I have an RFC in preparation for a year now to add a function to PHP but because of lack of time and my small knowledge of internals I have not yet finished it. Most is done, the text, the stub and testing files, a polyfill for older PHP version and I have a partial implementation. If someone with better knowledge of PHP could step in and help me finish the implementation that would be great #PHP #RFC #help just ping me and we can discuss it
Larry Garfield
Als Antwort auf ignace nyamagana butera • • •ignace nyamagana butera
Als Antwort auf Larry Garfield • • •base32 proposal
GistLarry Garfield
Als Antwort auf ignace nyamagana butera • • •Interesting.
1. Do not return false for parse issues. That's an instant no vote. Return null or throw.
2. Mention performance?
3. The only BC issue is if someone has defined those functions in the global namespace, which is reserved for Internals use. So it's even less of a concern.
ignace nyamagana butera
Als Antwort auf Larry Garfield • • •Larry Garfield
Als Antwort auf ignace nyamagana butera • • •Sico Axial
Als Antwort auf ignace nyamagana butera • • •@Crell There are actually composer packages that do this encoding. One example is: github.com/ChristianRiesen/bas…
Maybe it fits your requirements, maybe not. In either case, having a working implementation is the first step, but not the only. I think you should aim for a library or a public implementation first. Does seem easy to have an RFC approved...
GitHub - ChristianRiesen/base32: Base32 Encoder/Decoder according to RFC 4648
GitHubLarry Garfield
Als Antwort auf Sico Axial • • •Sico Axial
Als Antwort auf Larry Garfield • • •