Dustin Hoffman â âMarathon Manâ (1976)
Wie oft ich diesen Film gesehen habe, weiĂ ich wirklich nicht mehr. In fast 50 Jahren hat er allerdings nichts von seinem Eindruck auf mich eingebĂźĂt. Ein richtig harter Thriller. Ein groĂartiger New-York-City-Film, der sich lange in ihrem Unterbewusstsein einnisten wird. Joggen gehen ist vermutlich eine gute Therapie. Zum Zahnarzt gehen Sie danach aber freiwillig nie wieder. (3Sat)
(Y los entresijos de encontrar a Ani)
Por todo esto, cuando Ygor cree que Ani deberĂa llamarse Anora, como espectadores deberĂamos creerlo. No preguntarnos por quĂŠ Ani rechaza esa idea, sĂłlo asumir que es ella la que se equivoca. A diferencia de Navokov, Eugenides y Russell, Baker da esto por vĂĄlido. Es Anora, no Ani. Anora, Anora, A N O R A.
#Anora #Cine #CrĂtica #MikeyMadison #SeanBaker
Die Ampelkoalition wollte Alkoholwerbung einschränken. Warum hat sie es doch nicht getan?
Alkoholwerbung: Wie strenge Regeln gescheitert sind
Die Ampelkoalition wollte Regelungen fßr Alkoholmarketing verschärfen. Doch das ist nicht passiert. Recherchen zeigen nun, wie das Gesundheitsministerium eine Studie mit einer brisanten Empfehlung ignorierte.tagesschau.de
Anna Funk - Regie und Schauspiel
Anna Funk ist eine MĂźnchner Schauspielerin und Regisseurinwww.anna-funk.de
Vielleicht guckt Elon Musk ja mal wieder in der Tesla Gigafactory Berlin-Brandenburg vorbei. Nach einer Anzeige ob der Beleidigung des Staatsoberhauptes und Ermittlungen durch die Staatsanwaltschaft wäre dann die (polizeiliche) Durchsetzung einer Vorladung mÜglich.
Auch Telegram-Chef Pawel Durow hat nach dem Verlassen seines Privatjets auf europäischem Boden lernen dßrfen, dass hier selbst Superreiche sich Befragungen durch die Justiz nicht dauerhaft entziehen kÜnnen.
38c3 with many Fediverse related meet-ups has just finished but we are already looking forward to meet at FOSDEM at the first weekend of February. Tobias from the Friendica devel team will give a lightning talk about Friendica at FOSDEM 25 in the Social Web Dev Room.
Friendica â under the radar since 2010 is scheduled for Saturday (1.2.2025) from 16:00 to 16:10.
Friendica 2024.12 released
Urteil: Isolierte Proteinangaben auf MĂźller-Milchreis verboten
Urteil: Isolierte Proteinangaben auf MĂźller-Milchreis verboten
Sportler wollen EiweiĂ essen. Deshalb werden Produkte oft mit "proteinreich" beworben. Die Molkerei Alois MĂźller aber hat extra eine Milchreispackung mit dem Hinweis "14 g Protein*" versehen. Das ist verboten, urteilt das Oberlandesgericht MĂźnchen.Veronika Scheidl (BR24)
Ich habe fĂźr dich mal bei Wikipedia geschaut: Ja.
"Unanständig": Caritas-Chefin kritisiert Friedrich Merz wegen KĂźhlschrank-ĂuĂerung
Friedrich Merz: Caritas-Chefin kritisiert Parteivorsitzenden
Bei einer Rede im Bundestag hat Friedrich ...Miriam Hollstein (STERN.de)
Sie hoffe, dass die Debatte am Montag "einen AusreiĂer darstellt und sich alle Akteure wieder auf einen "faktenbasierten Wahlkampf" konzentrierten
Wo gibt's den? BITTE!
War deine Frage, wo es den Beitrag Ăźber die Kritik der Caritas-Chefin (CDU) an Friedrich Merz (ebenfalls CDU) gibt?
