today's yellow tailed black cockatoos 😄 there were four of them frolicking in and around that tree, constantly squeaking their high pitched call ( ◜‿◝ )♡ #ytbc #birdsofmastodon #blackcockatoos
A dark-colored bird is perched high in the branches of a large, dark green pine tree. Another similar-looking bird is flying in the sky to the right of the tree. The sky is a light gray. ― A mostly black bird with a yellowish-cream colored patch on its tail is perched on the thick branches of a pine tree. The tree branches are dark brown and twist around each other against a light gray sky. ― A black cockatoo with yellow feathers on its cheeks and tail is perched on a branch of a pine tree. The tree's branches spread out against a light gray sky.
Als Antwort auf Heliograph • • •A dark-colored bird is perched high in the branches of a large, dark green pine tree. Another similar-looking bird is flying in the sky to the right of the tree. The sky is a light gray.
A mostly black bird with a yellowish-cream colored patch on its tail is perched on the thick branches of a pine tree. The tree branches are dark brown and twist around each other against a light gray sky.
A black cockatoo with yellow feathers on its cheeks and tail is perched on a branch of a pine tree. The tree's branches spread out against a light gray sky.
Provided by @altbot, generated using Gemini