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An announcement from a pediatrician.
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when I was born, right during the first Wakefield inspired spike of anti-vaccine sentiment, my pediatrician told my mother basically this. We are both glad they did.
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it is certainly the physician's right. Just like baking cakes for folks who have sex different than you.
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This rant sounds brusque and even rude, but as a physician, I perceive that this guy wants to do the very best he can for his patients. I have trouble arguing with that. I would be happy to have him look after my children, but they are way past pediatric age now. In fact, one of them is a pediatrician.
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The frustrating thing about the spaced out vaccines is that they are more effective in one hit.

I mean it sucks, I took as an adult MMR, COVID-19 and Flu in one session and my immune system fired right up, but they have to prime the immune system with stuff to make it realize the tiny amount in the vaccine is worth fighting, so best to prime it with another thing you need a vaccine for.

Als Antwort auf Andrew Bartlett

@abartlet OK but stuff like this makes me think the flu shot didn’t work at all for me if I didn’t get any kind of an immune response from it. So is there any point in me getting a flu shot if it’s not creating an immune response is it even doing anything for me?
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Not sure whether punishing children for the neglect of their parents is good though. You could (and should) separate potentially infectious patients from at-risk children anyway instead.

What's the goal here? Those parents (falsely) believe they do what's best for their children. Threatening them to withhold care for their sick children to coerce them into accepting a jab is not going to convince them that you have their children's best interest at heart.

Is it just punishment?

Als Antwort auf mxrn

@mxrn Nope. This is his policy. Parents who won't vax are warned that they won't be welcomed because they represent a threat.
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screenshot of a social media post by "Mike":

In my practice you will vaccinate and you will vaccinate on time. You will not get your own "spaced-out" schedule that increases your child's risk of illness or adverse event. I will not have measles-shedding children sitting in my waiting room. I will answer all your questions about vaccine and present you with facts, but if you will not vaccinate then you will leave my practice.

🧵 1/3

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I can *still* remember standing in line at the county health office, with all the other pre-schoolers, and getting vaccinated with that gun they used (which leaves a unique scar).

This was because you weren't *allowed* into school unless your shot record was up to date. Something about public health, polio, and other deadly diseases. And there was the need to protect the *teachers and staff* from diseases as well.

This was _law_. I cannot understand where we went wrong.

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They'll "file a CPS report" if a parent doesn't for some reason agree with their exact demanded medical protocol, despite plenty of other developed nations having protocols that vary for a variety of reasons?

Does anyone actually think this is a good way to change anyone's mind, or to increase the trust the public has in the medical establishment?

Als Antwort auf AKingsbury

@AlexanderKingsbury I don't think he's trying to change anyone's mind. He' putting them on notice that *this* is how thing are in his practice.
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Which is all fine and well; freedom of association implies the freedom to NOT associate. It does not imply the power to send the state after people for even slightly disagreeing with you about the medical choices that are supposedly theirs to make. Is he also going to call CPS if some parents bring in an obese child?
Als Antwort auf AKingsbury

@AlexanderKingsbury they send the state after people for A LOT less... this is not about disagreement. This is about putting everyone in danger because you don't understand science. Being obese will only hurt that one child. Not being vaxed will kill who knows how many.
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Of course it's about a disagreement; a disagreement in when and how and if certain vaccinations are appropriate. If a child moved here from, say, France, and had been fully vaccinated according to THEIR recommended protocol but it didn't align with the guidance this physician uses....should CPS be called?
Als Antwort auf AKingsbury


I'm not trying to convince you of anything. This is a meme. Treat it as such. Eos.

Als Antwort auf AKingsbury

@AlexanderKingsbury nope, I, unlike you, don't have ALL the answers. Also NOT here for this. I strongly suggest you DO NOT respond as that had no question....
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I never claimed it did have a question. If you ever do come up with answers, like why it's okay to file a CPS report for "medical neglect" for having a differing vaccine schedule (even from another developed nation) but not for obesity, I'll be here.
Als Antwort auf AKingsbury

@AlexanderKingsbury "The public" includes people who need his healthcare to survive, and who need to trust that a visit to their doctor's waiting room isn't a suicide mission. Inviting willing plague carriers into his offices violates his oath to "First do no harm."

If anti-vaxxers don't see the problem inherent in their exclusion there is no existing trust anyway; and until they change there is no way to build it.

Als Antwort auf John Deters

@AlexanderKingsbury Being a voluntary plague rat is anti-social behavior. There are strong reasons for a society not to tolerate it.
Als Antwort auf John Deters

Okay; what other "anti-social behaviors" shall we call on the government to crack down upon?
Als Antwort auf AKingsbury

@AlexanderKingsbury @targetdrone No one is asking the government to crack down. He's simply excluding them since they're excluding themselves.
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"No one is asking the government to crack down".

Then why is he contacting CPS?

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So...why is he calling them, if not to ask them to do something? Why is he complaining that they won't do anything? Clearly he wants them to do SOMETHING.

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Reply for alt text:

In my practice you will vaccinate and you will vaccinate on time. You will not get your own "spaced-out" schedule that increases your child's risk of illness or adverse event. I will not have measles-shedding children sitting in my waiting room. I will answer all your questions about vaccine and present you with facts, but if you will not vaccinate then you will leave my practice. I will file a CPS report (not that they will do anything) for medical neglect, too.

I have patients who are premature infants with weak lungs and hearts. I have kids with complex congenital heart disease. I have kids who are on chemotherapy for acute lymphoblastic leukemia who cannot get all of their vaccines. In short, I have patients who have true special needs and true health issues who could suffer severe injury or death because of your magical belief that your kid is somehow more special than other children and that what's good for other children is not good for yours.

This pediatrician is not putting up with it. Never have, never will.

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This wonderful doctor has read and follows the Hippocratic oath, undeterred by the malignant forces of greed that turns human beings into commodities that could make money for the already rich. It happens in the USA. It's already starting to happen in the UK, that so badly undervalues its amazing but weakened NHS,. An unhealthy population makes a weak country. To get growth you need strong and happy people. #NHS #Health #UK #Doctors #medicine #vaccination

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