Link unten, Tipp hier: Mit Addon "NoScript" im Browser Firefox nix freigeben und den Link anklicken. Dann beim fast leeren Bildschirm runterscrollen, da findest du dann den kompletten Artikel.
Ohne Addon sammelst du ganz viele Datenpunkte bei hunderten Firmen aus der Werbebranche. Nicht empfehlenswert.
Friedrich Merz: Caritas-Chefin kritisiert Parteivorsitzenden
Bei einer Rede im Bundestag hat Friedrich ...Miriam Hollstein (STERN.de)
Scholz stellt die Vertrauensfrage â drei Szenarien
Scholz und die Vertrauensfrage â drei Szenarien
Am 23. Februar soll ein neuer Bundestag gewählt werden. Dafßr muss dieser aber zuerst aufgelÜst werden. Und zwar, nachdem Kanzler Scholz am Mittag die Vertrauensfrage gestellt hat. Welche Szenarien denkbar sind - BR24 berichtet live ab 13.00 Uhr.Barbara Kostolnik (BR24)
Talk Resources - Where is the Art?
Resources page for Andy Piper's talk on the history of Computer Art, pen plotters, and more. Explore further with links to exhibitions, contemporary artists, tools, and reading materials.Andy Piper
Achtung: 20 Uhr MEZ! Organisiert von @ueckueck @lukas@social.lukas.schieren.de und @ebinger. Es wird mal wieder Zeit zum Austausch! Wir laden ein zum 9. #FediverseModerationsTreff
Schwerpunktthemen: Austausch Ăźber aktuelle Probleme, bluesky-run, Wahlkampfmoderation
Es wäre schÜn, wenn ihr wieder aus eurem Moderationsalltag konkrete Fallbeispiele mitbringen wßrdet, die auch fßr andere interessant sein kÜnnten.
Meldet euch gerne Ăźber termine.social an, damit wir die Resonanz sehen. Willkommen sind wie immer Moderierende von Instanzen, Admins sowie Interessierte an der Moderation.
Link zur BBB-Videokonferenz: https://lecture.senfcall.de/tho-vpy-plo-txw
New Charter for the W3C SocialCG
Issues ¡ swicg/potential-charters
Discussion of potential CG and WG charters. Contribute to swicg/potential-charters development by creating an account on GitHub.GitHub
... answer: can't answer? Weird.
when you read the error messages from the beginning it says that it expects data from a specific type, but it gets back NULL , like this
Image.php line 62 {"exception":"TypeError: Friendica\Object\Image::__construct(): Argument #1 ($data) must be of type string, null given,
I think your cache/data/images are corrupt from your sushi S3 outage. That damaged your data storage. Or it changed some paths and your paths direct to the seven seas or nirvana. Maybe check the paths first before deleting the whole cache and data storage or restore from a backup.
Thanks. Other contacts seem fine. Yeah, I figure something was being updated in the DB when there was an exception fetching or writing an image, and it wasn't properly handled, leaving the database in an improper state.
Is there any way to just delete the contact from the database and delete all its associated data so it can be recreated? I'll never be able to figure out what to delete or restore. And it's been too long, so a restore would cause other issues.
If I use the .console command to archive the contact (I think it works on contacts), would it create a whole new DB record if I connected again, or try to restore from the archive? Or if I block the contact, will the system eventually delete it? And then if I unblock, would it create a fresh DB record?
Is there a DB update trick to make Friendica think this account was never here and so it would create a fresh record?
FOSDEM 2025 â Social Web Devroom â Call For Participation
Am 7.12.2024 findet eine Soliparty von unseren Genoss*innen von SoliAsyl Potsdam im Havelhäuschen statt.
Save the Date. Weitere Infos folgen in KĂźrze.
Next Friendica Release Candidate available
I gave a talk** at Berlin Fediday this weekend entitled A Bigger, Better Fediverse. I talked about what has been happening on the Fediverse in terms of growth, but also whatâs been improving in terms of trust and safety. I also talk about why these two dimensions go hand-in-hand, and how we canât have one without the other.
