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Beiträge, die mit replyguy getaggt sind

Pudiendo simplemente llamar metiche o entrometido a quien da su opinión sobre algo que te aqueja sin su consentimiento no veo necesario hacer uso del término #replyguy pues ya hay bastante repertorio en nuestro vocabulario para señalar este comportamiento.

Debo confesar una cosa: no sé lo que es un "reply guy". ¿Alguien me lo explica?


#fediVerse #fediKultur
Es ist die Form der Interaktion.

Wenn du versuchst ein ergebnisoffenes Gespräch zu führen, wirst du mitten drin als #replyGuy blockiert oder ignoriert.

Anstatt über Privilegien zu sprechen wird Mensch als #alterWeißerMan sexistisch rassistisch abgestempelt.

Wenn du versuchst eine Basis fuer ein Gespräch zu etablieren oder "in die Runde" kommentierst, denn es sind ja öffentliche Gespräche, wirst du weil #manSplaining blockiert.

inkl bug:

Easy to disbelieve?
When all anyone wants is to trust, to believe?
Think they chose not to believe? Were fucking showed every fucking day, not to believe, not to trust.
How fucking easily EGOTISTICAL it is to not wonder nor care how they came to be this way
How fucking short sighted to not realise that they DO NOT THINK THEY KNOW BETTER BUT ARE SEEKING TRUTH!!!
The unscrupulous have a new angle and the wanting find a new HOPEFULY TRUTHFUL source.
#rant #replyguy #ignorance

Sick of getting fucked they end up sticking crystals on their forehead and incense up their arse while voting fucking pigs into office for the hope, THE HOPE of maybe this will work.
Ignorance is this picture!
I hope you're not the author Vee
#rant #replyguy #ignorance

Acquiring expertise in a given field is hard. Yes, there is effort and dedication required but also a shit load of money, that MOST don't have. The MOST unfortunately do not have the luxury of time for the extra curricula, as they slog making all the shit that the world needs to work, work!
The heart break of learning, time and again, that those who have had the luxury, have lied to you time and time again, until all your trust is gone?!
#rant #replyguy #ignorance

Un #replyguy es un tipo que te responde con info técnica o erudita que no has solicitado; y es más probable que lo haga si eres mujer, racializade o cualquier identidad que no se corresponda con el estereotipo de señor techie o intelectual. Es decir, los reply guys son molestos porque son mansplainers.

Cuando no es ese el contexto, IMHO, no hay que tener miedo a responder. Mastodon mola mucho porque hay conversación y la gente tiene ganas de ayudar, ¿no?

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