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And we're going to pay the price.
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@Nerde oh yeah...
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"isn't right vs left"

What someone with zero class awareness says. It's *both*. So-called liberal democracy got us to fascism because that's how the entire system works.

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You shouldn't listen to these lies. It does not do to dwell in fear.
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Media interest need to be taken into consideration.

So should add the $44 billion for Twitter.
And any solution involves regulation of social and main stream media. FoxNews shouldn't be a thing, and wasn't before the Reagan.

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What gets me is that it's only 0.63% of what he paid for Twitter. He could have bought 158 copies of the United States for the same amount he paid for Twitter. If every country on the planet had the same cost as the U.S., he could have bought 81% of the world's governments for what he paid for Twitter.
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If we can change the laws, we should. If we can't change the laws, we should at least make the politicians and judges a lot more afraid of being thought of as bent. They sell out for way too little given the level of anger and prevalence of firearms in the US population.
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Melanie D'Arrigo tweet

Elon Musk spending $277M to buy the Presidency and Congress is the equivalent
of someone making the US median income (~$59k) spending $37.
Citizens United made it way too easy for oligarchs to overthrow our government.
This isn't Right vs Left, it's the .01% vs the rest of us.

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Don’t forget to factor in the cost of Twitter, which is how he got access to a bunch of people’s DMs — notably Trump’s.

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