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Beiträge, die mit streaming getaggt sind

Check out “Ed Bickert (Live)” on your streaming service tidal.com/album/183674292?u

#jazz #streaming

Looks like #twitch recaps are up. This was my first full year #streaming and I think we did pretty well.

Lots to learn, lots to do, but this has been a crazy fun year! Something that is not reflected here is that we raised over 1.250€ for two charities as well.

Never thought we'd do so well, but dang this growing #community is amazing.

I'm very grateful!

Anyone interested to come along for 2025 and the rest of 2024, let's do it! twitch.tv/imperorthefirst

Alright, so here are the results of the #art #stream tonight. Chat had redeemed I draw our little mascot Rocco Rex commanding a tiger tank and at the end there was a bit more time to try my hand at some more eyes and face stuff. This is... week 3 or so of drawing stuff, especially digitally?

I can see some steps in the right direction for sure.

#mastoart #twitch #streaming #streamer #digitalart

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#fairdigital #streaming #Interaktiv #digitalkultur

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