. Y hay una nueva cepa a vigilar para evitar el contagio entre humanos
No salimos de una y podemos meternos en otra. Estos últimos días, la República Democrática del Congo ha sido asolada por una enfermedad desconocida que ya ha...Alejandro Alcolea (Xataka)
📢 Election results for the @tag! @w3c members elected @hadleybeeman, @marcosc, @csarven and Xiaocheng Hu. Congrats! 👏 👏
They join @tag's emeritus chair @timbl and continuing participants
@torgo, Matthew Atkinson, Dapeng (Max) Liu, @nitot, Martin Thomson and @jyasskin. @wz43rtx remains the staff contact.
The W3C Technical Architecture Group documents the Web's architecture and provides design reviews for Web-related specifications
Find out how to work with the @tag: tag.w3.org/workmode/
🎂 🎉 Happy birthday CSS!!
On December 17, 1996, @w3c published the first standard for #CSS
and issued a press release entitled "CSS1 offers fast, easy way to manage web site look and feel", with quotes from @timbl @bert and Håkon Lie
▶️ w3.org/press-releases/1996/css…
W3C in the news: "W3C präsentiert Ethik-Leitfaden für nachhaltiges und offenes Web" ("W3C presents ethics guidelines for sustainable and open web")
Die Prinzipien sollen als Leitfaden für ein ethisches Denken und Handeln innerhalb der Web-Branche dienen. ("The principles are intended to serve as a guide for ethical thinking and action within the web industry.")
W3C präsentiert Ethik-Leitfaden für nachhaltiges und offenes Web
Mit neuen Ethik-Regeln will das W3C die Grundwerte des World Wide Web stärken. Dazu fordert es den Schutz von Ressourcen und persönlichen Daten.Sven Festag (heise online)
En mood rancherito 🤠
Portada del álbum "Por puro amor" del Grupo Limite. Muestra a cinco personas, cuatro hombres y una mujer, vestidos con atuendos de vaquero, con sombreros. El logo del grupo "Limite" está en el centro, sobre un fondo naranja y amarillo. La imagen tiene un estilo de fotografía de los años 90. Abajo se lee "Yo Sin Tu Amor", el nombre de la canción.
Proporcionado por @altbot, generado usando Gemini
Journalistys, die klarstellen, wo "die Bürger [sic] entlasten" eine Beschönigung für "den Reichsten euer Geld schenken" ist.
Here's an alt-text description of the image:
A detailed illustration shows a pirate with dark curly hair, wearing a dark bandana, and several rings with gemstones on his fingers, sitting at a wooden table. He is writing with a quill pen on an old treasure map spread across the table. A pearl necklace is visible around his wrist. A lit oil lamp sits to the left, illuminating the scene. Two quill pens rest in an inkwell beside the lamp. The artist's signature, "Kris & Jen," along with their DeviantArt username, is visible in the lower right corner.
Provided by @altbot, generated using Gemini
A gift for a very special someone who has been there with me since the beginning, I am happy to be your friend that we're still together after so many years.
Thanks for everything, @rodenture
Here's a alt-text description of the image:
A watercolor-style drawing shows two stylized figures embracing in a park. The figure on the left has light brown hair, glasses, and is wearing a light blue collared shirt. The figure hugging them from behind has light yellow-tan skin, small horns, and is wearing a green jacket. The background is a blurry image of trees and a grassy park path.
Provided by @altbot, generated using Gemini
Al-Jolani, die HTS und die Zukunft Syriens - Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung
Wer sind die Islamisten, die Diktator Assad aus dem Land jagten? Von René Wildangelwww.rosalux.de
🔴 Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung hat dies geteilt.
Puf. Esto es gordo: la tormenta Darragh causa estragos en el puerto de #Holyhead, en la isla de Anglesey, en #Gales, el principal punto de embarque de Gran Bretaña a #Irlanda, que permanecerá inoperativo hasta después de las fiestas. Más de un millón y medio de pasajeros cruza el mar de Irlanda cada año, la mayoría desde Holyhead, que es donde termina la línea férrea y la carretera A4, ambas en línea casi recta desde Londres
Holyhead Port to stay closed until 15 January at earliest
Holyhead Port is to remain closed until 15 January at the earliest, it has been announced, with all ferry sailings between Dublin and Holyhead cancelled until this time.RTÉ News (RTÉ)
A screenshot of a Microsoft support forum reply from a user named "regular_joe," an Independent Advisor. The reply, dated March 11, 2002, begins with a polite greeting and offers assistance to a user named Brett. It includes two suggestions marked as "useless suggestion" and "dangerous suggestion". A Microsoft support link is provided for further information, followed by a closing and a "Reply" button. Below, it shows that 7 people found the reply helpful, with options to mark it as helpful or not.
