Beiträge, die mit alt4u getaggt sind
Melanie D'Arrigo tweet
Elon Musk spending $277M to buy the Presidency and Congress is the equivalent
of someone making the US median income (~$59k) spending $37.
Citizens United made it way too easy for oligarchs to overthrow our government.
This isn't Right vs Left, it's the .01% vs the rest of us.
Post by Kim Goodwin
I have had more than one male colleague sincerely ask whether a certain behavior is mansplaining.
Since apparently this is hard to figure out, I made one of them a chart.
The flow chart shows many possible scenarios in which a man would be mansplaning, including not asking if she wanted an explanation, being less experienced or knowledgeable than her, and when a man of similar experience level would already know this information.