** Almost. There were technical issues, so I had to record the talk and then upload it. All the better for you!
Berlin Fediverse Day | Berlin Fediverse Day 2024
The Berlin Fediverse Day is a Fediverse conference taking place on 14 September 2024 at c-base Berlin with workshops and lectures for interested people, newcomers and experienced users.Berlin Fediverse Day 2024
Berlin Fediverse Day 2024
The Berlin Fediverse Day is a conference about the free social network âFediverseâ organized by members of the Berlin Fediverse get-together at c-base. It is aimed at people interested in alternatives to X, Instagram, Facebook and so on; but also at institutions, universities, media, NGOs, political actors and companies who want to exchange information in an open and free environment.
On Saturday 14. September Tobias from the Friendica project will give a presentation about The Fediverse in Europe, providing an overview of who is already there in the Fediverse from European civil society.
The Berlin Fediverse Day will take place at the c-base in Berlin (Rungestr. 20, next to U+S station Jannowitz BrĂźcke) from 13h to 19h. Admission is free, but please register yourself informally.
Berlin Fediverse Day | Berlin Fediverse Day 2024
The Berlin Fediverse Day is a Fediverse conference taking place on 14 September 2024 at c-base Berlin with workshops and lectures for interested people, newcomers and experienced users.Berlin Fediverse Day 2024
Friendica 2024.03 released
Newbie questions
Hi !Friendica Support,
I'm not finding much documentation about following and connecting.
Is this how it works:
If the only relationship between A and B is that A follows B, then:
- A is a fan and follower of B.
- A and B are not considered connected.
- There is a unilateral friendship between A and B.
If B also follows A, then:
- A and B are considered connected.
- There is a mutual/bilateral friendship between A and B.
Also, from this page:
When you receive a friendship notification from another Friendica member, you will have the option of allowing them as a "Follower" or as a "Friend". If they are a follower, they can see what you have to say, including private communications that you send to them, but not vice versa. As a friend, you can both communicate with each other.
How do you cause a âfriendship notificationâ to be sent? What form does it take when it arrives? I've been experimenting with 2 accounts, but have not seen a friendship notification.
Thank you,
Hi Dirk. It depends on the account type and network. For example my Fendica account is setup to accept all friends requests as "followers". So I get no notification when someone adds me as a friend. But if you follow a Mastodon account, and yo are on Friendica, perhaps they get a notification.
In Friendica you can tweak these things a lot. Let me know if you have more questions.
Thank you @Tio
Two more questions:
1. How do I set up my Friendica account to accept all friend requests as "followers"? And what are the other options?
2. I told my sister to take these steps in order to follow me:
a. Go to Contacts
b. Type my info in the âAdd new contactâ field and click Connect
c. On the page that comes up, click Submit request
She followed the instructions, and without any input from me, we are now mutual friends. Why didn't Friendica ask for my approval?
Thanks for the help!
No, she was not on any list â I knew she had an account, but that's all. I had tried to find her account, but could not.
Two unexpected things happened: (1) She became a follower of mine without any notification to me or input from me, and (2) I became a follower of her â again without any action taken on my part.
- Yes @anubis2814 is right. You can change it form there.
- It depends what kind of account you have. Maybe you have it setup to accept all friends requests by default. Please check that. And by the way to add someone as a contact is even easier: use the top search bar and paste someone's profile (url or name). Enter. Now you can submit a friend request. I just clicked to follow you did you get any notification?
in reply to EddyBot • • •Ferndiagnose: KĂśnnte mit einer Partei zu tun haben, die auch fĂźr "Freie Fahrt fĂźr Freie BĂźrger" ist. Nun also "Freies Trinken fĂźr Alle" (aber nicht "frei" im Sinne von "Freibier" - da sei die Marktwirtschaft vor).
Autofahren und Alkoholtrinken passt doch prima zusammen. Hat mensch erst einmal im Suff einen totgefahren, kannste immer noch Verkehrsminister in Bayern werden.