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Beiträge, die mit gaza getaggt sind

However, it provides insights into #Trump’s view of #ForeignPolicy & his perception of the war after he reversed…Biden’s support for the invaded party & threw his weight behind the invader.

As w/his plan to relocate all #Palestinians out of #Gaza so the #US can build a “riviera” of beach resorts, Trump’s motives appear to be rooted more in extracting the best potential monetary return for the US than in equitably solving a murderous conflict that endangers the world.

#WarProfiteer #Ukraine

"I've heard this from more than one source"
- Aure

The Gaza Strip will be handed over to the management of American-Saudi companies, who will develop it so that it serves as a quick outlet to the Mediterranean Sea and will be used to export oil from the Gulf countries and import goods from the West.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Israel #gaza #Hamas

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#Hasbara #AI goes rogue, calls out 'Israel' for #apartheid, #colonialism

source: english.almayadeen.net/news/po…

An AI-run X profile developed for hasbara purposes, i.e., spreading pro-Israeli, pro-Zionist #propaganda, flipped on its masters and started spreading nuanced—not pro-Palestinian—takes on the #aggression on #Gaza, as reported by Haaretz.


Finally, the bot mistranslated a pro-Zionist post aimed at showcasing "ethnic diversity" within the Israeli #occupation, responding to the post by calling Israeli #soldiers "white colonizers in apartheid Israel."

#military #idf #israel #war #terror #news #ai #technology #fail #problem #manipulation #politics #zionist

The Israeli occupation army confirmed the death of Mohammed Al-Asali, 35, and Ibrahim Ashour, 25, in detention, the Commission of Detainees’ Affairs, the Palestinian Prisoners Society and the Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association said in a joint statement.

“The Israeli occupation not only kills detainees but also deliberately manipulates responses regarding their fate,” they added.


🕎 🇵🇸 ☮️
#Gaza #Palestine

Con el acuerdo de paz en #Gaza, empieza la indispensable asunción de responsabilidades por el ataque de Hamás del 7 de octubre en #Israel🇮🇱: dimiten el jefe del Estado Mayor y el jefe de la Región Militar Sur.

Como bien explica don @almagroschool.bsky.social, el problema aquí es que #Netanyahu no solo no va a darse por aludido y dimitir también, sino que probablemente aprovechará para buscarse alguien más políticamente fiable


Primer día del alto-el-fuego. Israel con retrasos y tretas entregó finamente según el acuerdo a 90 prisioneros, muchos mujeres y niños. La resistencia Palestina entregó a cambio a tres mujeres israelíes. 90/3. Si todo va bien, al final del proceso (fases 1 y 2) el intercambio habrá liberado a miles de prisioneros palestinos, de todos los diferentes grupos de la resistencia. Más de 200 aprox. con condenas a cadena perpetua.
#Gaza #Palestina

These days are days of hope. These are the days of the ceasefire in Gaza.

Less than two months ago I was cycling in those parts.

This is my short story

#4 Cycling with tears in my eyes

I leave the beautiful but icy Ashkelon, or Ascalona in Italian, which is early in the morning.

I arrived the night before, happy to have reached my beloved Mediterranean Sea .....

The full story here 🔽


and the italian version here 🔽



¡Hay alto fuego en #Gaza! 🕊️



🌐 ■ Israel y Hamás llegan a un acuerdo para el alto el fuego en Gaza ■ Con la mediación de Catar, el pacto se esperaba desde hacía días. Consta de tres fases.

#global #gaza

Ein #Waffenstillstand zwischen #Israel und der #Hamas scheint in greifbare Nähe gerückt zu sein. Einen dauerhaften Frieden kann es nur mit einem Ende der Besatzung und einem Zurückdrängen der militanten israelischen Siedler*innenbewegung geben. 👇 #Gaza

Con los dedos cruzados para que el alto el fuego en #Gaza sea una realidad esta noche y que no muera ni una #palestina más.


Meint #trump Menschen in der Hölle noch mit der Hölle drohen zu können? 🤦🏼‍♂️ #gaza @Landkieker

Data collected by the European Commission and analysed by Al Jazeera shows that since October 7, the EU has awarded Israeli institutions more than 238 million euros ($250m), including 640,000 euros ($674,000) to Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI), a top aerospace and aviation manufacturer supplying the Israeli army.

The EU’s support for Israel has been a fixture of its foreign policy since long before the Hamas attack.


🕎 🇵🇸 ☮️
#Gaza #Palestine

Die #demokraten haben verloren wegen #Gaza #israel #palästina #Kriegsverbrechen
#trump hat 3 Millionen Stimmen verloren seit 2020 Wahl (77 jetzt 73) , #harris hat 14 Millionen Stimmen verloren 80 jetzt 66

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