Provided by @altbot, generated using Gemini
A French restaurant menu in French and English. The left page shows a list of "Les Plats" (main courses) with prices in Euros, including dishes like Saucisson au Confit, Andouillette, and various steaks. The bottom section is titled "Le Coin du Boucher" and lists different cuts of meat with prices. The right page shows "Les Desserts" (desserts), including options like Tarte du jour, Mousse chocolat, and Crème caramel, also with prices. There are also prix fixe menu options listed at the bottom of the page: "Entrée + Plat ou Plat + Dessert" and "Entrée + Plat + Dessert," with their respective prices. Finally, there is a smaller menu section at the bottom right showing "Entrées," "Plats," and "Desserts" in English, with examples of each course.
Provided by @altbot, generated using Gemini
A green globe with a stylized crescent moon and star, representing the Pakistani flag, overlaid on it. Below the globe, a black rectangle with white text reads, "DID YOU KNOW". Underneath this, text in a larger font says, "when allah created world allah did give whole world to pakistan but pakistan frendly countrie so pakistan gived land to other countrie". The words "whole world", "pakistan" (appearing twice), and "land" are highlighted in red.
Provided by @altbot, generated using Gemini
W3C is seeking community input between December 17 and January 5 for appointment to the @tag (W3C Technical Architecture Group), to complement the TAG election by actively seeking candidate appointees in order to support a diverse and well-balanced TAG, including diversity of technical background, knowledge, and skill sets.
Boosts appreciated! 🙏
W3C seeking community input for TAG appointment
W3C is seeking community input between December 17 and January 5 for appointment to the W3C Technical Architecture Group (TAG), to complement the TAG election by actively seeking candidate appointees in order to support a diverse and well-balanced TA…W3C
A cardboard box contains an assortment of pastries. There's a large piece of cake with a crumbly, light brown topping, a slice of cake with a tan frosting and a walnut on top, a smaller square of the crumbly cake, a light green pastry, and two pink eclairs with dark brown bottoms. Two long, thin waffle cookies are also in the box.
Here's a detailed alt-text description of the image:
A blue and white plate, decorated with a drawing of a building and what looks like text, holds three waffle rolls and a piece of pastry. Two of the waffle rolls are stacked on top of each other, and the top one appears to have a creamy white filling. The bottom waffle roll has a darker, possibly chocolate, filling. Next to the waffle rolls is a piece of layered pastry with a light, possibly vanilla, filling. Finally, there is a small pink pastry with a crumbly topping on the plate.
Provided by @altbot, generated using Gemini
Sie wird überwachen, ob sich die Institutionen der Union an Transparenzregeln und Beamt:innen bei Wechseln zu Lobby-Jobs an Anti-Drehtür-Regeln halten. Ihre Vorgängerin Emily O’Reilly hat lange Jahre starke Arbeit geleistet – kann Teresa Anjinho dem gerecht werden?
Here is a text description of the video:
The video shows a black and white image of a stylized humanoid face. The face is elongated, with large, dark eyes and a small, pointed nose. The skin appears smooth and pale, and the overall effect is somewhat unsettling. The background is a light blue-gray. The words “BREAKING NEWS” appear in a red banner in the upper left corner.
There is an indiscernible sound in the background that sounds like a low hum or drone.
Provided by @altbot, generated using Gemini
L'immagine mostra un tweet di Riccardo Trezzi con un grafico a barre che rappresenta il saldo fiscale primario italiano in percentuale del PIL dal 1995 al 2025. Il grafico evidenzia un andamento altalenante, con un avanzo negli anni '90 e 2000, seguito da un deficit crescente negli anni successivi. Il testo del tweet cita Giorgia Meloni e commenta la sua affermazione riguardo all'avanzo primario italiano.
Fornito da @altbot, generato utilizzando Gemini
A dark gray pop-up box displays the question "Are you sure that you want to look this up?" Above the question is a light-blue circle containing a light-blue "i" symbol. Below the question are two rectangular buttons: a light-blue button that says "OK" and a dark-gray button that says "Cancel".
Provided by @altbot, generated using Gemini
Jorge Candeias
Als Antwort auf Thiago Ferrer Morini • • •La nota no es enteramente correcta.
Es cierto the ellos tienen en Madera su basis mayor, y que en práctica són regionalistas, pero por ejemplo en las últimas legislativas se hán presentado en 10 círculos. Lo hacen para cumprir la ley, me imagino. Pero lo hacen.
Thiago Ferrer Morini hat dies geteilt.
Thiago Ferrer Morini
Als Antwort auf Jorge Candeias • • •Jorge Candeias
Als Antwort auf Thiago Ferrer Morini • • •Si, la hacen. Hacen campaña nacional, en TV, y eso.
Como los otros pequeños partidos, que no tienen estructura para una campaña de basis, no suelen andar por las calles en campaña. Pero participan en los actos mediáticos nacionales.
Thiago Ferrer Morini hat dies geteilt.
Als Antwort auf Thiago Ferrer Morini • • •pıʞ ʇɐɹ ɐ sı ʞsnɯ uolǝ
Als Antwort auf Thiago Ferrer Morini • • •Cada opción tiene sus pros y sus contras, en todo caso